
The little girl revealed herself.

:[Name= Abigael Kenter]:

:[Titles= Adopted daughter of the High Matron- Little Lady of the Kenter Empire]:

:[Net worth= Not calculated- Aged 4]:

:[Potential= Extremely High]:

The young girl greeted Miles with smiles and Miles got to realize that his mother was so lonely for a child that she had adopted one. That saddened him so much.

The little munchkin told Miles her name even though his system had. 

"You are going to school?" He asked, noticing she had a beautiful school bag with her. The girl nodded happily.

Miles pondered a little and offered that he will take her to school himself. And the girl was so happy, she hopped into Miles's arms as he lifted her off the floor and walked out of the room.

Miles ordered Bertram to give him the most expensive car in the mansion and Bertram obediently acted.

The black Bugatti sports car was parked in front of the mansion and Miles walked down the steps with Abigael carried on one arm. Miles tried to act like he wasn't excited! His heart was beaming with joy as he walked down the steps. He couldn't believe he was going to drive an expensive car.

He carefully put Abigael in the front passenger seat and buckled her into her seatbelt before he moved to the driver's seat. 

Miles stared at the steering wheel and the opulent interior of the Buggati. He had spent so many years repairing vehicles that he never expected he would own one someday and a really expensive car for that matter.

:[La Voiture Noire= Black Colour, 1500horsepower]:

:[Brand= Bugatti]:

:[Price= $20,000,000]:

Miles exhaled and took in the fresh new leather smell as he turned on the engine and drove out of the mansion. The GPS helped him navigate his way out of the huge assets owned by the Kenters and into the main city.

He spoke with the little adorable girl as he drove. Miles felt the urge to look after the girl like his blood sister and even like a daughter.

He noticed people were staring at the car as he drove. It wasn't their fault, this must be the only model ever in town and the magnificent 'K' inscribed on the car plate even brought more stares.

Miles took the car to the Veruskeep district which was the most exquisite districts ever to be known.

The parking lot was quite far away from the main vicinity and Miles carefully parked the car. He got out and also carried Abigael out of the car. 

The security men in the parking lot were shocked to see such a roughly dressed man to emerge from a very expensive car and hold an adorable young little girl in his arms that didn't look like his daughter.

They found Miles suspicious, but also let him be as he walked to the main vicinity, glaring around the district which his empire must surely own a share. 

:[Name= Veruskeep district]:

:[Networth= $70.5 billion dollars]:

:[Shares= Kenter 90% — Ashton 6% — Roger 3% — Others 1%]:

Miles couldn't believe it. He actually owned 90% of this district. He couldn't help but smile warmly as he lowered Abigael to the ground and held her by the hand as they approached the shopping mall.

He walked with confidence now he knew he was extremely rich, after all, he literally owned this place. The cars here were worth not mentioning to him or comparable to his.

The security guard that was stationed at the entrance saw Miles walking towards the door and he frowned. From the looks of it, he could see that Miles was poor and would not be able to afford not even a single item in the mall.

Miles greeted the security guard happily once he approached. The guard skimmed him and Abigael before sighing and just doing his work. He scanned Miles more than the number of times needed to be sure if he wasn't here to rob. 

Miles smiled again at the man and entered the shopping mall with his little sister. Wow!

The inside of the mall exceeded Miles's expectations! It was a grandeur, a magnificent sight! His eyes darted to the Versace clothing store, glimmering with golden lights.

Miles walked into the store, admiring it with his little sister when a saleslady rushed to him. "Good morning, sir. How may I help you?" She offered.

"I want to buy some really good clothes," Miles said and pondered. "And a phone too."

He looked at Abigael and she looked at him too. "Would you like anything?" He asked the little girl and she quickly pointed at a very large, red teddy bear positioned at another end of the mall. 

Miles smiled and also added that to the list.

"Okay, sir," the woman replied nervously, quickly noticing Miles dressing. "Will that be casual clothes?"

"Yes. And some really fitting suits as well. Black is the colour," he said. Miles knew how Masters of Empires dress. They do not dress flashy with glittering clothes, rather simple plain attire was the tradition.

The saleslady nodded and led Miles to the array of causal clothes first, letting him choose the ones that he wanted while she offered to get him the most efficient and expensive phone like he ordered.

Miles momentarily let go of Abigael's hand while he shuffled his hands through the clothes and then through the suits. His system didn't fail to display which one had more value and which would fit him better to exude authority.

While he was skimming through, he suddenly heard commotion in the mall and the shouts of people, Abigael's voice was one of them.

Miles quickly rushed out of the clothing store to take a look at what was going on.

There at the end of the mall where the big teddy bear was positioned, Abigael was crying because another child was about to be given it by his parents. And to Miles's surprise, these two people that he termed the parents of this child was none other than Derek Ashton and his ex-wife, Layla Robson.

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