Chapter 6

It was evening in the big city, the five of them where heading home after work. Adrian was in the front while the four of them where behind him.

Adrian did not see himself as the leader of the group, because he was not into little titles like that. The city was always loud and lively but Adrian was used to it, he had lived here for years now so he did not let it distract him.

“Guess what I got guys.” Dan said to them.

Dan brought out a whine from the bag he was holding and smiled, “Where did you get that from?” Diego asked.

“Another privilege for working in a place like that, I just snatched a whine from the cellar, and I doubt they will notice that it is gone. There were like hundreds there.” Dan said as he opened the wine and started to drink it.

“You know that there are going to notice that one is missing, they have someone who does inventory in the cellar everyday.” Adrian said without turning back.

“Well that is certainly a problem.” Dan said and took another sip of the vine. “But then they will not know who took the wine so we are safe.” He continued.

Dan was the obnoxious and loud type. He was a rebel who always like to break the rules and have fun. He was easy for Adrian to control and manipulate but sometimes he could be unpredictable and that was Adrian’s only problem with him.

Dan was the oldest In the group, when he came to the orphanage he kept on getting into trouble, stealing and doing some drugs which landed him in juvenile prison most of the time.

But now he is older he has calm down a little, he knew that there would permanent and severe consequences for his actions. He had black long hair and his body was built which made him look intimidating to some people.

“Well don’t drink everything, give me some.” Diego took the whine from Dan.

After a while, Dan and Diego where holding each other, discussing and laughing. They were already tipsy from the whine.

Caroline took the wine from Diego, “Well I guess that is enough whine for now.”

“Wait wait, why most you be a fun crusher that is Adrian’s job.” Diego said as he laughed with Dan.

“Well at least we are almost home.” Adrian said.

Adrian stopped when they were on a hill, “Why have we stopped, we are almost home.” Sarah asked while pressing her phone.

Caroline walked closer to Adrian, “Yeah I know this city can be messed up most of the time but there is no doubting that it is really beautiful.”

They were watching the sunset, since they where at the top of hill it was a nice view. They could see the sun going down slowly and if was beautiful.

“Yeah I know it is beautiful.” Adrian said.

They all looked at the sunset together and after a while Sarah walked past them, “Well you guys are cute, if you are going to fuck you should do it already.” Sarah said to Adrian and Caroline.

It was an awkward moment for Adrian and Caroline so they stopped looking at the sunset and went on to their home.

They got home, it was an apartment buidling. They all lived in one apartment together. They went into the building and got to their apartment. They entered and immediately Dan and Diego threw themselves on the couch.

There were three rooms in the apartment, Adrian and Sarah had their own room while Caroline shared a room with Diego and Dan sleeps on the couch or sometimes uses Sarah’s or Adrian’s room.

“Well I will need to go to the bathroom, I need to freshen up. I am going to a club this evening, someone is expecting me.” Sarah said.

It was hard for Adrian to read Sarah because she is the type of person that does not care about most things or maybe she is just pretending not to care.

She always goes out to clubs and parties. Adrian could tell that she was smart, she knew what she wanted and her only problem was getting it. She knew who she was and she always use her womanly charm to get what she wants.

Her hair was black and long, she had a really nice figure which she liked to show with the clothes she wears and she also was a bit short.

“I might not be back till tomorrow morning.” Sarah continued.

Sarah went to the shower and Adrian went to his room in the apartment.

Adrian closed the door and locked it so that he will not be disturbed. Adrian has not told the group how he grew up in a mansion and how wealthy his parents was. He assumed that there was no use in letting them know.

He did not like to tell people too much about himself, he did not want to be vulnerable to anyone.

He went to a corner of his room, there was a bag there with all his possession in it. He did not have much in the bag because he did not own much. He went to the bag and opened it then brought out a book from it.

It was the same book his father gave him when they were about to leave the mansion so many years ago.

When he was in a wheel chair, all he could do was read the book and when he finished the book, he would read it again from beginning..

“This is one of my favorite book. I am sure it can help you, shape you like it did with me. With this you can figure out who you truly are.”

Adrian remembered what his father said when he gave him the book.

He still don’t understand what his father meant when he said that, and now he had read the book multiple times it just made him confused.

The book was about manipulation and how the human mind works, its needs and wants.

Adrian dropped the book back into the bad and laid on his bed.

He brought out his phone from his pocket and unlocked it. He did not use his phone much but now he was browsing about the hotel he worked in.

In the past Adrian tried to search his parents up on the internet but he could not find anything on them. There was no trace of them on the internet and with the kind of wealth they had it was unusual.

Because he was young when the accident happened and the fact that he never left the mansion before, he had no way of finding his way back home.

Adrian gave up on looking for his home or trying to go back to how things were before. Now all he wanted to do was get to the position his parents were in, all by himself in any way possible. He felt like it was the least he could do for his parents.

He has already started his plans to get to that position and he knew that it was going to take a lot of time but he did not mind that as far as he gets there.

But one thing always crossed his mind and that was the thought of what happened to his step brother. He assumed that he will still be alive somewhere. And now his stepbrother would have grown so even if he saw him now he would not be able to recognize him.

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