Chapter 3

The warm rays of the morning sun gently streamed into Ren's room, signaling the arrival of summer vacation. As he woke up, a surge of memories from his previous life flooded his mind, leaving him momentarily overwhelmed. In one swift motion, he sat up in bed, his chest rising and falling rapidly as flashes of past experiences flickered through his consciousness.

His eyes fixated upon a disarray of unpaid bills scattered across his desk - electricity, rent, and medical fees, all demanding attention. Among them, he was reminded of his father's debt which made them houseless.

In his previous existence, he had been burdened by his parents' financial struggles, but this time, things were different.

“I have the knowledge of the future I have to make use of it"

Ren threw off his blanket, racing over to boot up the old desktop computer lying dormant in the corner.

"Okay...gotta get the jump on this.!" The website for digital illustration software pulled up and Ren smashed the d******d button. "Sorry Mom, but I'm gonna stay in this room throughout this weekend." He said to himself.


Ren turned up the laptop and was surprised to see the familiar manga site that had been very popular. He realized that his new body constitution was the reason he was not weak after not eating for three days. Feeling guilty, he said to himself,

"I apologize for utilizing your work, Golden Leaf," Ren expressed remorsefully. His intention was to craft a comic based on the exact manuscript authored by a person named Golden Leaf in the current timeline.

Over the next 48 hours, Ren worked with a fervor unlike anything he'd experienced before - or after - his reincarnation. Meals went untouched and sleep became an afterthought.

Ren's parents lightly knocked on the door, worried about their child, but Ren didn't respond. He was completely absorbed in his task. Ren used every bit of their photographic memory to recreate the entire Thunderstrike comic series, right from the very beginning frames.

Ink pens were scattered all over the desk as if a storm had passed through. Ren's skilled hands swiftly brought panel after panel to life with his precise strokes. He couldn't help but wear a confident grin as he depicted the mischievous hero, the action-packed battles, and the awe-inspiring Giantek monsters.

“Wow! I had no idea I had this artistic touch," Ren exclaimed in astonishment. It was quite a surprise since they had never picked up a pencil to draw before.

When his worried mother knocked one final time, Ren waved her off with a curt "Working on a project for school!"

Finally, after almost two full days without sleep, Ren sat up straight, letting out a tired sigh. Then he removed his headphone and turned the monitor to take a reflective look at what they had accomplished.

"Finally...." he whispered in awe. "The whole first volume - over 500 pages!" He was surprised.

Just a week after releasing the first Thunderstrike comic, the internet was buzzing with excitement about Rai Tormenter's; Ren's comic Pen name, captivating creation. Despite being a new name, readers instantly fell in love with the comic, propelling Ren's book to the top 10 on the website. Reviews flooded in, praising the incredible art, engaging dialogue, and rich storytelling. Soon enough, four different platforms reached out to Ren, sending emails with contract offers.

His cursor hesitated over the message header that was similar to his previous life, the publishing site that exploded Golden Leaf the artiste of the original series of Thunderstike. This was it - the moment he'd been fostering towards. He took a steadying breath before cracking it open:

"Dear Rai Tormenter,

We have been tracking the success rate of Thunderstrike publications on our platform with great interest and enthusiasm..."

"Boring" Ren said as if he was expecting everything that happened.

He immediately received the email invitation for a video conference with ComiXStream's CEO and editing team. The subject line read, "Discussion on Publishing Terms for Thunderstrike Contract."

"There's nothing I will lose I can still just try it' Ren encouraged himself.

He hastily straightened his t-shirt, ran his fingers through his unkempt hair, and took a few calming breaths to steady his nerves. Ren knew this was his chance to make a lasting impression and secure a favorable publishing deal for his Thunderstrike series.

With his laptop open and the video conferencing application launched, Ren eagerly awaited the appointed time. As the clock struck the scheduled hour, he clicked the "Join Meeting" button, causing the screen to come alive with the faces of the ComiXStream team.

