
Only a few minutes after the strange call, the door to his hospital room flung open. 

Miles looked at the door to see a group of men dressed in red suits and dark glasses pile into the room. Their faces were stark and serious as they alligned themselves to give way for a much older man in black suit. 

Miles's heart began to race as the troop of men filled the room with their domineering stature. He wanted to move away from them but his legs couldn't move, all he could do was stare.

Miles thought that this was his end and Derek Ashton had sent his men to punish and kill him for fighting with the heir of the most reputable company in town. Miles could see their black pistols perfectly sheathed under the tailored suits.

Miles expected the worse as the men moved their body, but instead, each of them dropped down to one knee in unison.

Miles's eyes widened in surprise. What was happening? He had asked himself.

"Young Lord! The High Matron awaits your return," their voices spoke, reverberating all around the room.

What? Miles exclaimed.

He didn't understand what was happening. Passers-by in the hospital hallways could see many men bowing down to the crippled that was administered an hour ago. 

Miles couldn't understand why they were calling him "Young Lord" and most importantly, why such able bodied men would be bowing down to him, pure loyalty in their voices.

The men remained silent and Miles suspected they expected him to speak before they acted anything else. 

"I- I don't understand. Who do you call Young Lord? I do not know any Young Lord, please," Miles said.

After Miles's last words, the man dressed in black who was positioned in the middle of them got to his feet while the others remained kneeling. 

Miles noticed his dressing style was different than the others. Perhaps, he is their leader, Miles thought. The man had an air of confidence and power with his broad shoulders and scanty hair. Miles placed his age to be around late sixties. And to add to the man's majestic aura, he was wearing a golden monocle, perfectly hung on one eye.

"Young Master, it is an honor. Please come with us," the man said. Miles quickly recognized the voice as the one that spoke to him on the phone. His voice was clear and his English was perfect.

The man stretched his hands, gesturing to the door and two more men dressed in the matching red entered the room with a wheelchair in their possession. 

The wheel chair was perfectly designed like it was custom-made and was that gold on its wheels?! Miles couldn't believe what was happening at the moment. 

He didn't know what to do but to nod his head. The fact that they brought a wheelchair meant that they had his best interest at heart.

The others got to their feet after his nod and four carefully lifted him off the bed and placed him into the wheelchair.

Miles couldn't believe what was happening!

As they walked down the hallway, they attracted the stares and murmurs of everyone in the hospital. The men surrounded Miles like he was a priceless item, parting their way through the hallways and out of the hospital. 

Once they were outside, more people where fascinated by who was able to hold such power. They tried to get a picture of Miles but the huge bodies of the men proved them unsuccessful.

Miles couldn't believe his eyes once they were outside the hospital. Parked outside the hospital were fourteen sleek red Porsche cars and one black jaguar limousine. 

Miles was bewildered, he kept asking them if they had gotten the wrong person. They approached the black limousine that was positioned in the middle of the array and Miles was carefully loaded into the limousine. 

He sat in the vehicle, completely bewildered as he glared around. This was his first time being in such a vehicle and a limousine for that matter! He still couldn't figure out who were this courteous and loyal men, why and where they were taking him. He had asked numerous times as he was rode to the cars, but their faces were neutral and unresponsive with the dark shades shielding their eyes. 

To Miles's surprise, the elegant man shared the limousine with him. 

The ride went on for two hours with the man who identified himself as Bertram in the brief conversation he had with Miles. At regular intervals, he kept asking Miles if he needed or required anything. 

After a two hour drive, the entourage finally came to stop at a towering gate. Miles was completely stunned as he peered out through the tinted window. It was the entrance to an estate!

The golden gates were supported by two pillars of historic stones and was designed with the capital letter 'K' with the head of three lions under the letter.

Miles noticed Bertram gave a short smile and also asked him for the millionth time if he needed anything and if he felt uncomfortable. Miles diverted his attention to the huge gates that were now opening and revealing a serene, elegant mansion!

The entourage drove around the courtyard fountain of the large premises as the golden lights from the grand, regal building illuminated the estate. 

Miles couldn't believe what was happening. What problem has he put himself into? He asked himself as the entourage finally came to a stop. 

"We're here, Young Master," Bertram kindly informed.

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