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By: King Updated just nowBillionaire

Language: English

Chapters: 16 views: 6

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Adrian was born in one of the wealthiest family in world who were very private people. Adrian had everything he could ask for. But a day after his 6th birthday, his parents took him on a vacation away from their mansion. But they had a horrible car accident on their way, which took the lives of his parents. Adrian was taken to nearest hospital and after he was treated, he was paralyzed and in a wheelchair. He was sent to live in an orphanage because they could not get in touch with any of his relatives. He grew up in the orphanage, having nothing to his name. Now he is 24 and out of the wheelchair. He vowed to do everything in his power to get back to the position his parents were in by any means necessary. He gave up trying to go back to his parent’s wealth because for some reason, he could not find anything about his parents.

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16 chapters
Chapter 1
“Here is another gift from your parents.” The butler said. “And happy birthday again master Adrian.” It was Adrian’s 6th birthday, he was on a chair in front of a pile of gifts, it was his birthday and he was excited. He was not excited about the gifts, he was excited that he will get to see his parents today. “Are my parents still coming?” Adrian asked the butler. “Yes master Adrian, they are on their way as we speak.” Adrian became more excited. Because of his parent’s position, he was born in one of the wealthiest family in the world. His parents were mostly busy so they hardly stay home. But because today was his birthday his parents promised him that they will be around for him. Adrian was alone today. He had no friends because he was not allowed to leave the mansion, his parents liked their privacy. Soon one of the maids came into the room. “Your Parent’s are here, they just came into the compound.” The maid said to him. Adrian jumped off the chair, he left the
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Chapter 2
“And I almost forgot, we have another birthday gift for you.” His mother said. Adrian could not believe that there would be another gift better than the one his parents already gave him. “Yes, we also know that we don’t let you leave this mansion so we decided to take you on a vacation trip, just the three of us in one of our private villa.” His father said. Adrian very happy, he had so much excitement in him. It was as if his day just kept on getting better and better. “Where are we going? Where is the villa?” Adrian was excited. “Well it is a bit far from here, it’s a beach. We will go tomorrow so pack your things early in the morning so we can leave on time.” His mother said. “And of course your baby brother will not be joining us, he is too young to travel so he will stay here and be taken care of by the maids.” She continued. Adrian could not wait for tomorrow, he jumped off his chair and the butler went to him and held him. “Where are you going to Adrian?” His moth
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Chapter 3
“I think that is all I need, I am set.” Adrian said to himself. “Not quite master Adrian.” The butler said. “There are still more things you need to pack. And most you carry all those books master Adrian.” “Well you cannot have way too many books and I need something to keep myself busy. But you know, honestly I hope I don’t have to read any of this books.” “And why is that?” The butler asked. “Well if I don’t have a chance to read any of the books it means that I will be having a lot of fun at the villa with my parents, I won’t be bored to read the book.” Adrian explained. “I hope this vacation goes the way you want it to go Master Adrian.” “I hope so too, but you said that there are still more things I need pack, what are they?” The butler went to the door and opened it. A maid came into the room with three traveling bag. “I took the liberty of packing everything you will need for this trip.” The butler said. “Wow, do I really need all that?” Adrian asked. Adrian’s
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Chapter 4
Adrian also noticed that the car was not slowing even though they were getting closer to the train tracks. He sat up to see what was happening and then the book his father gave him fell down to the floor of the car. He went down to get the book, his parents looked at each other, and there were tears coming out of his mother’s eyes. They knew that there was nothing they could do. Adrian got to the book and as he was about to get back to his seat. The train crashed into the car. The car tumbled over multiples time and Adrian passed out. After a while, Adrian woke up. His whole body was in pains and it was hard to bare. His face was bleeding with some parts of his body. He was still inside the car but he could not move, the car was upside down. He looked at the front of the car and saw his parents hanging and they were not moving. He did not know what to do and he could not react because he had no control of his body. He started to hear sounds outside the car, it was the soun
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Chapter 5
“You know one day you guys will make me go crazy.” Adrian said. “And to be honest that is the day I cannot wait for, the day Adrian goes crazy.” Diego said. Adrian left the room and went back to waiting the tables. After a while he took his phone out of his pocket and checked the time. “Well I guess it’s time for my break.” Adrian said to himself. He went to the back room and dropped the tray he was holding. After he did that, he left the hotel and stayed at the back. He leaned on the wall, brought out a cigarette from his pocket and started to smock. Soon someone came out of the back door, he looked to see who it was and it was Caroline. Caroline had blonde hair with blue eyes, she was fair and had smooth skin as if she had not done any hardship in her life, it was odd for someone who spent her life growing up in an orphanage. She saw Adrian and went to him. “I didn’t imagine you as someone that smokes.” Caroline asked Adrian. She lean on the wall next to Adrian, “W
