Blaze Of Shadows [A World In Embers]

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Blaze Of Shadows [A World In Embers]

By: Calvary Updated just nowFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 10

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In a world where darkness and light are intertwined, Ryu Tanaka, a young man shrouded in mystery, discovers his latent powers as a Shadow Weaver. With his newfound abilities, he's drawn into a realm of ancient magic and forgotten lore. As Ryu navigates this treacherous landscape, he's confronted by Hikari, a fiery antagonist driven by a burning desire for power. Their fates become entwined in a dance of light and darkness, with the world hanging in the balance. In a climactic battle, Ryu faces off against Hikari at the ancient ruins of Tenebrous Peak, but ultimately falls to his demise. However, his journey doesn't end there. Ryu's spirit is reincarnated into his own body, restoring his life and memories. Reborn with a newfound sense of purpose, Ryu sets out to prevent Hikari's destructive ambitions and restore balance to the world. With his shadowy powers reborn and his past experiences guiding him, Ryu is determined to change the course of fate. Will Ryu's second chance be enough to save the world from the brink of destruction, or will the shadows of his past define his future?

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11 chapters
Shadows Of The Past
Ryu's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the faint glow of dawn seeping through the nearly closed windows. He lay still, his slender frame pressed against the cold ground, as the familiar ache in his chest stirred.He had just had a nightmare which acted as a constant reminder of his childhood past, ten years ago as a child he had been a victim of maltreatment and on that particular day he was hiding furtively in their closet. His father's wrath still lingered, a constant companion in the darkness.His father had arrived at their rambling cottage ten years ago, drunk as usual and called for Ryu who was so immersed in his own little realm and didn't hear. " Ayy donkey head! I, your father, called for you and you dared to ignore me! " His father fumed when he spotted him standing in the confines of their open cupboard. " No... I..." Ryu stuttered in sudden immense fear and his father promptly pounced on him, battering him with fists and kicks in a seemingly random manner until he bled fr
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Shadow Reborn
shadow passed behind Kenshi's eyes when he heard the news but his voice remained calm. " Contact the police and bring me his body at all costs" " yes master " Hanzo said with a bow, although he and the rest of the team didn't exactly have a close knit relationship with Ryu but they emphasized with their master who was his uncle.All of the staff felt the pain of his loss, he would have preferred solitude to their carousing but he had been their colleague...Ryu's soul drifted through the void, torn from his body by the facility's self-destruct sequence. He found himself in a realm beyond mortal comprehension, a rift between heaven and hell and he a lone ember in an endless expanse. The supreme being's presence manifested as a shimmering aura, like the surface of a still pond reflecting the stars. "Wasted youth" it thought before an idea popped in his head.A supreme being, shrouded in ethereal light, gazed upon Ryu's soul. "You have been chosen," the being declared, its voice like
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Shadow Merge I
Kenshi's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing through Ryu's defenses. "What more are you hiding from me?" he repeated, his voice low and menacing.Ryu hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. But something about Kenshi's expression told him that he had no choice. "I...I don't know what happened," he stammered. "I just woke up, and...and things were different."Kenshi's eyes flashed with anger. "Different?" he spat. "You're telling me you survived an explosion that should have killed you, and now you're...changed? What did they do to you, Ryu?"Ryu shook his head, feeling a wave of fear wash over him. "I don't know, Kenshi. I swear, I don't remember anything."Kenshi's expression twisted in disgust. "You're lying to me, Ryu. I can see it in your eyes. You're hiding something." Ryu had forgotten that there was still one person who could read him like a book.Suddenly, Hanzo appeared at Kenshi's side, his eyes calm and soothing. "Master, perhaps we should give Ryu some time to recover. He's bee
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Shadow Merge II
Thirty minutes later five guards stood over Ryu's exhausted form and aimed their guns at him ready to pull the trigger when his shadow materialized and fed on their shadow, thereby nature tried to make up for a breach in the law and promptly disintegrated them out of existence...The Apparition faced Ryu as he stood " who are you?" Ryu asked and took a step forward followed simultaneously by the shadow, he took another and extended a hand, again the shadow did the same and when their hands touched Ryu felt a strange pull towards it. " Hanzo are you seeing this?". " What are you doing Ryu? The others have been captured" Hanzo replied. Ryu frowned." I have an idea". " Don't let your feet run ahead of your legs Ryu!" Kenshi's familiar voice boomed over the line but too late. Ryu merged with the shadow and let the darkness flow into him, moving like liquid fire in his veins until he screamed in pain, the shadow coated his physical features as he slowly morphed into a different being
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The Crimson Raider
