Chapter 3

“I think that is all I need, I am set.” Adrian said to himself.

“Not quite master Adrian.” The butler said. “There are still more things you need to pack. And most you carry all those books master Adrian.”

“Well you cannot have way too many books and I need something to keep myself busy. But you know, honestly I hope I don’t have to read any of this books.”

“And why is that?” The butler asked.

“Well if I don’t have a chance to read any of the books it means that I will be having a lot of fun at the villa with my parents, I won’t be bored to read the book.” Adrian explained.

“I hope this vacation goes the way you want it to go Master Adrian.”

“I hope so too, but you said that there are still more things I need pack, what are they?”

The butler went to the door and opened it. A maid came into the room with three traveling bag. “I took the liberty of packing everything you will need for this trip.” The butler said.

“Wow, do I really need all that?” Adrian asked.

Adrian’s parent walked into his room, “I hope you are ready to go Adrian, we will be leaving now.” His mother said.

“Yes mom, I am ready to go, let us go now.”

Diane looked at the packed bags in the room, “Wow, are these all you will use to go today, seems like you are really prepared.”

“Yeah, I am prepared mom.” Adrian smiled.

“The car should be set for your departure.” The butler said to them.

“Thank you.” His father said. “Well what are we waiting for, we should get going.”

“Yes, finally.” Adrian said.

Adrian ran to his parents, his mother held his hand and they left the room. The three of them walked to the front of the mansion with the butler behind them.

They reached the front door, opened it and went out of the mansion. One of the cars in the compound was parked in front of the mansion.

Then the maids started to leave the house carrying the bags Adrian and his parents will use on the trip. The maids put the bags inside the trunk of the car.

When the maids finished putting all the bags inside the trunk, Adrian and his parents went to the car.

“You will stay at the back while your father and I stay in the front, your father is driving us there.” His mother said.

“Sir, are you sure that I cannot drive you all there myself.” The butler said.

“It is alright, I need you stay here and I keep an eye on the mansion and also the baby.” Reginald said.

“Aright sir.”

“And yes I almost forgot, and I promise this will be the last present.” Reginald said to Adrian.

Reginald brought out a book that was inside the car, “This is one of my favorite book. I am sure it can help you, shape you like it did with me. With this you can figure out who you truly are.”

“Wow thanks dad, of course I will read.” Adrian took the book from his father.

The butler opened the back door and Adrian entered the car. His mother entered the front seat and his went to the driver’s seat.

“I do hope you enjoy your time, I will be waiting for you right here.” The butler said.

Reginald started to drive out of the compound. The big gate opened and as they were leaving the compound, Adrian looked back at the mansion. He did not realize how big the mansion was until now he was leaving, he was really happy.

He turned back to his front and sat well on the seat. When the car left the compound Adrian looked through the window. This was the first time he was leaving the mansion and the compound so he was fascinated with everything he was seeing.

They got to the city and Adrian realized that the mansion was away from the city, it was on its own. He did not know why but he did not think too much about it.

Adrian was fascinated by the tall buildings and the people walking on the roads.

“I know Adrian, the city is beautiful.” His father said while driving.

“It really is, but why don’t we live in the city, won’t that be really nice.” Adrian said.

“Well the city is beautiful but your father and I like our privacy, the city can be too much for some people, not everyone can handle it.” His mother replied.

“I think I can handle it mom, if I am in the city or any city at all, I am sure I can handle it. This city is really big and amazing.” Adrian said.

“I am sure you can handle it Adrian.” His mother smiled.

“I cannot wait to go out into the city and explore it, just like in my books.”

“It will take a while before we get to our destination so why don’t you get some rest.” His father said.

Even though everything Adrian was looking at was fascinating to him, he still felt tired and sleepy. “Yeah, I feel tired, I guess I will just rest my eyes for some moments then I will continue my sightseeing.” Adrian said.

Adrian sat back well on the seat and closed his eyes, and soon he slept off.

After a long while, Adrian woke up and he could still feel the car moving. He opened his eyes closely and he looked at the front and saw his mother and father, “Are we there yet?” Adrian asked.

“Seems like you are awake, well we are not there yet but we will be there soon.” His mother replied.

Adrian looked out of the in window and saw that they were just leaving the city. Then he looked through the windshield and saw a train track ahead.

His father kept on driving and then he saw a train about to pass, he tried to see if he could beat the train but he realized that the train was going really fast so he decided to stop.

He hit the brakes but the car was not slowing down, he did not understand what was going on. He kept on trying the brakes but it was not doing anything, it did not take him for him to realize that the brakes has failed.

He did not know what to do, he tried as much as he could not to panic so that he will not scare Adrian. Diane noticed that they were reaching the train and the car was not slowing down so she looked at Reginald. She saw his facial reaction and how he was hitting the breaks and it did not take long for her to also realize that the brakes failed.

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