Chapter 9

“If that is true then why am I only seeing her now?” Adrian was interested.

“Well she doesn’t come here often but when she does, she stays in the hotel for a while.”

“But doesn’t she seem young to own something like this.” Adrian said.

“Well I don’t know the full details but it is her husband that bought the hotel for her, well let’s just say he is in a whole different level in terms of money.

Michael was just an average guy. He was the only son of a middle class. With the connection he had he got a job which he just doing because he has so much free time.

“What are you guys looking at?” Caroline came in between Adrian and Michael.

Caroline looked at the direction they were looking at figured out what they were looking at, “Why are you guys looking at the owner of the hotel?”

Michael turned to Caroline, “Hey there beautiful. The only one I can see now is you, so there is no other person I can be looking at.” Michael tries to flirt with Caroline. “I don’t think I have had the pleasure to introduce myself to you, I am Michael.” He continued.

“Who we are looking at isn’t really your business Caroline.” Damian turned to her.

“I see you already know her Adrian.” Michael said to Adrian.

“Well I know her, she is my friend. We grew up together in the same orphanage.” Adrian replied.

They did not know when Ciera got close to them, she was about go up the stairs to the hotel. Then the manager quickly walked up to Ciera and stopped her.

“How are you doing ma’am? You are looking gorgeous as ever.” The manager said to Ciera.

“Is my private room ready?” Ciera said to the manager.

Adrian, Caroline and Michael could hear the discussion because they were close.

“It is ready ma’am, just the way you like it.” The manager replied to Ciera.

“Yeah the manager always sucks up to her because he wants to be in her good side so she can remember him in the future and reward him or something like that.” Michael said to Adrian with Caroline listening.

“Please I don’t want to be disturbed while I stay here. Let it be like I am not even here and continue with your everyday work.” Ciera said and continued to walk up the stairs and to the hotel.

When Ciera went out of their sight Adrian said, “Well I need to go back to work. You two should go back to work too.”

Adrian turned back and started to walk away from Caroline and Michael.

“Alright then, talk to you later Adrian?” Michael yelled.

Caroline folded her arm and started to think about why Adrian seemed interested in the owner of the hotel. But her thoughts were interrupted by Michael, “I will need to get back to work but we will surely cross paths again my princess.”

After he said that, Michael walked away and now Caroline was alone with her thoughts. There was so many mystery surrounding Adrian and the fact that she does not know most of it even though they have spent most of their lives together makes her feel sad.

She was not interested in anyone and she did not want to be in a relationship but with Adrian, with how mysterious and private he was, she was interested in him.

Adrian went strength to the kitchen to drop the menu he was holding. He knew that his plan was now in motion.

Adrian knew who Ciera was before today and meeting her today at the other restaurant was not a coincidence, it was his plan.

Before he started to work in the hotel, he did a deep research on it and found out a lot about it. He knew that the owner was Ciera and then did a deep background check on her.

After doing all that, he did everything possible to secure a job at the hotel. Now Ciera was staying in the hotel for a while, he knew that he had to increase the pace of his plan.

It was a long day and it was almost over. Adrian just dropped a food on a table, “Here you go sir, hope you enjoy the food.”

Adrian walked back to the kitchen, he checked his watch and his shift was almost over and he was glad about that.

Before he reached the kitchen, Caroline came out of the back room and walked up to him.

“What is it?” Adrian asked Caroline.

“The manager is calling us, I think he wants to announce something.” Caroline replied.

“All of us? Why now we are almost done with our shift.”

“Well I guess it seems important.” Caroline said.

They both went to the back room. Adrian saw a group of employees both the hotel and restaurant workers. Caroline and Adrian went in front and the manager was in front of the group of employees.

Adrian had some guesses of what the announcement would be but he just listened so that the manager can get it over with.

“Sorry for calling you all here but this is when your shift ends and is the only time I can talk to you all like this. Don’t worry, when we are done here you are can go home or where ever you go when you leave this place. As you may know, the owner of this establishment just came in today and is staying for a while. Please I will need you all to work harder because I don’t want her to complain about anything while she is here. So please do your best.”

Adrian knew that this was the information that the manger wanted to pass on, it was predictable.

“I have already informed the other employees who have different shifts from you. With this you all can go, I will see you all tomorrow.” The manager concluded.

The manager left the room and the employees started to leave. Caroline and Adrian dropped their apron and left the hotel through the back door.

They were alone but they did not say anything to each other, it was awkward but they were used to it.

“You seemed interested in the owner of the hotel today. It is unusual for you to be interested in something.” Caroline broke the silence.

Adrian looked at her, “Well it was the first time I was seeing her, and I wanted to know who it was.”

Sarah, Diego and Dan came out of the hotel and met Adrian and Caroline.

“We should be going now, it will be dark soon.” Caroline said.

“This is the best time of my day, leaving work.” Dan said.

They started to walk, Adrian stood where he was while Caroline took the lead and Dan followed her behind with Diego.

Sarah passed Adrian but before she walked far he asked, “Are you alright Sarah?”

Sarah stopped and turned back, “Of course I am.” She smiled.

Sarah turned back and continued to walk. It was easy for Adrian to tell that it was a fake smile.

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