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By: Danika Moriane OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 8 views: 180

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Xi Yuan, the last young prince of the Xi's family who was always bullied and ridiculed by his own father and brothers, had the weakest cultivation in the whole of Xi's dynasty. "You are too weak to be the Xi's young prince!" Slaves throw his food to his face, rumors went around of him being an illegitimate Xi young master. Everyone hated him and he hated himself for being a weak human. One night, the young prince wished death on himself and he drowned. In the ice, the strongest spirit deity that has been dead for over two thousand years awakened in him. Xi Yuan vowed to make all of them pay, including the innocent ones.

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8 chapters
Water cultivation
SOUTHERN WING - PRINCE XI YUAN ✓The sound of the cold water poured on Prince Xi Yuan brought him out of his deep sleep, "I will kill you eventually, Xu Ye!" His teeth clenched in anger of his servant disturbing his beautiful sleep.Xu Ye turned back, trying to decide whether to inform the young prince or not. "The crown prince requests your presence." He breathed out, finally saying it.Prince Xi Yuan's eyebrows deepened as he dusted his wet clothes, "Why, my presence? We have nothing to talk about." He muttered, requesting for a new set of clothes."We do have a score to settle." A ball of fire threw prince Xi Yuan down aggressively, breaking a table and Xu Ye gasped, what does the crown prince want this time?Prince Xi Yuan struggled to stand up, blood trickled down the side of his busted lips. "What is the matter now?""There are rumors going on in the city, talking about you and the girl who would become my fiance in two days time ----" ..... "--- why?"Before Prince Xi Yuan c
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The sword
Xi Yuan's eyes widened, his hands shook on the sword vigorously. He looked at his chest where the sword just pierced. Xi Yuan gasped as blood gushed out of his chest and his mouth, collapsing in the water - he just killed himself.The sword attached itself to the original source for the third time. Xi Yuan's body stood up, his spirit and his body already in one accord. "Cultivation deity!" The sword shone a silver lightning as Xi Yuan removed it.He waved it in the water and the power radiating from it created a pathway in the water before it closed back. "Time to challenge cultivators." Xi Yuan's eyes looked like they held something, something sinister.Xu Ye had screamed his master's name endlessly, he was already getting tired. "Save your strength. It's possible he won't survive in that water." The woman kissed her teeth, shaking her head sadly, the words in her mind as she watched from a not - so - close distance."What's with the water?" Xu Ye had to ask, he has always known the
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Cultivation ground
CULTIVATION GROUND ✓Few slaves and other city residents were allowed to stand and watch the cultivation festival. Every member of the royal family and of other noble families were also present, to participate in the event."In the Xi's dynasty, two cultivation periods are always held every two years and this is the cultivation festival where we get to know those has been dedicated to cultivating their spirit with their soul and mind ---"At this period, Prince Xi Yuan wasn't listening to the speech anymore, he was already getting tired. "Crown Prince Xi Lehua, Prince Xi Hunian, young prince Xi Yuan ---" Prince Xi Yuan rolled his eyes, must they add 'young prince' everytime? Everyone already knew he was the youngest prince."Princess Li Xian, Princess Juna, Princess La-ang, Prince Ji, Prince Pian ----" Names were announced for more than ten minutes. Prince Xi Yuan regretted why he didn't come late. "Whoever steps out of this cultivation ground will be put to death by the thousand
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Star pavilion
A sword suddenly countered Prince Xi Yuan, his eyes snapped to where the sword came from. "Your cultivation is still weak!" Crown Prince Xi Lehua screamed, aiming for the young prince's chest.Every of the sword attacks was countered easily by Prince Xi Yuan, his other hand behind his back. "My cultivation might still be weak but not so weak like yours." He replied to him, throwing the crown prince meters away just with his fist.The elders rose up, "The long fist technique." Everyone was shocked by their kidneys. How did the once weak young Prince Xi Yuan who was always humiliated and trampled on, become so powerful that he could defeat the crown prince with just one move?HEAVENLY PALACE ✓The Empress and Emperor of the Heavens sat on the only high seat in the palace. "The signs didn't fool us. A deity has awakened." The Emperor sighed, running his hands through his black and white hair."What does it mean when a deity awakens?" The youngest Princess of the heavenly kingdom asked