" No! Ryu Don't kill him" Kasumi pleaded and the entity paused long enough to give a glance in her direction before slamming a surprisingly solid fist to the side of Black Fox neck and watched him collapse like a felled tree." Ryu! Are you still there?" Hayato said holding up his sword in a defensive stance. The entity took a few shaky steps towards them and soon collapsed, the darkness receded and left behind it's unconscious vessel.Ryu's eyes slowly opened, his vision blurry. He was met with the sight of Hanzo's concerned face, his eyes scanning Ryu's body."Ryu, can you hear me?" Hanzo asked, his voice firm but laced with worry. Ryu tried to speak, but his voice was hoarse. He nodded instead.Hanzo nodded back. "Good. We need to assess your condition. You've undergone a significant transformation."Ryu's gaze drifted down to his hands, He flexed his fingers, and they seemed to shift like smoke.Hanzo began to list off Ryu's new abilities to the others in the room. "Enhanced stre
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Shadow Blade I
Ryu's eyes burned with determination. "I'll need to know more about Kaito's past, his motivations, and his weaknesses. Everything you can gather, Hanzo."Hanzo nodded, producing a small folder from his sleeve. "I've already compiled a dossier on Kaito. His real name is Kaito Yamato, once a skilled hematologist who became obsessed with the power of blood. His research led him down a dark path, and he died in a experiment to grant him control over blood."Ryu's grip on the folder tightened. "What's his ultimate goal?""Kaito seeks to create a world where he controls the life force of every living being," Hanzo replied, his expression grim. "He believes that by manipulating blood, he can dictate the very fabric of existence."Ryu's mind raced with the implications. "I need to stop him before it's too late."Hanzo placed a hand on Ryu's shoulder. "You'll need to be cautious, Ryu. Kaito has already demonstrated his power by infiltrating a local hospital and manipulating the patients' bloo
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Shadow Blade II
Ryu charged forward, his shadow-coated blade flashing in the moonlight. Kaito, still reeling from the sudden turn of events, stumbled backward as Ryu unleashed a flurry of strikes.But Kaito refused to fall, his blood-red energy surging as he countered with a wave of attacks. Ryu parried each blow, but Kaito's sheer power forced him to stumble backward.Kaito's eyes gleamed with triumph as he landed a solid kick, sending Ryu crashing to the ground. As Ryu struggled to rise, Kaito unleashed a devastating blast of energy, striking Ryu with a wave of crimson force.Ryu's vision blurred, his body screaming in agony. But he refused to yield. Focusing his remaining strength, Ryu summoned the shadow energy within him.With a mighty cry, Ryu unleashed an unknown technique: "Kage no Shūen" (Shadow's End). The air around him seemed to distort, as if reality itself was bending to his will. A colossal wave of shadow energy erupted from his blade, striking Kaito with the force of a thunderbolt.Ka
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The Birth Of Enjin
Hanzo's eyes widened as he stared at his phone, his face pale. "Guys, we have a problem."Kenshi and Ryu turned to him, concern etched on their faces. "What is it?" Kenshi asked.Hanzo's voice trembled. "Reports of a villain attacking the city square. Witnesses describe him as a scientist... with fire abilities."Ryu's eyes narrowed. "That sounds like—No, it can't be," Ryu said, shaking his head. "Hikari's dead. We were in the explosion together"Hanzo's expression was grim. "I'm telling you, Ryu, the description matches. And there's something else... the witnesses say he's calling out for you."Ryu's face set in determination. "I'll go stop him."Kenshi nodded. "We'll follow close behind. Be careful, Ryu!"Ryu sprinted out of the headquarters, racing toward the city square on his motorcycle. As he arrived, he saw chaos: people running, buildings damaged, and a figure shrouded in flames.Ryu leapt off his motorcycle, his eyes scanning the destruction. And then, he saw him. Hikari.Ryu
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The Battle Of Powers
At the KoKuryūkai base, Ryu was sedated in intensive care at their medical department oblivious to the conversation going on about him. " Apparently one of his list of unknown loop holes in his powers is Fire" Hayato started, shaking his head in pity and rage." Fire?" Kenshi frowned. " Light based attacks" Hanzo elaborated with a terse shrug. " He is susceptible to mental fatigue and light based attacks to which fire belongs... Hikari exploited both well"Kenshi glanced over to Ryu's unconscious form." How long will it take for him to wake?". " According to our medic, it will take a couple days in a normal person, but for him... It's hard to say -he could wake up anytime now" Kasumi replied shaking her head in anger." If I get ahold of Hikari, he'll regret he ever got Reborn!" Hayato fumed, his anger was shared by all of them but Kenshi knew it would be unwise to seek him out in his current form. " Hayato, place a lid on that anger" he commanded and walked stiffly out of the room.
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The Battle Of Powers II
Hikari's flames engulfed the team, forcing them to stumble backward. Hayato charged forward, sword flashing in the dim light. "Take this, Hikari!" he shouted, but Hikari was unfazed. "Foolish KoKuryūkai," Hikari sneered, his eyes gleaming with contempt. "You think a little sword like that can hurt me?" With a swift gesture, Hikari sent a wave of flames crashing down on Hayato. He leapt aside, avoiding the inferno, but Hikari was relentless. He summoned blast after blast of fire, driving the team back. "Kasumi, get behind me!" Hayato yelled, but Kasumi stood her ground. "I won't let him win!" she shouted, her eyes blazing with determination. Hikari's smile grew wider. "Brave words, Kasumi. But bravery won't save you today." He summoned a vortex of flames, lifting Kasumi off the ground. She struggled and kicked, but Hikari's hold was unyielding. "Let her go, Hikari!" Hayato shouted, charging forward, but Hikari was too powerful. With a swift kick, he sent Hayato crashi
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