Author: King
Chapter 1

“Here is another gift from your parents.” The butler said. “And happy birthday again master Adrian.”

It was Adrian’s 6th birthday, he was on a chair in front of a pile of gifts, it was his birthday and he was excited. He was not excited about the gifts, he was excited that he will get to see his parents today.

“Are my parents still coming?” Adrian asked the butler.

“Yes master Adrian, they are on their way as we speak.”

Adrian became more excited. Because of his parent’s position, he was born in one of the wealthiest family in the world. His parents were mostly busy so they hardly stay home.

But because today was his birthday his parents promised him that they will be around for him.

Adrian was alone today. He had no friends because he was not allowed to leave the mansion, his parents liked their privacy.

Soon one of the maids came into the room. “Your Parent’s are here, they just came into the compound.” The maid said to him.

Adrian jumped off the chair, he left the room and ran through the hallway to the front door. He reached the front and opened it.

Now he was outside the mansion, the compound was filled with different kind of exotic and vintage cars, there was a water fountain in the middle of the compound.

A car drove into the compound and stopped. His parents slowly came out of the car. His mother came out first, she was wearing a blue gown with pearl necklace and a small handbag.

His father came out after his mother on his usual dark red suit. His parents where in their mid-40s. On seeing his parents, Adrian ran to them.

He ran to his mother who was in front, his mother grabbed him and raised him up. “There is the birthday boy.” His mother said pinching his cheek.

“Sorry we are late, we were held up by some work and we were also getting you a birthday present.” His father said.

“What is the present? Where is it?” Adrian asked.

“Look over there.” His father pointed at the car they came in with.

Another maid came out of the car carry something, Adrian did not see what it was but then he started to hear a baby cry.

“We know we have not been available for you and the only people you hang out with are just the butler and the maids so for your birthday we got you a brother.” His mother said.

The maid holding the child reached his parents. His mother dropped Adrian down and took the baby from the maid.

“Say hello to your new stepbrother Andrew.” His mother said as she brought the child closer to Adrian.

Adrian was happy with the present his parents got him. He was happy because now he had someone he could play with and talk to. Adrian slowly placed his hand on the baby.

The butler walked up to them, “Sir Reginald, Mrs. Diane. Everything is ready for you inside as you asked.”

“Thank you.” His mother said to the butler. “Alright Adrian, your little brother needs to rest, you will have plenty of time with him after that.”

His mother signaled one of the maids, then one maid took the baby and went into the house.

“I know we just came back but your mom and I are really tired so once we get some rest, we will spend the rest of your day with you.” His father said.

They both left Adrian and went into the mansion. Adrian felt a bit sad but he was happy because his parents were still home and his had little brother now.

“Come let’s go in Master Adrian, you still have more presents to open.” The butler said.

Adrian and the butler went into the mansion.

It was nighttime and Adrian had already opened all his presents but none of them could compare to his parent’s special gift.

He was in his room thinking about how much fun he will have with his new stepbrother.

Unfortunately his stepbrother was still a baby so he will have to wait a while to play with him and that made him sad.

Adrian already had everything he could want because of his parent’s fortune. But he was not a spoilt child, he respected his maids and butler.

Even at his age, Adrian was having dreams of traveling, seeing the world because he was always in the mansion.

He also wanted to spend more time with his parent. The two things he really wanted out of everything other things were the things he could not get.

As he laid down, he was feeling sleepy and was about to fall asleep but then his butler walked into his room.

“Your parents are in the dining room waiting for you Master Adrian.” The butler said standing close to the door.

When Adrian heard that, suddenly he no longer felt sleepy, he became excited. He immediately left his bed and rushed out of his room.

Adrian ran through the hallway all the way to the dining room while his butler followed him behind.

Adrian reached the dining room. It was a big room with a long dining table in the middle.

There was three chairs on each side of the four corner table, one side of the table was missing a chair.

His parents sat on the opposite far side of the table. Adrian was happy to see the table, there were different kinds of foods on the table and deserts too. There was also a big tall cake in the middle of the table.

Adrian was excited because normally it would be just one chair and one food on the table but today it was different.

“This is all for you Adrian, today is your day so we want you to enjoy it to the fullest.” His father said when he saw Adrian come into the room.

The butler helped Adrian get on the chair because it was bit high.

“Your little brother is sleeping now but in time he will be able to join you in times like this and more.” His mother said to him.

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