Chapter 2

“And I almost forgot, we have another birthday gift for you.” His mother said.

Adrian could not believe that there would be another gift better than the one his parents already gave him.

“Yes, we also know that we don’t let you leave this mansion so we decided to take you on a vacation trip, just the three of us in one of our private villa.” His father said.

Adrian very happy, he had so much excitement in him. It was as if his day just kept on getting better and better.

“Where are we going? Where is the villa?” Adrian was excited.

“Well it is a bit far from here, it’s a beach. We will go tomorrow so pack your things early in the morning so we can leave on time.” His mother said. “And of course your baby brother will not be joining us, he is too young to travel so he will stay here and be taken care of by the maids.” She continued.

Adrian could not wait for tomorrow, he jumped off his chair and the butler went to him and held him.

“Where are you going to Adrian?” His mother asked.

“Well I want to go to bed now so that when I wake up it will be tomorrow, I can’t wait.” Adrian replied.

His parents smiled, “Well then what are we going to do about all this foods and the cake.” His father said.

“Well at least cut the cake and eat it a little, it is your birthday.” His mother said.

“Alright mom.” Adrian said.

Without saying anything, the butler went to the table and took the cake. He brought the cake closer to Adrian.

“Make a wish and blow out the candles.” His mother said.

Adrian stood on his chair so that he could reach the candles on the cake, “I wish that things will continue like this. I wish that I can get to leave this mansion and explore the world.” Adrian wished and then blew out the candles.

His parents started to clap as they smiled. Adrian loved this moment and he wished that it will never end.

The butler brought out a small knife and sliced the cake. And after that, he brought out a piece of the cake and gave it to Adrian.

Adrian ate the cake, “Goodnight mom and dad, thanks for making today great.”

“Well you don’t ever need to thank us, we would do anything for you.” His mother said.

Adrian walk quickly out of the dining room leaving his parents. He quickly got to his room and entered it. He ran and jumped on his bed then covered himself with his blanket.

He closed his eyes and tried to sleep but he was too excited to sleep. So he decided read one of his books.

He left his bed and went over to his bookshelf. On the bookshelf, there were many books of different kinds but most of it were about adventures and human beings.

Adrian liked to read books, since there was nothing much he could do in the mansion he picked up the hobby of reading. He was homeschooled, his parents got him the best private teachers they could find and because of that, Adrian learnt how to read at a very age which made him smart and intelligent.

He got a book from the shelf, he could not get the one he wanted because it was too high for him to reach. He normally ask a maid or the butler to help with books he cannot reach but it was already late so he did not want to disturb any of them.

When he got the book, he went back on his bed and started to read it. He was immediately engrossed in the book and it took his mind off the event that will happen tomorrow.

After a while of reading, Adrian well asleep with the book opened in his hand.

Adrian’s parents walked into his room and saw him sleeping on his bed with the lights on. His mother went to him while his father stayed at the door.

She took the book from Adrian’s hand and kept it back on the book shelf. She went back to Adrian and placed the blanket on him well, then she went closer to him and gave him a soft kiss.

“Sleep tight my sweet brilliant boy.” She whispered.

After that she went back to the door where her husband was, they left the room and went to their own room.

They reached their room and went into it. Reginald sat down on the bed with his head bent low while Diane sat down on a chair in front of the mirror in the room.

“So we are doing this tomorrow.” Reginald said.

“We have to do it. That is the least we can do for him, and we would spend time away from all this with our son.” Diane said.

“I suppose you are right.”

“Is it weird that I feel free now?” Diane asked.

“No it is not. Our boy is smart, he will be able to survive right?”

“Of course he will be able to survive.” She assured him. “Enough with all this, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow so let us try and enjoy it. I for one cannot wait for tomorrow.” She smiled.

“Yeah, so come to bed and let us get some sleep.”

Diane stood up from the chair and went to the bed, she laid down and covered herself with the blanket. Reginald laid on the bed and held Diane tightly.

It was morning and Adrian was already awake, he was in the bath room getting prepared. He took his bath, brushed his teeth and the butler helped him pick out clothes to wear.

His bag was already set and the maid had already packed all the necessary things he will need but he went on to put some of his books in the bag. There was no way he was not going to bring a book along.

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