Chapter 6

Ren sat on the crowded school bus, music playing softly through his headphones as he gazed out the window. It was a familiar routine he had gone through countless times before, but now everything felt different.

As the bus rumbled down the street, Ren couldn't help but overhear the whispered conversations of the girls around him.

"Did you see that guy? He's so hot!"

"I know, right? I wonder who he is..."

Ren felt a small smile tug at the corners of his lips as he recognized the familiar words. It was a stark contrast to the way things used to be, when he would sit on this very bus, invisible and overlooked, desperately hoping to catch even the briefest glance from the object of his affection.

He remembered how the girls would chatter excitedly about the popular, good-looking boys, never sparing a second thought for the shy, skinny outcast he had once been. Ren would sit in the back, hunched over and trying to make himself as small as possible, his heart aching with unrequited longing.

Now, the tables had turned. As he sat there, the girls around him couldn't seem to keep their eyes off him, whispering and giggling among themselves. Ren felt a sense of vindication, a secret thrill that he had finally become the object of their attention.

Ren couldn't help but glance towards the front of the bus, where a familiar figure stood staring out the window. Mila, the girl he had pined for all those years ago, was still as breathtakingly beautiful as he remembered.

Ren felt his heart leap into his throat as their eyes met, a jolt of electricity passing between them. Suddenly, he was transported back to those painful days when he had been too afraid to even approach her, too convinced of his own unworthiness to dare to dream that she might one day notice him.

Ren knew things were different. He was no longer the same shy, invisible boy Mila had once disregarded.

As Ren made his way towards Mila, he could feel the envious stares of the other boys on the bus.

Mila turned as Ren approached, her expression one of mild curiosity. "Can I help you?" she asked, her voice soft and melodic.

Ren swallowed hard, suddenly feeling the familiar anxiety creeping back. "H-hi, Mila," he stammered. "It''s me. Ren."

Mila blinked, a flicker of recognition crossing her face. "Ren?" she repeated, her brow furrowing. "I'm sorry, I don't think I know you."

Ren felt his heart sink, his newfound confidence wavering. "It's me," he insisted, "from high school. We...we were in the same class last semester."

Mila studied him for a moment, her gaze roaming over his striking features. "Wait, Ren?" she exclaimed, her eyes widening. "I barely recognized you! What happened?"

Ren felt a flush creep up his neck. "It's a long story," he admitted. "But let's just say I've been...working on myself. Trying to become a better version of who I was before."

Mila nodded thoughtfully. "Well, whatever you've been doing, it's definitely paying off." Her eyes twinkled with mischief. "I have to say, I'm quite impressed."

Ren's heart soared at her words, the familiar butterflies in his stomach taking flight. "T-thank you," he managed, feeling like his tongue was suddenly two sizes too big for his mouth. "That...that really means a lot to me."

The two fell into an easy conversation, the initial awkwardness melting away as Ren found himself opening up in ways he never could have imagined. Mila seemed genuinely interested in learning more about him, asking probing questions and listening intently to his responses.

As the bus approached Mila's stop, she turned to Ren with a coy smile. "Hey, I know this is kind of sudden, but...would you like to get coffee with me sometime?"

Ren's eyes widened in disbelief, scarcely daring to believe his luck. "I - yes! Absolutely, I would love that." He fumbled in his pocket for a pen, hastily scribbling his number on her palm. "Here's my number. Can I have yours too, so I can call you when you're free."

"Sure!” She smiled as she collected Ren's phone and dialled her number.

Mila giggled, the sound like music to Ren's ears. "It's a date, then." She winked as she rose from her seat, the bus slowing to a stop. "See you around, Ren."

As Mila made her way towards the exit, Ren couldn't help but watch, utterly transfixed.

"Yes! I finally got her"

As the bus pulled up to Mila's stop, the other passengers began to file out, eager to reach their destinations.

Ren's heart soared at her words, a giddy smile spreading across his face. But his elation was short-lived as he noticed a group of burly, unfamiliar students near the back of the bus, their eyes fixed on him with undisguised hostility.

The leader of the pack, a hulking figure with a shaved head, stepped forward, his heavy boots thudding against the worn linoleum floor. "Well, well, well," he growled, his beady eyes narrowing. "If it isn't little Ren, all grown up and trying to get cozy with the ladies."

