Chapter Six... Unconscious

Afterwards, Ye Xiu returned to his room alone. Based on his age, he has the right to requested for his own personal room.

And so that night, Ye Xiu sat crossed-legged on his bed, with both of his hands on his knees. The palms of his hands were facing upwards, as was his face, as he silently went through the motions of practicing the first realm of Nirvana, Forging.

A common saying was that if one wanted strong Cultivator, then one must first have a strong body. After all, cultivator relied on the efficient use of the body; hence why the first realm of Sword Samara Body was pertaining to the body.

Most cultivator relied on strengthening their bodies in order to improve their own strength. Therefore they would strengthen their bodies and end up with bulging muscles everywhere. It was clear to the naked eye how strong someone was by build alone. Some people had even built their bodies to the point of their bones being as hard as a thousand elephant bone.

But the most important stage to become a cultivator is to feel the spirit qi. Without spirit qi to nourish and circulate, even without bone hard like steel bar, one will still be mortal, moreover a person without spirit qi will be weak infront of a newbie cultivator.

So although this method would increase one’s strength past a normal persons, at the same time, it would bring about a large amount of damage to the body. The people who trained there body without spirit qi way generally had a short life span. When they were in the elderly phase, diseases and impairment within the body would happen at a higher frequency for.

But absorbing spirit qi from the sky allowed every organ and even every single cell in the body to be strengthened to their limits. The original frailty would be cast away and the body would reach the most optimal state while giving the body endless amounts of benefits like a longer lifespan. When one practiced the later methods, your corporeal body would reach new heights in strength; if one could reach the highest levels of cultivating the body, then they could even live as long as the heavens and the earth. Live long wasn't even exaggerated, one could even create a universe, destroy a universe with just a glance, furthermore, when one reach the most precedent realm, one could enter reincarnated as wish and even create lives.

It's a common understanding to all cultivator that nourishing the cell and bone was the second step after sensing the spirit qi; but Ye Xiu sword technique didn't abide by the rules!. The second step after sensing the spirit qi is to fill the qi in one spot which was the glabella!.

His method wasn't to fill the cell and nourish the body but to nourish a one single cell which was the glabella.

Ye Xiu closed his eyes as he started absorbing the spirit qi into his glabella, the first step to sense the qi wasn't necessary to him because he had already started sensing it since he was born.

Ye Xiu was slowly absorbing the Spirit Qi in a neverending stream and was circulating it in a cycle throughout his body. Then under Ye Xiu control, the Qi moved and started incorporated into his glabella.


Suddenly, Ye Xiu body trembling violently, his expression turned pale and slumb on the floor unconsciously.

Thirty minutes after, Ye Xiu red eyes lid flashes opened, he groan slightly as he tried to get up. Seeing his outcome, a black line appear on his young face as he curses silently.

"Cultivate the glabella? I'm afraid this body of mine will not even be intact if i attempt to absorb the spirit qi... Fuck! A whole dignified me fainted just from cultivating a technique".

He forget his body wasn't even up to the standard to cultivate, moreover his body is slightly malnourished!.

He fainted just from a slight pain he felt from strengthen his glabella.

Well, to say a slight pain was a lie; the pain he felt was unbearable to the current him.

What Ye Xiu didn't know was that; what he attempt was considered suicide to the native of this world, to absorb the qi into a malnourished body? If even the body didn't crack, it will explode immediately!.

"This cannot do, to wait till this age was already unbearable to me, i can't afford to wait for another two years before starting cultivate". Ye Xiu muttered under breath in frustration, with his age, he is damned sure his parents will not provide him any body tempering resources. A second passed before he smile.

"Look like i need to first temper my body with the basic body tempering technique". Ye Xiu made up his mind.

The basic body technique for all common people is to train the body to the extreme; exercise the body to break through the normal mortal limit. Ye Xiu dozed off with his thoughts to his sleep.

Earlier in the morning, He secretly started his training, Running around his three kilometers building with a large heavy backpack behind him, hitting his body with a little hard wood, suffocating himself inside the little lake and practicing his footwork technique.

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