
Miles was carefully loaded out of the car and into his wheelchair that he started to feel guilty of giving these men the trouble of carrying him. But to Miles endless surprise, the men carried him like it was an honor to do so before placing him in the wheelchair.

Miles looked up at the towering flight of stairs that led up to the doors of the mansion. Miles couldn't believe he was in a place like this! He had to bend his neck over the headrest of the wheelchair to be able to see the roof of the mansion. 

He even glared around the compound that was large enough to contain six more similar buildings. There were more men in black suits while some in white suits, all wearing shades despite it was night time and positioned at different places of the manor. 

There were series of cars! Not only those that escorted him, but there were more cars. 

Miles noticed the mansion was a mixture of historic construction and modern upgrade. Even the wheelchair he was provided made a humming sound and slightly inclined itself to climb the steps.

His numerous details didn't fail to escort him at both sides as they reached the door. The men gave a short bow and left Miles alone with Bertram as they went down the stairs again.

Miles couldn't help but stare at the courtesy of these men. Bertram noticed this and gave a warm smile, crossing his hands behind him. "They are fully indebted and loyal to you, Young Master. You are their Lord."

Miles only nodded and kept mute. Indebted? Loyal? Their Lord? What has he done to deserve such respect? Even as he's less of a man like his ex-wife has said, these men treated him like a precious gem stone worth losing their lives for.

Bertram gestured his arm forward to the blissful interior of the mansion, like a butler would do their master. "This way, Young Master. The High Matron awaits you."

Miles nodded and his wheelchair jerked forward, rolling quietly along the hallway with Bertram by his side.

Miles forced himself to keep his straight gaze and not to stare at the majestically painted and designed walls that displayed million dollar worth of paintings and artefacts. The golden lights from the occasional chandeliers illuminated everywhere and blended with the soft red carpet that ran straight down the hallway.

Miles wondered who was this 'High Matron'. Who was such a person to command so much power that even Derek Ashton and his family can't command. His thoughts finally forced him to take closer looks at the walls and study them.

At first, he thought the paintings were meaningless like he always knew paintings to be. But as he studied each of them, he noticed they carried the same information of a family of three. 

After a long walk and ride through the golden hallways, they finally came to a stop in front of a door with two more men in red guarding the sides. The door was designed with the same capital letter 'K' and the head of three lions under the letter. The men guarding immediately dropped to one knee and bowed their heads. Wow! Miles exclaimed in his mind.

Bertram stepped forward and knocked twice on the door. There was a brief silence before a tired, feminine voice replied to the knocks. "Come in."

Bertram stepped back the same number of steps he had when he stepped forward. Miles noticed that the guarding men where still bowing and on one knee each. Such etiquette! 

The door slowly opened from the inside and Miles could feel his heart starting to race. He didn't need to be told that feminine voice belonged to this High Matron Bertram have been mentioning. Who was this High Matron and what does she want with him?

Multiple questions stirred in Miles's mind as he found himself sweating even with the AC present. Bertram gestured towards the partly opened door. "After you, Young Master," Bertram said.


Miles exhaled and let the wheelchair push him into the room. He entered a magnificent, glamorous office suite that was a mixture of a living room and an office. Miles's admiration didn't stop at the hallways, he was astonished at the detailing and architecture that was invested in just one room.

The room was furnished with the finest pieces of furniture and everything was decorated in gold and supported with sandstone or granite. It all looked like a modernized royal property to Miles.

There was even a fireplace to the side as all the sofas faced a huge, neat mahogany desk with a graceful executive swivel chair behind it.

Miles expression saddened. He didn't see any woman who must've owned that voice. But Bertram gave him a look of affirmation. "The High Matron will be here. I apologize for the short delay."

Miles looked around the room and noticed a bottle of wine on a side table not too far away. Miles was certain that bottle of wine cost more than the total expenses he had made in his life.

Suddenly, a door opened and that was when Miles realized there was an adjourning door in the room. A woman walked in with four men following behind, each holding a gun.

She was impeccably dressed in a red gown that was enveloped with a white faux fur coat. The men in the room including Bertram had to drop on one knee as she walked. She had an air of authority that surrounded her, not only because of her old age that Miles noticed, but because of the power and command she weilded.

Miles stared at the majestic woman in disbelief. He didn't really expect the High Matron to be aged. He expected a sassy young lady like his ex-wife, Layla. 

The woman rested her gaze on Miles and Miles could see her lips tremble. "Is this my Miles?" She asked for clarity, her voice filled with emotions.

"Yes, Your Grace," Bertram replied with his head still bowed.

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