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Masked men
"Mistress? Mistress...." Maidservant Yang Xia called, shaking the academy teacher slowly. She has been asleep for two days and yet to wake up.A splash, Wei Xun sank to the bottom of the water. A Chinese flower on her back glowed through her torn shirt as her head hit a stone in the water. The water rumbled until that mark disappeared like it was never there.A voice in her head, always calling to her. "Xun'er.... Xun'er!" Her head banged from the sound when it became so loud like it was real. "Xun'er!" The voice called again.A grunt. A cough followed. "Yang Xia, what happened?" Wei Xun asked, sipping out of the tea her maidservant just gave to her.Yang Xia looked around before she responded, "You were almost caught at the Stars pavilion two nights ago but you successfully escaped though it was a narrow one." She explained.Wei Xun held her head, "What happened next? How did I pass out for two days then?" She asked the question that bothered her mind after the whole explanation.Yan
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Emperor’s poison
The masked man was surprised someone could hold his paws still, absorbing his internal powers. "Who are you?" He asked, trying to wriggle his hands away from Prince Xi Yuan.Prince Xi Yuan turned the man's pawed hands, turned him around. His hands fisted and collided with the man's chest after he opened his palm, he spat out blood.The man's face held shock, "You ---" His blooded lips shook. Xi Yuan didn't stop there - he pulled the man's hands, turning him around again, his back facing him - his two hands collided with his back.Prince Xi Yuan smirked when the man tumbled on the floor, vomiting blood. "Tell the person who sent you that you met his match!" Xi Yuan said, standing akimbo.The students murmured, ‘Didn’t they say his cultivation is the weakest in the whole of Xi’s dynasty? How could he defeat him in such short period?’ Wei Xun looked at the prince, thinking about what they said.The academy is still inside the palace grounds so palace guards surrounded them, ready to seiz
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The only rule
The sword was shiny, drawing in his strength but he had no idea."Yuan!" Princess Xi Xilang shouted. She hastened the wheels of her chair so she can get to her brother fast. Instinctively, she kicked the sword away from him.Prince Xi Yuan tried to stabilize his breathing as he rose up. Seeming like his eyes just cleared, he hugged her very tight. "What are you doing here?""It's been months since I saw you. Father wouldn't allow me come out of my room. I snuck out today just to come -- see you." Princess Xi Xilang held his hands, massaging his cheeks.Prince Xi Yuan sighed, "Where are your guards? What if you get attacked and can't defend yourself?" He remembered what happened to Wei Xun earlier. No one can guarantee it wouldn't happen again."Do not worry about me." She managed to convince him as he got pulled to sit on her laps.The Prince felt embarrassed as he tried to stand up, even though they were the only ones in that particular area. "We are not kids anymore." He rolled his
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Square one?
EMPEROR'S WING ✓"Report!" A guard rushed into the court of the Emperor, gasping for breath with his hands folded in front in a bow."Speak! What is the matter?" The Emperor said calmly, receiving a massage from his concubine who smiled as she displayed her finger talent on his shoulders."The academy teacher, Wei Xun, has been poisoned. Rumors have it that she was poisoned through the gift you gave her to put under her pillow," the guard explained.The Emperor's eyes widened while his concubine's hands stopped the massage, "What did you say? How is it possible that the gifts ---" He looked at his beloved concubine who started to shake visibly."Weren't you the one I asked to choose those gifts since you are a woman yourself? How come it was poisoned?" The Emperor labeled her as the first suspect.She fell to her knees immediately, "Your Majesty, I only did as you told me to," she tried to defend herself."Are you saying I asked you to poison her?" The Emperor thundered."No no no!
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