The Billionaire's Torment

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The Billionaire's Torment

By: Shoeshoe Updated just nowBillionaire

Language: English

Chapters: 52 views: 266

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“What? You thought we were sharing a room? You will have our baby through artificial insemination.” I watched as she deflated like a pierced balloon. Thrown into a contract marriage by circumstances, Nora Reidy, a 25 year old medical student, finds herself fighting for her life. Some members of her new family and a love rival want her dead. Her husband Maxwell Ratliff, a 31 years old multi billionaire first hate, changes his mind, falls in love with her then resorts to hating her again after she was framed. She is booted out of the marriage, pregnant. Her enemies are still not satisfied, she is shot at, kidnapped and dumped in a foreign country. Nora and Maxwell must conquer the third parties that vow to destroy their marriage or part ways forever, which will it be?

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52 chapters
Chapter 1. Job hunting
Nora's POV I, Nora Reidy, was a 25 years old medical student. This was my last year as a student, when the results come out l would be a neurosurgeon. I had a mother but l might as well be an orphan. My mother abandoned me for a man and alcohol as a toddler, leaving me in the care of my grandmother, Sophia Reidy. My granny was now very sick, she needed a kidney transplant. Our dire family situation prevented her from the needed treatment, we were dirt poor. Right now l was on my way to a job interview at Ratliff Restaurants, to try and raise funds for her kidney transplant. I turned a corner and the Ratliff offices came into sight. I uncapped my l litre bottle filled with iced water from home, l could not afford to buy bottled water. I took a long refreshing drink and studied the building. Two glass doors faced me, l craned my neck, looked at the tallest building in Bluewaters. At the top the words Ratliff Airlines Group were written in gold against the black backdrop. My gaze moved
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Chapter 2. Fire her
Nora's POV The CEO from hell graced me with his presence again. What was he doing here? He circled the table and stood beside Mrs Ratliff. Marylin beamed at me. “Nora, this is my son Max Ratli..”“ What is she doing here?.”A deep hostile voice inquired. Marylin glared at her son. “ What? Max behave please, this is Nora Reidy, my new employee.”Max stared daggers at me, “ fire her.” His mother looked at him askance, “ why would l do that, l don't meddle in your affairs, don't meddle in mine.” Max drummed his fingers on the smooth surface of the table, his intense black eyes bore into mine. “ She is a mess and clumsy, she will cost you customers.”Mrs Ratliff's gaze moved back and forth between Max and I. “ You two know each other? Perfect.” l kept quiet because l did not know the rude louse in front of me.“ Mum, were you listening to anything l said? She is not fit to work for Ratliff Restaurants.” As the duo argued about me as if l was not there, l took the opportunity to study M
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Chapter 3. Marriage proposal
Nora's POV I watched as Maxwell Ratliff bounded up the steps. I mentally observed my house from a stranger's perspective, chipped blocks, rusty roof, a house that appeared ready to give up the ghost anytime. His presence made me uneasy, to meet me at his workplace was one thing, to follow me home and witness my living conditions was another. My cheeks flamed with embarrassment. He halted in front of me, l peered at him. “ Hello.”His deep voice tickled my ears. “Hi, armoured SUVs, is that not an overkill?.” l joked to hide my uneasiness. He looked over his shoulder, “ no it's not, my father was nearly killed sometime ago. The culprits mistook him for me, so they are a necessary devil.” My eyes widened, “ you are a Mafia Lord?.” His deep throated laughter surprised me, his scowling face yesterday made me think he was incapable of such an act. “ I'm not but l have Mafia friends, we had a meeting that day with one of them, my dad went home while l finished up at the office. They amb
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Chapter 4. The contract
Nora's POV I found Max pacing up and down on my porch, his anxiety showed through a deep frown and slitted eyes. I called him in. He remained standing. “ I will marry you.” I mumbled, my eyes on the floor. “Sorry what?.” I raised my voice, almost shouted, “ l said l will marry you.” A big smile split his face, dammit he was a handsome beast. Granny got up, “ well kids, l will leave you to talk, l need to rest.”Max went to her and shook her hand, “thank you Mrs Reidy, I will start the ball rolling, before the end of the week you will have your surgery.” Tears of gratitude filled my granny’s eyes. “ Thank you young Ratliff, you have no idea what you have done.” Max patted her back and steered her towards her room.He came back and towered over me, “ let's go to the Ratliff Restaurants, we will talk there.” “ Why can't we talk here?.”He eyed the sofa like it was a poisonous snake. “ Ok let's go, let me fetch my phone.” I informed my granny we were leaving.As we approached the c
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Chapter 5. Artificial insemination
