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By: Universeleap Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 13 views: 74

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James Donovan, a retired "God of War," his life changed upside down when his wife was almost raped and his daughter got kidnaped, just because his daughter heart was matched to the rich family, they didn't stopped there, they thought poor people lives have no value infront of them. James embarks on a dangerous mission, knowing that in this fight, there are no rules. His enemies may have money and power, but James has something far more valuable: the unyielding love of a father determined to bring justice to the innocent and ensure the rich are held accountable for their crimes. “You tried to play God with my daughter’s life. But let me tell you something, Zhao—no man is God. And you’ll pay for every single life you’ve destroyed. Justice isn’t just for the rich. It’s for everyone. And today, you’ll feel it.” James is not just fighting for his family—he’s fighting for every life the rich have trampled on, and he won’t stop until justice is served.

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13 chapters
James Donovan sat on the couch, the gift box beside him, as he glanced at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time. He had prepared everything for their wedding anniversary. The dinner was ready, the table was set, and all that was missing was Emily. He picked up his phone to check for any messages, hoping she might have texted to say she was on her way.Just as he unlocked his phone, a new message notification popped up from an unknown number. Frowning, he opened it, and what he saw made his heart skip a beat.It was a photo—Emily, unmistakably, in the arms of another man. The two of them were standing outside a hotel, the man holding her close with a smug grin on his face. Emily's head was tilted toward him, her body language suggesting an intimacy that sent a cold wave of shock through James."What the hell…?" James whispered, his mind refusing to process what he was seeing. His breath caught in his throat, and for a moment, it felt like the world had stopped. "This has to
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The helicopter landed smoothly, and before the rotors had even stopped spinning, a man in a sharp black suit stepped out, his expression grim. This was Kyle, James’s most trusted underling, a man who had served him loyally for years."Mr. Donovan," Kyle said, his voice steady despite the urgency of the situation. "We’ve located them. They’re at the Grandview Hotel, Room 1207."James nodded, his jaw clenched tight. "Then let’s go," he ordered, wasting no time. The two men climbed into the helicopter, and within moments, they were airborne again, the city lights below them blurring into streaks of gold and silver.The ride was silent, the only sound the rhythmic thrum of the helicopter blades. James’s mind raced, replaying the images and words from the video. He couldn’t believe this was happening. Emily, the woman he had loved and trusted, was in a hotel room with another man. A man who was trying to take her away from him, to violate everything they had built together.As the helico
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James stood in the hotel room, his heart pounding, disbelief washing over him as he tried to process the situation. His wife, the woman he loved, had cheated on him.The shock of it left him frozen, unable to reconcile the reality with the life he thought they had.Before he could react, the man who had turned his world upside down stepped between them, a sneer on his face. “You can’t blame me for this, James,” the man said, his voice dripping with arrogance. “Your wife came to me willingly. She’s the one who seduced me. She wanted this.”James turned to his wife, his voice trembling with disbelief. “Is that true? Did you really…?” He couldn’t even finish the question, the words feeling like a knife in his throat.His wife’s eyes were red, filled with tears that threatened to spill over, but she didn’t look away. Slowly, she nodded, the movement slight but enough to break James’s heart completely. “Yes,” she whispered, her voice barely a breath.James felt his world crumble. He had
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James Donovan stared at his wife, Emily, his mind spinning from the words that had just come out of her mouth. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Caught? What do you mean by ‘caught’?” he demanded, his voice a mix of confusion and rising dread.Emily’s face was pale, her eyes filled with a mixture of guilt and fear. She took a deep breath, her voice trembling as she began to explain. “James, when I went to pick up our daughter from the kindergarten… a group of men… they kidnapped her.”The words hit James like a freight train. His body tensed, and his fists clenched instinctively. “Kidnapped? How? Why? And why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”“I tried!” Emily cried, tears welling up in her eyes. “I tried to call you, but… but the police wouldn’t help. I called them, but when they heard our daughter’s name, they just… they just cut the line. I didn’t know what to do, James. I was terrified.”James felt a cold knot of fear tighten in his chest. “Why would the police do that? Wha
