Author: Universeleap

James Donovan sat on the couch, the gift box beside him, as he glanced at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time.

He had prepared everything for their wedding anniversary. The dinner was ready, the table was set, and all that was missing was Emily. He picked up his phone to check for any messages, hoping she might have texted to say she was on her way.

Just as he unlocked his phone, a new message notification popped up from an unknown number. Frowning, he opened it, and what he saw made his heart skip a beat.

It was a photo—Emily, unmistakably, in the arms of another man. The two of them were standing outside a hotel, the man holding her close with a smug grin on his face. Emily's head was tilted toward him, her body language suggesting an intimacy that sent a cold wave of shock through James.

"What the hell…?" James whispered, his mind refusing to process what he was seeing. His breath caught in his throat, and for a moment, it felt like the world had stopped. "This has to be a mistake. A prank. It has to be."

Anger quickly followed the shock as his thoughts raced. Who would do something like this? Who would dare try to mess with him like this? His hands trembled as he tried to make sense of the image. It couldn’t be real. It couldn’t be Emily.

"Whoever’s doing this, you’re going to pay," James growled under his breath, his pulse quickening. He immediately dialed Emily’s number, needing to hear her voice, to confirm that this was some sick joke.

The phone rang once, twice, then a third time. Each ring felt like an eternity, the tension in his chest growing with every second. "Come on, Emily, pick up," he muttered, his voice strained with anxiety and frustration.

But she didn’t answer. The call went to voicemail.

"Emily, where the hell are you?" he hissed into the phone, barely managing to keep his voice steady. "I just got some… some photo, and I don’t know what’s going on, but you need to call me back. Now."

He hung up and immediately dialed again, his heart pounding in his chest. This time, the phone rang straight to voicemail, as if it had been deliberately ignored or turned off.

"Emily!" James’s voice cracked with a mix of desperation and anger. "Answer your damn phone! What’s going on? Please… just call me back."

He ended the call and stared at the screen, his mind spinning. This couldn’t be happening. Not today. Not on their anniversary. His heart pounded in his chest, the fear and anger swirling together, making it hard to think clearly.

Another message notification appeared on his phone, and his stomach twisted as he saw it was from the same unknown number.

With dread gnawing at him, he opened the message, revealing a video this time. He hesitated for just a moment before hitting play, afraid of what he might see but unable to stop himself.

The video showed the same man from the photo, but this time, they were inside a hotel room. The man’s face was clearer now, and he was grinning with a cruel, arrogant expression that made James’s blood boil.

He watched in horror as the man began tearing Emily’s clothes, his laughter echoing through the room.

"Look at her," the man taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Your precious wife, James. She’s not even resisting. She’s mine now, and there’s nothing you can do about it."

James’s blood ran cold. He felt like he was watching a nightmare unfold before his eyes, one that he couldn’t wake up from. "No… this isn’t happening," he whispered, his voice breaking. "Emily…"

The man in the video continued, his voice cruel and mocking. "You thought you could keep her happy? Pathetic. She came to me, begging for what you couldn’t give her. And I gave it to her. Over, and over again."

"Stop it…" James muttered, his voice trembling as he tried to hold back the rage that was building inside him. But the man didn’t stop. He only became more vicious.

"And that body," the man sneered, running his hand down Emily’s side. "She’s perfect, isn’t she? Too bad you never knew how to touch her the way I do. She was so hungry for this, James. So desperate for real pleasure."

James’s fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white. His breathing grew ragged as he watched Emily remain silent, her eyes downcast, as the man continued to degrade her.

"You’re nothing to her now," the man continued, his tone filled with venom. "Just a useless husband who couldn’t even keep his wife satisfied. She’s been mine for a long time, James. You’re just finding out now because I decided it was time you knew."

James felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, what he was seeing. "How… how could she…" he whispered, his voice shaking with pain and anger. "How could she do this to me?"

The video ended, leaving James staring blankly at the screen, his mind in turmoil. His emotions were a whirlwind of shock, disbelief, and a deep, burning anger. This wasn’t just a betrayal—it was an insult, a mockery of everything he had believed in.

His phone buzzed again, pulling him out of his thoughts. It was another message from the unknown number. This time, it was a short, taunting text: "You never deserved her, James. She’s too good for you."

That was the breaking point. James’s rage boiled over, and he couldn’t hold it back any longer. "That bastard…" he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "He thinks he can take my wife? He thinks he can humiliate me like this?"

Without wasting another second, he dialed the number of his most trusted underling, Kyle. The phone barely rang once before it was answered.

"Kyle speaking," the voice on the other end said, strict and stern, as if ready to confront any challenge. "Who is this?"

"It's James, your ex-god of war," came the calm, cold reply.

There was a brief pause before Kyle's tone changed from strict to softer.

"Mr. Donovan!" he quickly apologized, his voice softening with a note of happiness and relief. "I didn’t realize it was you, sir. It’s been so long… I’m truly honored to hear from you again."

Kyle was one of James’s most loyal underlings during his reign as the God of War. James' reputation on the battlefield was so terrifying that enemies would tremble at the mere mention of his name.

James was ruthless and firm, creating a legacy that made people fear and respect him.

"Kyle," James said, his voice firm yet laced with the weight of their shared history. "I need you to find someone."

"Of course, sir," Kyle responded immediately, his voice now filled with deep respect and a renewed sense of duty.”I’ll do whatever it takes."

"Find my wife. And find the man who did this. He’s going to pay. No one touches my wife and gets away with it."James ordered, his tone unwavering.

 "It will be done, sir," Kyle replied without hesitation.

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