Max's POVMy secretary Zoey Catland and l settled into Ted Reese's office. We haggled over the price of one of my helicopters Ted wished to hire for a year. You see, apart from the aeroplanes, l owned helicopters, three were leased to the government on a yearly basis for an astronomical amount.Ted needed two, as we went back and forth with the negotiations, Ted’s landline phone rang, he answered and passed the phone to me. I frowned, irritated. The phone call floored me, my wife was at the reception area, looking for me. My wife? Since when? I hoped Nora was not going about telling people l was her husband. What did the troublesome girl want now? I gave permission to let her come up. She arrived in a fluster, her face flushed, hair all over the place, she resembled a Tasmanian devil. Her eyes raked over Zoey before she greeted everybody, so that was the reason Nora followed me to the meeting? Zoey? Women and their endless tricks, which included monitoring, one of the many reasons
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Chapter 6. Heartbreak
Nora's POVSunday morning my best friend Cathy, brought a salon to my house. The whole works, by the time the lady finished my usual lacklustre hair gleamed with health like Max’s. The makeup lady would come tomorrow morning before I get married. “ So, how does it feel to marry a total stranger.?” I boxed her ears, “ don't start, you know why l'm doing it.” “ l know but knowing doesn't make me wonder less, where is granny's dress?.”“ Move your ass, you are squashing my dress, use your head, granny is very sick. Max's mother has invited us to her restaurant after the signing. You can't come, family only.”Cathy pouted, “ but l'm your family, l will stand in for granny.”“ Nope.”“So, tomorrow night, please check everything and report back to me. From size to style. I want the dirtiest details.” I put on my earrings, looked at Cathy’s face in the mirror, “find your own man, get married, l'm not the kiss and tell type.”Cathy pursed her lips in disappointment. Intimacy between couple
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Chapter 7. Payback
Max's POV I tossed and turned, sleep eluded me. Nora Reidy brought out the beast in me, l had no idea why. Tonight l hurt her feelings deliberately, l wanted her gone as soon as possible. The woman who would grace my bed would be my choice, not someone who was thrown on my lap. Marriage was not for everyone, some people like me did not have a fundamental need to reproduce, which was the main reason for marriage. I got s.x whenever i wanted, there was no need to marry for it.Nora was a beauty, with a stunning figure, that big butt made my mouth water, that was my secret to know not hers. The way she glowed today still bothered me, her intoxicating scent refused to leave my mind. Dammit, l was a confused man. Her image refused to recede to the back of my mind, her hurt gorgeous face tormented me. Maybe l went overboard with my harsh comments tonight, l was a rude ass who disregarded other people’s feelings sometimes but tonight l was worse. At midnight as the sleep continued to flee
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Chapter 8. Conspiracy
Roseline Shaman burst through the living room doors of her parent's house. She halted in the middle and screamed, “ dad, mum.”The elder Shamans descended the stairs in a hurry. Angela Shaman tripped in a haste to reach her beloved daughter. Her husband caught her in time, they reached the living in a minute and surrounded their daughter.Angela hugged her, Caesar Shaman patted her back. “ What's wrong baby, tell daddy.” “ Dad l'm done for, my heart is in tatters. Max is married.” “ What?.” Roseline 's parents said in unison.“ Tonight l swung by the restaurant and found Martha there. She told me Max had just left with his wife. He got married this morning, mum l'm dying inside.” Caesar Shaman loved his daughter with all his heart, anything that threatened her happiness he crushed. He had connections in the Mafia, he used those connections as much as he could, to thwart his opponents.Pity Max was out of question, he was his future son in law otherwise he would squash him. He whip
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Chapter 9. The results
Nora's POV Max left me alone following the botched lovemaking. We existed as housemates, we breakfasted and lunched together but hardly communicated. He fulfilled his promise to my granny, her surgery happened one week after our union. One month after the surgery my grandmother was on the road to recovery, she gradually put on the much needed weight. Max bought me a car, hired a live-in house help. My husband was an enigma to me. He was moody, downright cruel, arrogant, trampled on people's feelings without care but a giver on the other side. His generosity astounded me, l witnessed as he built a house for a handicapped child who lived on the streets. He failed to mention it to me, l saw it on the news like everyone else. Exactly a month after my marriage, l woke up to good news. The results were out, l was at the top of my class. I drove to my granny's house, found her on the porch, knitting booties. I hugged her, kissed her all over her beloved face. The wrinkles were fewer, sh
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Chapter 10. Father in law
Nora's POV I sat on the living room floor, my back against the couch, earphones in my ears, eyes closed. Majority of my peers listened to hip hop and reggae. l preferred soul music, it soothed my spirit. Hands removed my earphones, a face appeared in my sight. “Come, let's go to my home office.”Max helped me to my feet. I followed him into his office. My wondering eyes saw a family portrait on the wall, “ who are the others, l recognise Mrs Ratliff, Martha and you.” Max came and stood behind me, his cologne swirled around me, “ the silver fox is my father, on the chairs are my grandfather and grandmother.” “ Do you have to always look fierce? You are scowling in the photo.”Max massaged my shoulders, when did he develop the need to touch me? But deep down l liked it, it was better than our usual cold treatment that we subjected our lives to.I turned and peered at him, “ so, what is it?.” Instead of answering he caressed my cheek, his eyes intent on my face. “ From now on keep a
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