Chapter Five.... Child temperament

At night, Ye Xiu accompanied his mother, Qin Wuer, to eat dinner in the dining hall. The dining hall they both sat in was special; only the head of the house, his siblings, and the children could eat there.

Madam Qin is the only wife of Ye Wuhen and Ye Xiu was there only son. Ye Wuhen has two younger brother who wasn't in the clan at this moment and the two brothers has a wife and a children each.

When Madam Qi and Ye Xiu arrived at the dining hall, two beauties were already sitting at the circular dinner table. Each one of them looked to be in their 20s, and two of them each had a child in their sitting beside them. One of the children was a boy, and the other was a girl. The boy was around 6-7 years old, and was healthy but chubby. He was the son of Ye Wuhen second brother–Ye Chang.

The moment Ye Chang saw Ye Xiu, hostility and hatred swelled up in his eyes. It was clear to see that he was brimming with the intent to start something, and one could tell that he held a bias against Jian Chen.

The three ladies could all sense the hostility radiating from Ye Chang towards Ye Xiy, but none of them spared a second thought about it. In their minds, this was merely a small matter between children, and definitely not something that would be of great matter.

The other child was a 4-5 year old girl with two ponytails. Her bright eyes looked at the still hostile Ye Chang and laughed. With her two dimples that appeared with each laugh, she looked exceptionally cute. Obviously, she knew what caused the hatred.

Although she was underaged now, it was certain that after she grew older, she would have beauty that could rival a kingdom. This child was the daughter Ye Wuhen third brother as well as the sole female child–Ye Linger.

“Ye Xiu, you’re here! Come and sit!” Upon seeing Ye Xiu, the smile on her face had become even more splendid, as she waved him over.

Ye Xiu smile and disregard Ye Chang behaviour, to him , Ye Chang was just a little brat, moreover his character wasn't bad.

Ye Xiu nodded towards Ye Linger as a greeting, and sat down with his mother at the dinner table.

Madam Qin silently whisper at Ye Xiu hear.

Without any other choice, Ye Xiu looked at the ladies, “Hello second aunt, third aunt.” Ever since his mother had discovered that he could speak efficiently, she had been ecstatically teaching him the basic rules of etiquette.

Ye Xiu “go with the flow” mindset, he didn’t object to her teachings. It would prove beneficial to him in the long run as well in this new world.

When he had first re-arrived here, he had struggled intensely with this new body. Since he was reborn with his old memories, he still felt like Sword God Ye Xiu. Deep within his soul, he was unbridled, domineering and arrogant but as time went on, he gradually accepted his new body and life. No matter what though, Madam Qin was still his mother in both two lives, Moreover he survived thanks to his aunt determination.

The two ladies all smiled at Ye Xiu. One of the ladies wearing golden robes laughed, “Elder sister, it would appear that Ye Xiu is getting more and more handsome. I truly am envious of you for having such an intelligent child unlike my little brat.” The lady who spoke was mother to Ye Xiu, Ni Rier

“That’s right, Eldest Sister, Ye Xiu is getting more ans more handsome.” Sitting next to Ye Xiu with a tranquil look was Ye Linger Mother. Can Ling

The moment Can Ling finished her sentence, a deep manly voice spoke out.

"Hahaha, What did you expect of my son” A 30 year man entered the dining hall, carrying himself with the manner of a master. With a white chang pao decorated with golden outlines, and a head of black hair that reached his shoulders, the man gave off a relaxed atmosphere.




Immediately after seeing the man, Can Ling ,Ni Rier and the children at the table all stood up at once and called out one after the other, Ye Xiu was no exception, and softly cried out. Except Madam Qin who didn't even glanced up and hump in annoyance, in which no one find it appropriate.

"Your Son? He is my son and he take after me". Madam Qin replied rebuking Ye Wuhen words.

This young man was indeed the head of the Ye Clan, the current prime minister of the Great Qin Kingdom, Ye Wuhen.

"Okay, Okay. He take after your and me". Ye Wuhen admit defeat. This isn't the first time she has been against him because of this matter.

Moreover, it seems Ye Wuhen is quite scared of his Wife.

Ye Xiu smile silently, his mother life in the military and character precede her .

Ye Wuhen nod to them and strolled down to the dinner table and sat down with a gentle smile on his face. With a look at Ye Xiu, he asked, “Xiu’er, are you feeling good ?”

Ye Xiu nodded his head, “Yes!”

A smile curled up on Ye Wuhen face, “Xiu’er, if you ever feel bored in thisstuffy old house, feel free to tell me, i will bring you to explore the palace!”

“I know, father!” Ye Xiu replied.

Ye Xiu temperament made Ye Wuhem very happy..

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