Chapter 7

He finished checking what he was checking on his phone and then dropped the phone on a small table close to his bed. He laid down there for a while and he slept off.

He woke up and immediately took his phone. He checked the time and realized that he just slept for 2hrs. He stood up from his bed and stretched a bit.

He still felt tired but he did not want to lie down immediately he woke up. So he decided to leave his room.

He opened the door and he saw Caroline in the living room, she was placing a blanket on Diego who was asleep on the couch.

Caroline is Diego’s older sister. They both were in the orphanage and since then Caroline has been taking care of Diego.

From what Adrian could tell, Caroline’s mother left her and Diego in the orphanage when she was very young and Diego was still a baby. Her mother left her saying that she will come back later to get them but she never came.

Since her mother did not come to get her, she became became a mother to Diego which made her responsible. She took care of herself and also Diego.

“From all the work you did today I thought you will still be sleeping.” Caroline noticed Adrian standing at his door.

Adrian closed his door and stayed there, “Yeah well I still feel tired though, so I will go back to bed soon.”

“I thought so.”

“Do you know the club Sarah went to?” Adrian asked.

“Not really, I didn’t ask her about that, why do you ask?”

“Well just for safety reasons I guess, this city isn’t the safest city you know.”

“Yeah I know but I am sure Sarah can take care of herself. I mean she has been on her own for a long time just like all of us.”

“I know, you are really taking care of him well.”

“Who? Diego? Well honestly I would be lying if I say that I am not tired of doing that, I just want him to grow up so that I can focus on myself.” Caroline left the couch Diego was on and sat down on another couch.

“Well you don’t really give him any chance to grow. You are always taking care of him, he needs to learn to be independent.” Adrian said.

“I don’t think that is the case.”

“Really, I know you are smart enough to know that it is the case. You know how you felt when your mother left and you don’t want Diego to ever feel that way so you don’t give any chance for that feeling because you are always there for him taking care of him.”

“Seems like you already know a lot about me and my brother but I don’t really know anything about you, all I know is that you were involved in an accident which brought you to the orphanage.” Caroline said.

“Well there is nothing more to know about me, I am nobody.”

“I do know this, the reason why you hang out with us. Because staying around us helps you escape from that corner of your mind that you don’t like going to when you are alone.” Carolina said.

Adrian did not know what to say so he remained silent. Caroline was just staring at him waiting for him to say something and it only made him uncomfortable.

“Uhmm…I will be going back to my room. I need to get some more sleep.”

“Alright Adrian.”

Adrian immediately opened his door, went into his room and close the door. He leaned on the door and took a deep breathe.

He was impressed with the way Caroline was able to deduct all that. He knew that if he said any other thing she would be able to deduct more and to play it safe he had to leave.

If it was on normal circumstances, he would have liked to fall in love with Caroline because she was beautiful, smart and responsible but he did not want any distractions like love to come between his plans to get to the level he wants to get to.

He went back to his bed and laid down, he tried as much as he could not to think about Caroline, he could not deny the fact that he had some kind of feelings for her. After a while he slept off.

Adrian woke up and immediately stood up from his bed, he checked the time and it was not yet 8am so he was not late, all he had to do now was hope that the others would be ready for work.

He left the room and went the living room and saw Diego. He was already awake and dressed up for work. He knew that he was prepared because of his sister.

“Good morning Adrian.” Diego said to Adrian when he saw him.

Diego was the youngest in the group, he is just becoming an adult. Because of the way Caroline always treated him, he became carefree. He was a good person but he had no backbone in him.

“I am surprised you up early after what you had to drink yesterday.” Adrian said to him.

“Well that is thanks to my sis.”

Adrian was always irritated with the confidence Diego always use to say all those kind of things but he did not let that bother him too much.

“What is that smell?” Adrian perceives a nice aroma.

“Well sis is cooking something in the kitchen.” Diego replied.

Caroline came out of the kitchen and came to the living room holding two plates on her hands.

“Here, eat up.” Caroline gave Diego one of the plate she was holding.

“Thanks sis.”

Caroline turned to Adrian, “Hope you slept well Adrian.”

“Morning.” Adrian said to Caroline.

“Well there is some food left and it is enough for the rest of you, so you can get something to eat. With the way you plot in your head I wonder if you will ever remember to eat something. I wonder what you all would do without me.” Caroline said.

Before Adrian could reply, Dan came out of Sarah’s room. He looked like he just woke up and nowhere near prepared to go out.

“What is cooking?” Dan asked as he walked all the way to the kitchen.

“Dan please get ready for work, we will be leaving for work soon.” Adrian yelled.

Dan went to the kitchen without replying to Adrian. After a while Dan came out of the kitchen with a plate of food. “Do we always have to go to work every day?” Dan said with food in his mouth.

“Well if you need money then you will need to go to work every day.” Adrian replied.

“Oh and I took all the food in the pot, I hope everyone has eaten.”

Adrian looked at Caroline and smiled. “Well I guess I can do a lot just on my own.” Adrian said. “Don’t worry about that Dan, I will just go out to get something to eat. Maybe a coffee and a sandwich.”

Adrian went back to his room, took a jack and a face cap and went back to the living room. He went to the exit and wore the jacket and the cap. “When I get back we will all go to work.”

He left the apartment and as he walked through the hallway he saw Sarah. She was heading back to the apartment and he noticed that her facial expression was not looking bright.

Sarah walked past him without saying anything. Adrian wanted to say something but he stopped himself because it was clear that she was not in the best mood.

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