Ren's eyes met the CEO's sharp gaze, but he still had a demeanor of a matured person.

"Greetings, Mr. Tormenter!" the CEO exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. "We are absolutely astounded by the skyrocketing success of  Thunderstrike stories. The artwork, the dialogue, the profound intricacies of the narrative—it is all exquisitely realized."

Ren gave a  nod, masking his nerves as he behaved nonchantly,

"I appreciate the compliments. But let's skip the showering of praise and get down to the main thing. What are your terms?"

The CEO's smile wavered briefly at Ren's  tone before regaining its  radiance. "W-Well, we were thinking something along the lines of a standard creator contract with 10% royalties-"

"No," Ren interjected flatly. "That's a laughably insulting offer for the franchise I've singlehandedly created here. I want a minimum guarantee of $10,000 upfront, 50% royalties, and executive input over all creative decisions and marketing."

The entire ComiXStream team blinked, taken aback by the  demands issued from someone who is likely to be a teenager. As they clenched their jaws and they exchanged glances around the room.

Finally, the CEO cleared his throat.

", you have to appreciate the risk we'd be taking on an unknown book like your-"

"Unknown?" Ren asked.

"I've broken records and generated more revenue and site traffic than all of your other top publications combined. Within two days after launching, I might add."

He leaned back, steepling his fingers with calculating confidence. "If anyone is taking on risk here, it's me by trusting my creatorship with amateurs like yourselves. But I'm feeling generous, so here's the deal..."

The ComiXStream executives shifted uncomfortably in their seats as Ren laid out his uncompromising terms.

"So in summary," Ren's voice was level but carried an undercurrent of steel. "A $10,000 upfront payment to retain my services exclusively. 50% royalties on all comics, merchandise, and adaptation revenue streams. And I get final say over all creative decisions, marketing, and promotional touring."

He pinned the CEO with an unwavering stare. "Those are my conditions. Take them or leave them, but know that I have other publishers ready to make a deal the second I walk away."

The ComiXStream executives exchanged furtive glances, a silent conversation playing out. Jaws clenched and unclenched as they grappled with the audacious terms facing them.

At last, the CEO cleared his throat, squirming in his seat. "Those are...rather unprecedented parameters for an upstart creator, Mr. Tormenter. Especially one of your..." He eyed Ren's youthful features critically, "...experience and unknown track record beyond these initial Thunderstrike works."

A smile inched across Ren's lips, dismissing the objection in the same instant.

"An unknown? Hardly." He smoothly gestured to the monitor beside him, where viewer metrics and revenue graphs representing his success were displayed in detail. "More like an unmatched digital publishing phenomenon."

"Since debuting weeks ago," Ren's said. "Thunderstrike's readership has skyrocketed over 500,000 subscribers. That's more than your top five books combined over the past two years."

He straightened in his seat, squaring his narrow shoulders,

"I've delivered you a product with built-in mega-success on a silver platter."

Ren's piercing gaze slowly panned across the executives, before delivering the killing blow.

"So let's disabuse ourselves of the idea that you'd be taking a risk on an unknown book by giving me those terms. We both know I've already taken this company to new heights with  Thunderstrike alone. The real risk is in losing me after all I have others that are willing to sign the contract."

Ren fingers parted as his palms played out as if presenting an offering on a platter.

"The choice is yours - keep me on as an engaged, motivated partner, who will continue delivering explosive content. Or let me walk away to the handful of other publishers ready to embrace my vision with open arms and checkbooks."

Ren leaned back, arching an eyebrow. The CEO was rendered mute, furiously working his jaw as he debated how to proceed.

After some minutes, the older man sighed and gave a terse nod.

"Very well, Mr. Tormenter. You've...negotiated one hell of a deal for yourself. ComiXStream accepts your terms, crazy as they are."

The slightest of smiles played across Ren's lips as he extended his hand.

"Pleasure doing business with you."

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