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James Donovan’s anger surged like a tidal wave as he stared down at the man who had brought so much pain and humiliation into his life. His fists clenched tightly, the veins on his arms bulging as he fought to keep his composure. But the thought of his daughter—his precious little girl—being held by these monsters was more than he could bear.Without another word, James lashed out, his fist connecting with the man’s face with a sickening crunch. “What the hell—” he started, but James didn’t let him finish.“You think you can hurt my family and get away with it?” James growled, his voice low and dangerous. He delivered another punch, harder this time.The man tried to shield himself, but James was relentless. “Stop! Please!” the man begged, his voice shaking with fear.“Not until you pay for what you’ve done!” James roared, his fists connecting with the man’s body again and again, each blow fueled by the fire of his rage.“James, stop!” Emily’s voice rang out, filled with desperatio
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James turned slowly, standing tall despite the tension that coiled in his muscles. He wiped the blood from his knuckles on his sleeve, fixing the brother with a cold stare. "You Tarlose brother talk a lot, don’t you?"The brother’s face twisted with fury, but before he could speak, James swung his leg up and kicked the man lying on the floor. The tortured man groaned in pain, curling up tighter, his cries echoing through the room.“You bastard!” the brother spat, his fists clenching. “How dare you touch him!”James didn’t flinch. His voice was calm, almost bored. “I've barely touched him. You want to know what happens when you mess with me?”The brother’s face flushed red with anger. "Kill him!"Victor stood back, watching, confusion etched on his face. He hadn’t expected this. “What the hell are you doing?!” he shouted at his men. “He’s just some poor man! Take him down!”James smirked, knocking another guard to the ground. “Poor man? I’m giving your guys a free lesson.”Victor sneer
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James Donovan stood over Victor, his eyes cold as steel. The once-arrogant man now cowered before him, all bravado stripped away. James's voice was low, barely containing his fury. "Start talking. Now."Victor swallowed hard, his eyes darting between James and Kyle. "It... it wasn't personal," he stammered. "We were just following orders.""Whose orders?" James demanded, his patience wearing thin.Victor hesitated, fear evident in his eyes. "Mr. Zhao," he finally whispered. "The orders came from Mr. Zhao."James exchanged a glance with Kyle. They both knew the name - Wei Zhao, one of the most powerful and influential businessmen in the country."Why?" James pressed, his voice dangerously quiet. "Why my daughter?"Victor's words came out in a rush. "It's his grandson. The boy needs a heart transplant, urgently. Your daughter... she's a perfect match."James felt the blood drain from his face. "You're telling me you kidnapped my child to harvest her heart?" His voice was barely more tha
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Kyle snapped his brows together inside the car, feeling a crack of irritation by the sudden interruption. Just then, the doors to the black cars opened, and several armed men in black suits and shades, alighted steadily. They all swiftly turned to Rolls Royce car, cocking the guns in their hands. From the T logo on their chest pocket, it was obvious to James and the rest that the men were from the Tarlose family. " James Donovan! You have to face your fate for laying a hand on our boss!" The leader of the men, who was black skinned and standing at the middle, with a zig zag scar running across from his forehead to his chin, declared openly in a strong voice. He raised his gun and pointed it towards the back seat of the Rolls Royce, snarling, " It is your choice to surrender willingly or with force. Either way, we don't care!" Then, he marched forward. James' face turned cold as ice, and he lowered his eyes.Kyle snorted with disdain. " They already know your identity. They s
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Silent as the cicadas in winter, James slowly lowered the X ray vision glass from his eyes. A wave of an incredulous feeling crashed over him the instant! Empty?! How could the warehouse be a trick?! So it was all a decor, and he had just fallen into the pit of lie! James knew he had been too eager and impatient earlier, leading him not verifying if the information was accurate or not...Staring at the unusual expression of James, Kyle didn't know what to say at first, scared of offending the god of war. However, he couldn't act as if he didn't care, so he spoke out after some seconds of deep deliberation, " My Lord ........" " It's empty." With sheer rage blazing in his heart, James exerted a large force on the x ray vision glass and cracked it into two, uttering just two words. Kyle couldn't believe what he just heard, and his facial expression twisted. The warehouse was empty?! So does this means it was all planned?! Who would in the heavens and earth dare to fool the g
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Just as the bullet was about to hit his heart, the terrible force he unleashed, slow down the pressure of the bullet. Taking this chance, James made use of his trained bullet time perception, which allowed him to slow down time from his side, so he could see the bullet moving in a slow motion. Accurately calculating the time of the hit, he shifted from the spot with his super human reflexes! He wasn't called the God of war for nothing. Protecting the borders, country and fighting for many years, had equipped him with everything he needs. In fact, he had encountered different kinds of guns, and snipers were just peasant to him. Huh?! This stunned the first shooter, eyes widening as he couldn't believe what he just saw! How could a mere person dodge a sniper bullet?! " He can only dodge one bullet at a time. Fire at once!" One of the men, bellowed with a vicious face and instantly shot at James! The rest also fired simultaneously, their bullets flying towards James in a death
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