Chapter 4

Adrian also noticed that the car was not slowing even though they were getting closer to the train tracks.

He sat up to see what was happening and then the book his father gave him fell down to the floor of the car. He went down to get the book, his parents looked at each other, and there were tears coming out of his mother’s eyes. They knew that there was nothing they could do.

Adrian got to the book and as he was about to get back to his seat. The train crashed into the car. The car tumbled over multiples time and Adrian passed out.

After a while, Adrian woke up. His whole body was in pains and it was hard to bare. His face was bleeding with some parts of his body. He was still inside the car but he could not move, the car was upside down.

He looked at the front of the car and saw his parents hanging and they were not moving. He did not know what to do and he could not react because he had no control of his body.

He started to hear sounds outside the car, it was the sound of an ambulance.

“Check for any survivors immediately.” Adrian heard some yell.

The door of the car was crushed so it was opened forcefully by some men outside. They got into the car and brought Adrian out. They put him in a stretcher and slowly went to the ambulance.

Adrian turned his head a bit to look behind but the men did not bring his parents out, he was wondering why they did not bring them out.

“Well the two people in the front are dead, they seemed married and it looks like they are that kids parents.” One of the men said.

Adrian heard what they said but he refused to believe it, he could not believe it. He wanted to yelled and call out his parents but he could not do that because he had little control of his body.

“That is sad, at least the child survived, take him to the nearest hospital immediately.” Another man said.

Everything became blurring for Adrian, tears stared to come out of his eyes. He never imagined something like this will ever happen.

The ambulance sound started to sound faint to him and he started to feel dizzy. As they took him into the abundance he passed out again.

Adrian opened his eyes and he was inside a hospital. He was still in a lot of pain but he had little control over his body. He was lying on the hospital bed, he saw a doctor and a nurse talking beside him. He tried to hear what they were talking about.

“He barely survived but sadly he won’t be able to walk for a while.” The doctor said. “Where you able to get any information from his parent or where he is from?” The doctor asked.

“No we couldn’t find anything at all. There were two other people in the car that he was found in but they are dead, they might be his parents. The police said that they did not find any ID in the car so we have no one to contact for the kid.” The nurse replied.

“Well so that means after he is treated and ready to leave the hospital he will have to go an orphanage.” The doctor said.

After the doctor said that he looked at Adrian, he saw that he was awake so the doctor when to him. “Don’t worry, you are in no real danger now. But you won’t be able to move your body well for a while.” The doctor said to Adrian.

“The only thing that they could get out of the car was this book, every other thing was crushed or burnt.” The nurse said.

“Oh, weird this is all that survived along with the child. Well I guess this is his only procession so we will leave it with him.” The doctor replied.

The doctor took the book from the nurse and kept on the table close to Adrian.

Adrian turned his head to the side and he saw that the book was the one his father gave him when they were about leaving the mansion. Tears came out of his eyes and went down his check.

The doctor left the room and the nurse followed him. Adrian wished that he could cry well, he wished that he could yell but he could not do any of that, at some point he wished that he died with his parents in the car.

Several years passed and now Adrian is no longer little, he is man in his mid-20s.

He was in a hotel restaurant, he was in a waiter attire waiting tables. He just finished attending to a couple at a table, so he stood where he was for a moment holding an empty tray. It was a five star hotel and it was a place where the wealthiest people in the city come.

A man on a table signaled for a waiter and Adrian went to the man. The man was wearing a black suit, on his wrist was a very expensive watch.

“So how was the food sir?” Adrian asked the man when he reached the table.

“The food was nice, can I have my bill now.” The man asked.

“I will be back with that sir.” Adrian replied to the man.

Adrian gave a smile and left the man’s table. He walked all the way to the door labeled employees only.

He opened the door and there four people in the room, “Well if it isn’t Mr. hardworking.” One of them said.

“You guys should not be slacking off, you know how hard it was for me to get this job for us.” Adrian said to them.

“You don’t have to worry Adrian, we were taking a little break. Now what do you want?” The same person asked.

“Well there is a man who needs the bill for the food he got so can you go check him out please.” Adrian said.

“Alright alright I will go, I am already tired of spending too much time with all of you.” Another person said, it was girl, she stood up from the chair she was sitting down on.

She walked out of the room and passed Adrian, but before she passed him she looked at him in a seductive way.

The people Adrian was with are Dan, Diego and Caroline, the one that just left is Sarah. They are the people he grew up with in the orphanage and the only people he could call friends.

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