Chapter 8

He went on and left the apartment building and starting thinking. He knew that with the position he was in now, it was going to be hard to get to the position he wants to get to.

Growing up in the orphanage he did not have the best education and the only job he can get now with his level of education was a job behind a desk and he knew he cannot do that.

He had little or money and no connection so he had to figure out a way to get to the top in a short amount of time because he had already wasted a lot of time.

Since there was no way he could get to the top and get to his parents level through a normal everyday job, he had to think of other ways to get that kind of money. He spent so many years thinking about it.

Now he had an idea and he has been working towards it, and the first step has already been made which was getting a job at the hotel.

Getting his friends the same job in the hotel was not his initial plan but he had to do it because he felt like he owed them that.

He reached a restaurant. It was a small normal restaurant and this was the first time he has been here. He brought his phone out and turned it on. He browsed his phone and saw the restaurant. He confirmed that it was the right one.

He kept his phone back in his pocket and went into the restaurant. He walked slowly looking around inside the restaurant. Everyone in the restaurant were looking normal and there was nothing special about the restaurant, it was just an ordinary restaurant and nothing close to the one he worked in.

He went to the counter to order, “Please can I get a cup of coffee please?” Adrian asked.

“Sure what type of coffee?” The attendant asked.

“Oh just give me a latte thank you.” Adrian replied.

“Anything else with that Sir?”

“No that’s all.”

The attendant went to get his coffee. Then a woman walked to the counter where Adrian was. Adrian noticed the woman, she was beside him but not that close.

He turned his head a bit to look at the woman. The woman was wearing a diamond necklace and a diamond earring. Her bracelets were gold and her watch was very expensive.

Adrian turned back and faced his front then brought his cap low to cover his face a bit.

“I will just have my usual, I am actually in a hurry.” The woman said to the other attendant.

“Alright ma’am.” The attendant replied with a smile.

The woman started to use her phone while she was waiting. From what the woman said, Adrian could tell that she frequently come to this restaurant.

“Here you go sir, your coffee.” The attendance brought the coffee Adrian ordered.

Adrian left his thoughts, “Thank you.”

He took the coffee from the attendant and brought out some money from his pocket. He gave the money to the attendant and walked away.

He slowly walked out of the restaurant. He stood at the exit and took a sip of the coffee. He brought his phone out of his pocket and checked the time, after that, he kept the phone back in his pocket and went back to the apartment.

He reached the apartment building and went into the apartment.

“How do we somehow end up waiting for you?” Caroline asked immediately Adrian entered the apartment

“Oh good, you're all ready, well I will just drop my cap and jacket in my room then we will be on our way.”

Adrian went to his room quickly and dropped his cap and jacket on the bed. He came out of the room and they were already leaving the apartment so he joined them.

They left the apartment building and went on their way to the hotel.

Back when they were in the orphanage and Adrian was in a wheel chair unable to walk. The five of them stayed in the same room, and so many events made them stick together.

They were bunch of awkward kids and they were always looked down on. Adrian did not have much options when it came to friends because he was in a wheel. Eventually Adrian knew that he had to stick with them. With them around, it helped him escape from his mind.

When they were old enough to leave the orphanage, if was hard for them to do anything on their own so they stayed together and it has been like that since then.

They reached the hotel and stopped in the front entrance of the hotel, “Why don’t we use the front door for once.” Dan said.

“Because we are working here and one food here cost the whole of our pay check combined not to talk of a room in the hotel, so we use the backdoor.” Adrian replied.

They went on to the back of the hotel and entered through the door. They got their apron and wore it, “Well make sure you guys work well today.” Adrian said to them and left.

They were all waiters in the hotel restaurants. The hotel was so big that there were a lot of waiters.

Adrian walked out of the back room and went to the restaurant. There were a lot of high class people in the restaurant as usual so he had his job cut out for him.

A customer raised his hand and signaled Adrian. Adrian saw the man and immediately went to the man.

“What can I do for you today sir?” Adrian asked the man.

“Can I get the menu.” The man said in a rude voice.

“Of course sir I will get it to you, just give me a moment.” Adrian smiled.

Adrian was irritated by the man’s tone but it was not a surprise and he expected it. Everyone that come to the hotel are high class and most of them are rude and they don’t care about how they talk to the workers.

Adrian remembered how his parents always treated their maids and the butler when he was a kid. They were always nice to them, so he had to control himself and keep himself calm. He wanted to be like his parents.

Adrian went to the kitchen and got five menu so that if someone ask for it he would not have to go back to the kitchen to get it.

“Here you go sir, browse through it and let any of the waiter that is close by get what you want.” Adrian said to the man as he dropped the menu on the man’s table.

He walked away from the man quickly so that he will not call him for anything, so he went towards the stairs that leads to the hotel upstairs.

After a while someone came into the hotel. They were a lot of attention focus on the person so Adrian looked at the front door. He saw that it was the same woman he saw at the restaurant earlier today.

She was on a green gown which was different from what she wore when Adrian saw her. She had another diamond necklace and earrings on which was different from this morning. The workers in the hotel went to her as she came in, they were helping her with the bags she came in with.

“Yeah I know, she is really something.” Someone said to Adrian.

Adrian looked to the side and it was Michael, another employee who worked in the hotel part.

“Who is she?” Adrian asked.

“Well that is Ciera Cooke. She is the owner of this fine establishment.” Michael replied.

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