Chapter 5

“You know one day you guys will make me go crazy.” Adrian said.

“And to be honest that is the day I cannot wait for, the day Adrian goes crazy.” Diego said.

Adrian left the room and went back to waiting the tables. After a while he took his phone out of his pocket and checked the time.

“Well I guess it’s time for my break.” Adrian said to himself.

He went to the back room and dropped the tray he was holding. After he did that, he left the hotel and stayed at the back.

He leaned on the wall, brought out a cigarette from his pocket and started to smock.

Soon someone came out of the back door, he looked to see who it was and it was Caroline. Caroline had blonde hair with blue eyes, she was fair and had smooth skin as if she had not done any hardship in her life, it was odd for someone who spent her life growing up in an orphanage. She saw Adrian and went to him.

“I didn’t imagine you as someone that smokes.” Caroline asked Adrian.

She lean on the wall next to Adrian, “Well I don’t do it all the time.” He replied.

She took the cigarette from him, “You know I still don’t understand why you got us a job like this. And I see how lost you get when you are working.” She said as she smoked.

“Well we need to the job and the pay is really good isn’t it.”

“I Know but I still think that there is something behind all this. You know I can see the ambitions in your eyes even though they others cannot see it. But what I don’t understand is how someone like you have so much ambition. People like us don’t have that kind of ambition.”

Adrian saw Caroline as the smartest one in the group and because of that he always tried to keep his distance from her, he did not want her too close to him to prevent her from figuring out too much about him.

But he could not deny the fact that she seems to make him vulnerable so it was hard for him to keep his distance all the time.

He took the cigarette from her and smocked it slowly, “I did all this for all of us, and you should know how hard it was for me to get this gig for us in a place like this.”

He handed the cigarette back to her, “Well will you look at that, my break is over.” He looked at his watch.

“You know you cannot run from me forever Adrian, we literally live in the same place.” Caroline said as Adrian went back into the hotel.

When Adrian walked in and the manager of the hotel came up to him.

“Adrian, just the person I am looking for.” The manager said.

Adrian knew that whatever the manager was going to say he would not like it but he had to put on a straight face, “What is? What do you need?”

“Well you are one of the most hardworking employee I have seen for a while now unlike your friends. So since your break is over why don’t you switch jobs now.”

Adrian knew he was going to regret asking this, “What do you want me to do now sir?”

“We are running low on cleaners now and there is a mess upstairs in the hotel hallway and I will need to you go clean it up.”

All Adrian wanted to do was say no but he knew that he could not do that, he wanted to stay on the good side of the manger so that he could have some privileges.

“Alight sir, I can do that.” Adrian replied.

“Alright here.” The manager handed him a mop and a bucket with some cleaning supplies.

“Great.” Adrian murmured in irritation.

“What was that?” The manager asked.

“Oh, I said great, everything I will need for to clean the hallway.”

“That is the spirit. With this your attitude you will go far.” The manager said and left Adrian.

Adrian stood there for a while before leaving the room. He went out of the backroom and went to the hotel.

The hotel was really big, it was divided into two parts, the ground floor is the five star restaurant and the floor above and on is the hotel part of the building.

He works in the restaurant with his friends as waiters and sometimes works in the kitchen arranging things or washing plates.

Few months ago he got a job at the hotel and also helped his friend in getting a job there.

He reached the second floor and he looked around to find the mess he had to clean. Finally he found the mess, there was a broken wine bottle on the flow with wine poured on the floor.

He first picked up the broken bottle first and after that he went on to mop the floor. As he moped, a couple came out of a hotel room and a little child also came out with them.

The couples were holding the child and they seemed happy. Seeing them made him remember about his parents. Adrian started to remember the good times he spent with his parents.

Then the good memories were swept away by flashes of the accident that killed his parents. He remembered how he was sent to the orphanage paralyzed and on a wheel chair.

He quickly stopped his thoughts from becoming too vivid and the couples and the child have already gone out of his sight, so he gave a sigh of relief and continued to mop the floor.

He finished moping the floor, he dried the mop and took the supplies down to the back room. He got out of the hotel through the back door and left the mop and the bucket there.

Then he checked his phone, he was glad because he and his friend’s shift just ended.

He quickly went back inside and dropped the apron he was wearing.

“Thanks for the work you did, at least I know who to call when I need a problem to be fixed.” The manger walked up to Adrian.

Adrian felt irritated and annoyed but he held himself as usual. “Alright sir, my shift is over so I will be going home with my friends.”

“Great work today as always, I will see you tomorrow then.

“God I hope not.” Adrian murmured.

“Sorry what was that?” The manager asked.

“It was nothing sir, just eager to get home and rest.” Adrian hoped that the manger did not hear him the first time.

“Alight then.” The manager walked away from the Adrian.

Adrian went on to look for his friends so that they can go home. He checked the whole back room but he could not see any of them. He was truly tired of them but they were the only people he had.

He gave up looking for them and decided to leave the hotel through the back door. He opened to the back door he saw his friends.

“You are finally here, we were here waiting for you.” Dan said.

“Well I was looking for you guys inside.” Adrian replied.

“We are all here so let’s get going, I am really tired, and I need to rest.” Diego said.

“Yeah.” Sarah concord as she rubbed makeup on herself.

Adrian closed the door and they started to walk away from the hotel.

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