The Second Chance Billionaire

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The Second Chance Billionaire

By: Susan Brook CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 179 views: 835

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Ren Davis, a rejected individual, born into poverty, but his goal was to uplift his struggling parents. Ren sacrifices his life to save two innocent children from a burning building, then something extraordinary happens as he was transported fifteen years back to the past. Guided by a celestial God, Ren accumulated karma points and learns powerful techniques to reshape his destiny. Armed with a photographic memory of his previous life, Ren seizes an opportunity to recreate a popular webtoon from the future. Utilizing the knowledge of the future, he amasses fortune and transforms into a captivating, skilled individual. However, as Ren's power grew, so did the number of adversaries who seek to bring him down. Will Ren finally achieve his ultimate goal of becoming the ruler of the world?

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  • Ellen


    Starting from Chapter 121, the story contains another chapter of a different story by another author, The Rise Unwanted Son-in-law.

    2024-09-26 07:57:35
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179 chapters
Chapter 1
Ren Davis walked out of the office building, his shoulders slumped in dejection. "Sorry, kid," the gruff interviewer had said with a shrug. "You've got the credentials on paper, but there were just...better candidates. More experienced. We have to go with who we think is the best fit."Those last words burned in Ren's mind as he trudged down the city sidewalk, feeling defeated. How was he supposed to get experience if no one would give him a chance? It was an endless loop of rejections, each one more demoralizing than the last.Ren was from a humble background, where his parents struggled to make ends meet and barely managed to pay the bills. Despite their financial hardships, they exerted every ounce of effort to provide for him, even though he was already thirty years old and capable of fending for himself. Ren felt a desire to achieve success, aiming to make a difference in their lives by offering them the support they had selflessly given him throughout the years.Up ahead, Ren
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Chapter 2
Ren found himself floating in a huge, empty space filled with stars and galaxies. The silence was almost deafening, and a strange calmness surrounded him.Confused and disoriented, Ren looked around, his heart racing. He reached out, trying to grab onto something, but there was nothing.Before Ren could react, an invisible force seemed to reach out and grab him, pulling him inexorably forward until he was falling, tumbling through a swirling mix of colors and shapes.The cosmic maelstrom battered his senses from all sides, overwhelming him with a dizzying barrage of sights and sounds unlike anything he had ever experienced.Just when Ren thought he couldn't take it anymore, everything suddenly stopped. He found himself floating in a huge, empty space filled with stars and galaxies. The silence was almost deafening, and a strange calmness surrounded him.Confused and disoriented, Ren looked around, his heart racing. He reached out, trying to grab onto something, but there was nothing.
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Chapter 3
The warm rays of the morning sun gently streamed into Ren's room, signaling the arrival of summer vacation. As he woke up, a surge of memories from his previous life flooded his mind, leaving him momentarily overwhelmed. In one swift motion, he sat up in bed, his chest rising and falling rapidly as flashes of past experiences flickered through his consciousness.His eyes fixated upon a disarray of unpaid bills scattered across his desk - electricity, rent, and medical fees, all demanding attention. Among them, he was reminded of his father's debt which made them houseless. In his previous existence, he had been burdened by his parents' financial struggles, but this time, things were different. “I have the knowledge of the future I have to make use of it"Ren threw off his blanket, racing over to boot up the old desktop computer lying dormant in the corner."Okay...gotta get the jump on this.!" The website for digital illustration software pulled up and Ren smashed
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Chapter 4
Ren hung up the video call with ComiXStream's CEO, a satisfied smirk playing across his lips. He had totally outmaneuvered those big-shot publishers, forcing them to agree to his terms. That sweet $10,000 payment was sent to his account, plus he'd be getting 50% of the profits from Thunderstrike's crazy success. *Ding!*Ren's eyes lit up as they saw the notification, and they couldn't contain their joy. "Finally... I've made my first $10,000!" Ren exclaimed, unable to believe. He had never had the opportunity to make $1,000 in his previous timeline, let alone $10,000, so this was an incredibly joyful moment for them.But his moment of triumph was interrupted by a loud banging at the front door. Ren's brow furrowed as he heard his dad's slurred voice from the living room. "I'm coming, I'm coming!"The sound of the door being unlatched, and then a booming voice that Ren recognized as their grumpy landlord, Mr. Zimmer. "Where's my money, Riley? The rent was due three days ago, and I'm
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Chapter 5