Ren felt a chill run down his spine, memories of past torment flooding back. This was the same group of bullies who had terrorized him throughout middle school, always targeting him for his small stature and timid nature. They had relentlessly mocked him, stolen his belongings, and even beaten him on more than one occasion.

"I'll text you later, Ren," she called over her shoulder, her voice carrying a hint of playful anticipation.

Ren's heart sank as he watched Mila, the girl he had been talking to, walk away. He knew the bullies had noticed his interaction with her, and that they would use it as an excuse to torment him once again.

"I don't want any trouble," Ren said, forcing his voice to remain steady, though his hands trembled slightly.

The bully let out a harsh bark of laughter. "Too bad, 'cause trouble's what you're gonna get." He leaned in, his foul breath washing over Ren's face. "That pretty little number you just gave Mila? Hand it over, or we're gonna make your life a living hell."

Ren felt a surge of indignation rise within him, his newfound confidence bolstering his resolve. "No way," he spat, his eyes narrowing. "That's mine, and I'm not giving it to you or anyone else."

The bus had emptied out, leaving Ren and the bullies as the sole occupants. The driver glanced back, but made no move to intervene, he thought it was a casual children's play.

The bully's expression darkened, and Ren knew he had made a grave mistake. "Wrong answer, pretty boy," the thug growled, his massive fist clenching.

At that moment, time seemed to slow to a crawl. Ren could feel the shift in the air, the building tension that crackled like electricity. He knew he had to act, to draw upon the teachings of the celestial being and the disciplines he had mastered.

With a fluid, almost instinctive motion, Ren dodged the bully's first swing, his body moving with a grace and precision that caught his opponent off guard. He countered with a series of lightning-fast jabs, each strike landing with pinpoint accuracy and devastating force.

The other thugs, sensing the shift in the tide, hesitated, their bravado wavering. Ren seized the opportunity, whirling and weaving through their ranks with a balletic fluidity, his strikes landing with a sickening crunch of bone and sinew.

"You think you're hot shit, don't you, Ren?" the bully spat, wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. "Well, let's see how you like it when we really turn up the heat!"

He lunged forward, his massive fists swinging in a flurry of blows. Ren dodged and weaved, his movements fluid and graceful, but the sheer force of the bully's assault was starting to overwhelm him.

The other thugs, emboldened by their leader's relentless assault, joined the fray, surrounding Ren and raining down blows from all sides.

"Come on, you little punk," one of them snarled, his eyes narrowed with malice. "This is for all the times you thought you were better than us!"

Ren gritted his teeth, his body moving with a preternatural speed and agility as he fended off his attackers. He landed a series of devastating strikes, dropping one bully after another, but the sheer numbers were starting to take their toll.

"Enough!" the bully leader bellowed, his voice booming through the confines of the bus. "Time to teach this little shit a lesson he'll never forget."

He pulled a switchblade from his pocket, the steel blade glinting in the dim light. Ren's eyes widened in alarm, but he refused to back down, his stance shifting into a defensive posture.

The bully advanced, a twisted grin spreading across his face. "Say your prayers, Ren," he growled, his grip tightening on the knife.

Suddenly, the bus lurched to a stop, the driver's voice cutting through the chaos.

"That's enough!" the driver shouted, his face flushed with anger. "I won't have any of this nonsense on my bus. You boys, out, now!"

The bullies hesitated, their bravado faltering in the face of the driver's stern command.

Ren seized the opportunity, his movements swift and decisive. He launched a series of lightning-fast strikes, knocking the knife from the bully's hand and sending him reeling.

The other thugs, seeing their leader's sudden vulnerability, quickly backed away, their expressions a mix of fear and grudging respect.

Ren stood tall, his chest heaving, his eyes burning with a fierce determination. "This is your only warning," he said, his voice low and steady. "Leave me alone, or you'll regret it."

The bully leader glared at Ren, his fists clenching at his sides. For a moment, it seemed as though he might try to retaliate, but one glance at the driver's stance seemed to change his mind.

With a frustrated growl, the bully turned and stormed off the bus, his cronies following close behind.

The driver watched them go, his expression stern. "You alright, son?" he asked, his voice softening.

Ren nodded, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Yeah, I'm good," he said, his gaze drifting to the retreating figures of the bullies.

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