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By: Oneleafsword OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 38 views: 340

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The Return of the Sword God!. The most powerful Sword Cultivator swung his sword against his enemies. The Law of time was reset! The Evolution restarted. Now, he is back to the beginning. Every Karma must be sought out. If you can survive my first strike, you can't survive the second. Because I am the most powerful Sword Cultivator.

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  • Vinay Brahmbhatt


    Nice story please continue updating

    2024-08-12 12:59:23
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38 chapters
Chapter One.... The Beginning
On the highest platform on Universe void stood a white-garbed man with rapt attention.High above the clouds, the sun and moon hung side by side, flooding the land below in their warm glow and sharp coldness. Terrifying hint of sword essence and different kinds of essence break throughout cracked all around the endless void.Amidst the terrifying waves of essence stood a pale white- garbed man with rapt attention because of his left missing arms, the white robe man stood with domineering, his eyes filled with coldness and endless anger. In his right hand was s long half broken sword with a plain and wooden shaped hilt, his white robe was filled with blood and his body's filled with many grave injuries. His black hair roughly scattered with the winds, hundreds of kilometers away from him, were six injured being, the first being was a divine millions feet tall dragon with eyes blazing with fire to eradicate the universe,the second was a million feet human figure with three eyes at his f
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Chapter Two.... The End of All
The other five experts narrowed their eyes and attack together, with just a step, they disappear and reappear at the outer starry skies, Ye Xiu swung his sword at the first incoming Gods Expert, just before his attack landed.Great Dragon Creator reared his head and roared. As he released his sound domain secret skill, he revealed his true form.Splash!Great Dragon Creator shuddered and countless wings that shone with golden light fell, turning into thousands of arrows that stabbed towards the Ye Xiu body densely!The golden wings sealed all dodge space for the Ye Xiu. At the same time, a Divine Dragon that was ten thousand feet long appeared behind him. From above, it extended its gigantic Dragon claws and enveloped down!The Ape Creator roared as it lunch his gigantic golden rod down, the universe shattered as the rod flew down.The Phoenix Creator shriek as flames, capable of incinerating all things emitted from mouth and spray at Ye Xiu.The human Creator roar and clenched his h
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Chapter Three.... Rebirth
"Have you hear? Madam Qin was in labour room!?"."Really? Are you saying the truth? Madam Qin is finally given birth after two years!"."I'm sure prime minister Ye will be very happy".,"Of course, don't you know how many Physicians he had invited just for this day?" A great news spread throughout the Great Qin kingdom, the wife of prime Minister Ye Wuhen, Madam Qin is finally giving birth!.***Inside a spacious and luxurious mansion, was a room decorated with great splendor. Outside this room, a large group of people had gathered. A young male paced relentlessly in front of the doors, his face was filled with anxiety and worry. He looked to be thirty years of age, and he gave off a majestic aura. Although he had aged a little, one could still see the handsome youth that he once was. He was wearing a gold lined silver chang pao, which added to his handsome appearance, and he was surrounded by an aura similar to that of a host. His face was resolute, even his eyebrows were knitted to
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Chapter Four..... Sword Samsara Body
Time passed by as it has been five years since Madam Qin gave birth.In front of a small lake, the figure of a child that was two meters tall stood about with a blank expression. Both of his eyes were staring attentively at the at the flow and stillness of the lake. The little boy was wearing a plain full white robe but the expression on his face was unusually complex in a way that was strange to see on a five year old boy.To be precise, this boy was Ye Xiu And in this moment inside of his mind, his previously life memorial was surging into his mind. Just as if watching a movie , all he could see were vision of his cultivation journey to the apex. He retained all of his memories even after his reincarnation, so even after being born, he already knew how to talk, Another image of a handsome young man of 20 years old with a half broken sword came to his mind, along with the thousands of years battle against the six expert. Finally at the time of his immediate death, he remembered he a
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Chapter Five.... Child temperament
At night, Ye Xiu accompanied his mother, Qin Wuer, to eat dinner in the dining hall. The dining hall they both sat in was special; only the head of the house, his siblings, and the children could eat there.Madam Qin is the only wife of Ye Wuhen and Ye Xiu was there only son. Ye Wuhen has two younger brother who wasn't in the clan at this moment and the two brothers has a wife and a children each.When Madam Qi and Ye Xiu arrived at the dining hall, two beauties were already sitting at the circular dinner table. Each one of them looked to be in their 20s, and two of them each had a child in their sitting beside them. One of the children was a boy, and the other was a girl. The boy was around 6-7 years old, and was healthy but chubby. He was the son of Ye Wuhen second brother–Ye Chang.The moment Ye Chang saw Ye Xiu, hostility and hatred swelled up in his eyes. It was clear to see that he was brimming with the intent to start something, and one could tell that he held a bias against
