
The woman immediately cupped her mouth and burst into soft tears as she came close to Miles. 

Miles couldn't understand what was happening. He was taken to where he had no idea of and now, a woman old enough to be his mother was sobbing before him. 

The woman knelt down before Miles and places her hands on his cheek, slowly cuddling them. "It is really you! My son!" She proclaimed with tears in her eyes.

Son? Her son? Miles couldn't phantom the absurdity he was hearing. He was an orphan and never grew with parents to the extent that he thought all orphans appeared on Earth without parents. 

But by looking into the woman's teary eyes as she caressed his face, Miles felt a deep sense of loss and bonding. "Mother?" He only whispered.

The old woman with white hair nodded her head as she kept touching Miles all over his body. She held his hands, showing no regards for his dirty overall he was still wearing. Miles felt warmth in his heart as the woman embraced him. "Who did this to you?!" She had asked with anger and sorrow, referring to his legs.


Miles decided not to answer, instead he felt this urge to wipe away the woman's tears.

After a few minutes, she got up and walked to the executive swivel chair behind the huge desk. 

"After twenty-two years, I have finally found my son."

The reality started to hit Miles little by little. Was he really the son of this princely woman? 

"I know that is too much for you to comprehend, so I'll explain what really happened."

Miles nodded. He really needed an explanation for everything. The woman claiming to be his mother sighed before speaking.

"You see, 22 years ago, when you were just a year old, it was the most fascinating news that the Kenter's had birth their heir. You were our offspring, Miles. The son of me and your father, Bruce Kenter. But on the trip to Old Mother Congregation to announce you officially as the heir to the most powerful empire, our vehicle met an accident."

Miles could see a lone tear escape her eyes and he knew this was very painful for her to say. He didn't want her to relive such a story but he also needed to her and understand everything.

"And till this day, I believe it wasn't a car accident and our vehicle was being crashed on purpose so we couldn't announce our heir. Your father died and I fell into a coma," the woman whimpered, wiping away her tears. "And there was no trace of my son after that. After I woke up from my coma just a year ago, I was determined to find you," she said as her tears slowly turned to tears of joy.

Miles looked at the woman as she looked at him too. She was really his mother. It turned out his father died in a car accident and his mother fell into a coma. The realization of this overwhelmed him with a huge sense of loss.

"Bertram here led the search and finally, after 22 years, the Kenter empire have the heir back," the woman proclaimed. "You are not an orphan with no last name. You are Miles Kenter, the one and only heir to my empire."

Miles remained silent as the truth was revealed before him. He had a mother! And he actually had parents that loved him and his parents were the heads of this empire?!

"Miles, I know this too much for you to handle. And I'm very sorry for not being a part of your life, I am deeply sorry," his mother wailed.

"It's not your fault, Mother. There was no way you could have found me soon, you were in a coma," Miles replied. And as he said the word 'mother' her eyes lit up in joy and happiness. 

She nodded slowly and studied her son and his crippled legs. After all these years, she will not stay back and let her son be crippled! She will do something about it! Mrs. Kenter knew she was getting old and plus, she was very sick after waking up from the coma. 

The Kenter empire fell after the loss of The Master and the medical condition of the High Matron and the Ashtons became the leading the empire. But with the return of her son, Mrs. Kenter won't let the Kenters crouch in the shadows anymore!

"It is time you take your rightful place as the heir of the Kenter empire, Miles," his mother said. "You will become The Master and not Young Master or Young Lord anymore."

Miles looked up in disbelief! What was this woman saying?! Heir to an empire? He had just found out about the devastating news of his past and now a bombshell had been dropped.

Miles had a hint of what modern empires were. And anyone who is a member of any always turn out immensely wealthy, not to talk of being The Master of the empire. Empires own business, companies, estates, even government revenue without having to put their names on it. They rule and control everything from behind!

Miles didn't know what to do or to say. He was just a measly engineer looking forward to his anniversary just a few hours ago. Now, he's being told that he'll head this empire even with his crippled state.

His mother noticed the expression on his face and she comforted him. "Don't worry, Miles. No one will look down you whenever you mention your last name. And besides, we have a remedy for your condition, right, Bertram?" His mother inquired.

Bertram, who was still on one knee all this while was given permission to get to his feet. He had a frightened look on his face after Mrs. Kenter spoke. "Your Grace? Are you sure—"

"I am sure. Not a day will pass and my son will be in this state."

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