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Chapter 6
It was evening in the big city, the five of them where heading home after work. Adrian was in the front while the four of them where behind him. Adrian did not see himself as the leader of the group, because he was not into little titles like that. The city was always loud and lively but Adrian was used to it, he had lived here for years now so he did not let it distract him. “Guess what I got guys.” Dan said to them. Dan brought out a whine from the bag he was holding and smiled, “Where did you get that from?” Diego asked. “Another privilege for working in a place like that, I just snatched a whine from the cellar, and I doubt they will notice that it is gone. There were like hundreds there.” Dan said as he opened the wine and started to drink it. “You know that there are going to notice that one is missing, they have someone who does inventory in the cellar everyday.” Adrian said without turning back. “Well that is certainly a problem.” Dan said and took another sip of
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Chapter 7
He finished checking what he was checking on his phone and then dropped the phone on a small table close to his bed. He laid down there for a while and he slept off. He woke up and immediately took his phone. He checked the time and realized that he just slept for 2hrs. He stood up from his bed and stretched a bit. He still felt tired but he did not want to lie down immediately he woke up. So he decided to leave his room. He opened the door and he saw Caroline in the living room, she was placing a blanket on Diego who was asleep on the couch. Caroline is Diego’s older sister. They both were in the orphanage and since then Caroline has been taking care of Diego. From what Adrian could tell, Caroline’s mother left her and Diego in the orphanage when she was very young and Diego was still a baby. Her mother left her saying that she will come back later to get them but she never came. Since her mother did not come to get her, she became became a mother to Diego which made her
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Chapter 8
He went on and left the apartment building and starting thinking. He knew that with the position he was in now, it was going to be hard to get to the position he wants to get to. Growing up in the orphanage he did not have the best education and the only job he can get now with his level of education was a job behind a desk and he knew he cannot do that. He had little or money and no connection so he had to figure out a way to get to the top in a short amount of time because he had already wasted a lot of time. Since there was no way he could get to the top and get to his parents level through a normal everyday job, he had to think of other ways to get that kind of money. He spent so many years thinking about it. Now he had an idea and he has been working towards it, and the first step has already been made which was getting a job at the hotel. Getting his friends the same job in the hotel was not his initial plan but he had to do it because he felt like he owed them that.
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Chapter 9
“If that is true then why am I only seeing her now?” Adrian was interested. “Well she doesn’t come here often but when she does, she stays in the hotel for a while.” “But doesn’t she seem young to own something like this.” Adrian said. “Well I don’t know the full details but it is her husband that bought the hotel for her, well let’s just say he is in a whole different level in terms of money. Michael was just an average guy. He was the only son of a middle class. With the connection he had he got a job which he just doing because he has so much free time. “What are you guys looking at?” Caroline came in between Adrian and Michael. Caroline looked at the direction they were looking at figured out what they were looking at, “Why are you guys looking at the owner of the hotel?” Michael turned to Caroline, “Hey there beautiful. The only one I can see now is you, so there is no other person I can be looking at.” Michael tries to flirt with Caroline. “I don’t think I have h
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Chapter 10
While they were walking, Adrian could not stop thinking about what was up with Sarah. Normally he would not care and continue with his own business but the thought was occupied by a memory back at the orphanage. It was a cold night and it has been two years since Adrian came to the orphanage. He was depressed, wondering if his parents will ever come to take him back home even after knowing that there were dead. Because of the whole thought, he did not talk to anyone, and some of the other children in the orphanage could tell that he was different. He was not acting like someone who grew up from nothing like the rest of them and they bullied him for it. That night he was in the hallway in his wheelchair reading a book, the same book his father gave him. While he read, someone took the book from him, he looked up and saw three boys in front of him, the same boys that bully him. "Well look at that, he is reading. And what are you reading?" One of the boys took the book and l
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