Chapter 2

Ren found himself floating in a huge, empty space filled with stars and galaxies. The silence was almost deafening, and a strange calmness surrounded him.

Confused and disoriented, Ren looked around, his heart racing. He reached out, trying to grab onto something, but there was nothing.

Before Ren could react, an invisible force seemed to reach out and grab him, pulling him inexorably forward until he was falling, tumbling through a swirling mix of colors and shapes.

The cosmic maelstrom battered his senses from all sides, overwhelming him with a dizzying barrage of sights and sounds unlike anything he had ever experienced.

Just when Ren thought he couldn't take it anymore, everything suddenly stopped. He found himself floating in a huge, empty space filled with stars and galaxies. The silence was almost deafening, and a strange calmness surrounded him.

Confused and disoriented, Ren looked around, his heart racing. He reached out, trying to grab onto something, but there was nothing.

"Where am I?" he whispered, his voice echoing in the emptiness. As if answering his question, a deep, resonant voice spoke up from the cosmic background.

"You are in a place beyond the mortal world, young Ren. A place where the balance of karma and reincarnation is kept." Ren spun around, trying to find the source of the voice.

Slowly, a figure appeared before him - a being made of pure, radiant energy that pulsed like a living flame.

"W-what?" Ren stuttered, his mind racing.

"What is this? Who are you?" The luminous entity looked at him with a calm, amused expression.

"You are in a realm beyond the mortal plane, young Ren. A place where the delicate balance of karma and reincarnation is maintained."

Ren's brow furrowed in confusion. "Karma? I don't understand... I thought I died?"

"You did not die, not fully," The voice of the being replied from somewhere amidst the cosmic backdrop. "Your selfless actions, your willingness to sacrifice your own life to save others, earned you a rare favor in the eyes of the universe."

The being raised a tendril, silencing his protests. "You are familiar with the concept of karma, are you not?"

"Kind of?" Ren replied casually.

"The principle that our actions in this life, be they good or ill, determine our fate in the next?"

Slowly, Ren nodded, "In your previous existence, you lived a life of hardship and deprivation," the celestial overseer continued solemnly. "But in the end, you proved yourself worthy. When faced with the ultimate test, you cast aside your own suffering and fear to save the lives of two innocents, willingly sacrificing yourself in the process."

The celestial entity fixed Ren with an intense, piercing stare. "So, you have gotten a second chance – an opportunity to live your life anew, unburdened by the shackles of poverty and misfortune that shackled you before."

"But... how?" he asked, "How is any of this even possible?"

"There are forces at work in this universe far beyond your understanding, powers and principles that govern all of existence."

With a sweeping gesture of its radiant tendril, the being conjured a series of ghostly figures that seemed to flicker and dance amidst the starry expanse. "Observe closely," it intoned.

"I will be teaching you five techniques that will help you be able to face any circumstances that come your way," the being said as it moved its hands.

"Wait, are you implying that you're going to teach me... superpowers?" Ren questioned, his eyes widening with disbelief.

The celestial entity regarded him calmly. "In a sense, yes. The techniques I am about to impart to you go far beyond the comprehension of ordinary mortals."

Ren shook his head in awe. "Mind control, super strength, invisibility? Is that what you're referring to?"

The being chuckled, a deep resonant sound that seemed to reverberate through the void. "Not quite so dramatic, young Ren. Although the powers I will bestow upon you may appear extraordinary from your mortal perspective."

"Alright, listen closely. First and foremost, the Mind Forge. This technique revolves around cultivating mental discipline, honing your focus to razor-sharp levels, enabling you to stay on task regardless of external distractions.

Next, the Body Immortal. This method fortifies your physical form, rendering you significantly more resilient and resistant to defeat. Picture yourself as an unyielding fortress, agile and impenetrable.

The Mind Sublime is another remarkable technique. It expands your consciousness, accelerating your information processing abilities, and granting you fresh perspectives. Even in the face of the most daunting challenges, you will maintain your composure.

Then, there's the Path of Infinite Allure. Through this practice, you will naturally exude charisma, drawing others towards you with an irresistible magnetism. You may find yourself becoming a captivating figure, attracting attention effortlessly.

Lastly, the Eternal Cultivation method. This technique attunes you to the cosmic energy flow, allowing you to accomplish extraordinary feats. Wealth, power, and untold possibilities await those who master it."

Ren let out a shaky breath. "Wow... I must admit, I find it hard to believe. However, if all of this is true, then I am ready and willing to learn. What do I do?"


Ren had spent close to one week in the realm and he had successfully mastered all the five techniques of the celestial being.

Ren blinked rapidly as the world around him collapsed in a blinding flash. In an instant, he found himself tumbling back into the familiar confines of his childhood home, the ghostly afterimages of the cosmic void still seared into his vision.

He hit the hardwood floor with a thud, every nerve ending in his body ablaze. Drenched in a cold sweat, Ren lay there gasping for air, his heart pounding furiously.

"Ren? Ren, honey, are you alright?" His mother's worried voice called out from the kitchen, laced with concern.

Slowly, Ren pushed himself up onto his hands and knees, his head still spinning from the metaphysical maelstrom he had endured. "I'm...I'm fine, Mom," he managed, his voice sounding strange even to his own ears. "Just give me a minute."

“Did I just travel back fifteen years?" Ren exclaimed, his astonishment evident. "He never mentioned anything about this... Wow!"

With shaky legs, Ren slowly got up and made his way to the bathroom. Each step felt harder than the last, but he could feel a strange, buzzing energy inside him, like a live wire humming beneath his skin. When he saw his reflection in the mirror, he was shocked.

The skinny teenager he remembered was gone, replaced by a young man with strong, chiseled features. His body was lean and muscular, with powerful muscles rippling beneath his skin.

"What...?" Ren touched his sharply defined jawline, tracing the high cheekbones and perfect bone structure. This face was far from the one he remembered - it looked like a legendary hero, not a real person.

"Could this be one of the changes caused by the mysterious being's teachings? A sign of the Path of Infinite Allure? If so, then the other disciplines - the Mind Forge, the Body Immortal, the Mind Sublime - will probably happen too" Ren thought, trying to make sense of what was happening.

He hurriedly rushed to the bathroom to freshen up, as he realized he had become quite sweaty and stinky.

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