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Chapter Six... Unconscious
Afterwards, Ye Xiu returned to his room alone. Based on his age, he has the right to requested for his own personal room.And so that night, Ye Xiu sat crossed-legged on his bed, with both of his hands on his knees. The palms of his hands were facing upwards, as was his face, as he silently went through the motions of practicing the first realm of Nirvana, Forging.A common saying was that if one wanted strong Cultivator, then one must first have a strong body. After all, cultivator relied on the efficient use of the body; hence why the first realm of Sword Samara Body was pertaining to the body.Most cultivator relied on strengthening their bodies in order to improve their own strength. Therefore they would strengthen their bodies and end up with bulging muscles everywhere. It was clear to the naked eye how strong someone was by build alone. Some people had even built their bodies to the point of their bones being as hard as a thousand elephant bone.But the most important stage to b
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Chapter Seven.. Greenlotus Continent
Ye Xiu continue his hard body training for two months for morning, afternoon and night until total exhaustion without resting. He only stopped his training when it's time to gather for breakfast, lunch and dinner; he immediately went back to his training after returning back to his building.Even though his mother, Madam Qin has noticed some slight change at Ye Xiu body, she didn't take it seriously and thought he was probably growing upNow. at night, Ye Xiu sat in his room cross-legged and bare-chested, his body has become more refined, he has grown slightly taller from two meters to 1.2 meters which was quite shocking for his age.After hard training for two months, he can run a full seven kilometers without breaking a sweat, he can hold his breath for full five minutes without gasping which was quite monstrous for his age; well he can't be judged by his new age.He started absorbing the spirit qi and successfully absorb it, ceaselessly. After the never ending Spirit Qi had been
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Chapter Eight... A genius is born
Time passed quickly as two more years flew away.Ye Xiu sat quietly under the sun cross-legged outside his building with his eyes closed, his body has grown more refined, he has grown from a little over one meter to two meters tall which was unbelievable for his age. His innocent face has now turned into a handsome face, together with his cold expression, his face looked perfection like an immortal.Ye Xiu has returned into this world for seven years now. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and stand when something seemed to dawn on him, he raised his hand and a wooden thin twerk flew into his hand. Ye Xiu calmly stood there. The twerk in his hand pointed to the ground, and his whole person was as motionless as a mountain.At that moment, the Ye Xiu eyes let out a spark of light.He made the thin long twerk in his hand vibrate and stabbed forward; he performed a style of swordsmanship skillfully ,His body fluidly began to move without warning; only mirages from his quick movements could be
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Chapter Nine... Bie Great Clan
Inside a innA young black hair boy in black robes sat alone by the window, drinking alone.His expression looked cold, his aura prevent any other to get close to him, the boy was naturally Ye Xiu.Even though he silently drinking alone, he peek his ear hearing the people news.The tavern was noisy as everyone was engrossed at their one topic conversation. Their voices swept past in waves, filling the room.“Pei Lin was the most strongest at the enlighten realm. How dazzling and glorious a figure was he? It just a pity.. but Who’d have thought he’d end up been defeated like that?” someone sighed.Someone else fired back, “How is he worthy of pity? He wasn't defeated unjustly! Don't forget how terrify the genius who defeat him”“Don’t you think Liu Xian was somethat terrify? A initial enlighten realm genius defeating a late stage enlighten expert, more over the strongest as that !”“Lu Xian was truly a genius; a fifteen years initial Enlighten expert!”"You forget that Liu Xian was the
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Chapter Ten .... Defeated
The crowd was once amaze, some even laugh inwardly, afraid of offending Biei Guo.One must know even though Bie Guo wasn't threatening, but the great family behind him is terrifying.Even an insight realm expert would think twice before touching him.And yet now, a nobody is looking down at Bie Guo."Courting death?".It's unacceptable!.Bie Guo trembling in angered, his bloodied eyes almost skill Ye Xiu alive. The four followers behind Bie Guo stared at each other and stared at Ye Xiu deviously.Although they always follow behind Bie Guo, they knew they were just a low life that need to cling on a dragon thine.To them, gaining Bie Guo further recognition was transforming to a dragon and Ye Xiu came at the right time."You bastard!".Two followers released their eight qi nurturing aura realm and storm at Ye Xiu suddenly. Ye Xiu eyes turned cold as he stood still facing the attack."Fuck off"..The two followers widened their eyes as they sense a huge danger, they immediately halt th
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