Ren's fingers flew across the keyboard as he executed a series of complex trades, his mind racing with the wealth of knowledge from his previous life. He had spent the last several hours methodically building up his stock portfolio, drawing on his intimate understanding of future market trends to secure massive gains.The numbers in his trading account continued to climb, far exceeding the modest $10,000 he had started with. Ren couldn't help but feel a surge of exhilaration - this was his chance to finally lift his family out of the cycle of poverty and debt that had plagued them for so long.With a few more decisive keystrokes, Ren closed out his latest positions, locking in a staggering profit of over $250,000. He leaned back in his chair, a triumphant grin spreading across his face."Time to put this plan into action," he murmured, reaching for his phone.Ren quickly composed a message to his parents, informing them that he had a surprise for them and asking them to meet him at th
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Chapter 6
Ren sat on the crowded school bus, music playing softly through his headphones as he gazed out the window. It was a familiar routine he had gone through countless times before, but now everything felt different.As the bus rumbled down the street, Ren couldn't help but overhear the whispered conversations of the girls around him. "Did you see that guy? He's so hot!""I know, right? I wonder who he is..."Ren felt a small smile tug at the corners of his lips as he recognized the familiar words. It was a stark contrast to the way things used to be, when he would sit on this very bus, invisible and overlooked, desperately hoping to catch even the briefest glance from the object of his affection.He remembered how the girls would chatter excitedly about the popular, good-looking boys, never sparing a second thought for the shy, skinny outcast he had once been. Ren would sit in the back, hunched over and trying to make himself as small as possible, his heart aching with unrequited longing
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Chapter 7
As Ren made his way to school, he couldn't help but notice the curious stares and whispers that followed him. It was as if his very presence had shifted, radiating an aura of confidence and power that was impossible to ignore.Even his closest friends seemed taken aback by Ren's transformed appearance, his eyes widening with surprise as they took in his taller, more muscular frame and the subtle changes to his facial features."Dude, what the hell happened to you?" one of his friends, Kyle, exclaimed, his brow furrowed with confusion. "You look like you just stepped out of a movie or something."Ren couldn't help but chuckle at his friend's exaggerated reaction. "I've just been... working on myself, that's all," he said, his voice calm and collected.Kyle shook his head in disbelief. "Working on yourself? Come on, man, you look like a completely different person. What, did you suddenly discover steroids or something?"Ren smiled, shaking his head. "Nothing like that, I promise. Just b
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Chapter 8
On the ground stood Broc and his defeated gang, their bodies covered in blood as Ren had inflicted injuries on them. Ren made sure they would be hospitalized for at least a month. He wanted to teach them a lesson they would never forget and ensure they never crossed his path again.Ren squatted in front of Broc and whispered in his ear, "You can use the $1000 and treat yourself. You can keep the change." Broc felt the urge to stab Ren, but he was powerless.Kyle was shocked. He never expected Ren to overpower them. He had feared Ren would be the one getting hurt, but it turned out differently."Isn't that Ren? I thought he was weak... How did he defeat the number one?" The crowd was surprised and curious.Ren gazed at the bewildered crowd and shouted, "Pizza is on me!" Instead of being frightened, the crowd cheered and exclaimed, "Yeah!"Ren wasn't afraid of the consequences the school authorities might impose on him because he had recorded everything that had happened. He had acted i
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Chapter 9
OppositionRen Davis had just woken up and preparing for school when he noticed the air has become a bit chilly. He blew out a mouthful of air and it's outline.“We are still in June, are we not? How come it's cold all of a sudden.” Ren could not help but think to himself.Just then, the outline of a man in silver robe with sparkly diamonds embroidered on all round of it stepped out of thin air.“Its been a while Young Davis.” the man's husky voice echoed around the room.“Celestial god!” Ren showed deep respect to this benefactor of his.“I see you are doing well in the task you've been given. Now its time for you to know deeper information.” the Celestial god said with a somber expression.“Is everything alright?” Ren asked, a bit anxious.“You are not the only one brought from the future. As you know, your continent contains five empires. And your Empire; Eldonria, is at the center. To the West is the Tron Empire, and right now a young man has been chosen by another Celestial bein
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Chapter 10
A second chance and a system. Zachary Bemba was woken from a deep slumber by the crowing of a rooster. His eyes abruptly rolled open, glazed over with the remnants of a dream or rather a nightmare.Zachary was first aware of the foul polluted air with a stale fragrance. It was nothing similar to the coolness of the air and its fresh fragrance he'd grown accustomed to in the big city of Alistair of the Tron Empire. He was lying on an abnormally small foam which didn't seem to be the same as the king-size bed the TSF provided all it's players. It was very uncomfortable and hurt his back when he stirred.Zachary blinked as his as his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting in the room before propping himself up and orienting himself to the surroundings.He was in a room with worn out brick walls that had holes in it. Small sewed in ragged curtains hid the shabby small glass window on one side of the cramped chamber-just leaving a shy peek of the dirt filled road beyond. One wooden seat and a r
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