The helicopter landed smoothly, and before the rotors had even stopped spinning, a man in a sharp black suit stepped out, his expression grim.

This was Kyle, James’s most trusted underling, a man who had served him loyally for years.

"Mr. Donovan," Kyle said, his voice steady despite the urgency of the situation. "We’ve located them. They’re at the Grandview Hotel, Room 1207."

James nodded, his jaw clenched tight. "Then let’s go," he ordered, wasting no time. The two men climbed into the helicopter, and within moments, they were airborne again, the city lights below them blurring into streaks of gold and silver.

The ride was silent, the only sound the rhythmic thrum of the helicopter blades. James’s mind raced, replaying the images and words from the video.

He couldn’t believe this was happening. Emily, the woman he had loved and trusted, was in a hotel room with another man. A man who was trying to take her away from him, to violate everything they had built together.

As the helicopter approached the hotel, Kyle handed James a small earpiece. "I’ve informed the team on the ground. They’re ready to support us, but this is your call, sir."

James slipped the earpiece in, nodding. "Good. I want this handled quickly and quietly. No one leaves that room until I’ve dealt with him."

The helicopter touched down on the hotel’s rooftop, and within seconds, James and Kyle were inside, moving swiftly through the corridors.

Hotel staff and guests alike stared in shock as they passed, the sight of a helicopter landing on the building’s roof drawing attention, but James didn’t care. He had only one goal in mind—reaching Room 1207.

 James rushed down the hallway toward Room 1207, his footsteps echoed with urgency. Just as he neared the door, a group of waiters appeared, their faces filled with concern and confusion. One of them stepped forward, raising a hand to stop him.

"Sir, you can’t go in there!" the waiter exclaimed, trying to block James’s path. "This area is restricted—"

Before the waiter could finish, Kyle, who was right behind James, swiftly stepped forward. With a cold, authoritative gaze, he pulled out a badge and ID card from his jacket pocket. He held it up for the waiter to see, the emblem of a secret military department prominently displayed.

The waiter’s eyes widened as he recognized the symbol. His confident demeanor quickly crumbled, replaced by fear and nervousness.

He took a step back, his hands trembling slightly. "I… I didn’t realize… I’m so sorry, sir," the waiter stammered, his voice quivering. "I didn’t know who you were."

Kyle’s expression remained steely as he spoke. "You know now," he said firmly. "Step aside.”

James didn’t spare them a glance. His focus was entirely on the door to Room 1207. Without hesitation, he kicked it open, the door slamming against the wall with a deafening crash.

What he saw inside made his blood boil.

Emily was on the bed, her clothes torn and barely covering her body. She looked terrified, her eyes wide with fear as the man from the video loomed over her, his hands poised to violate her. The scene was sickening, and James felt a surge of rage so intense it nearly blinded him.

"You bastard!" James roared, charging forward. The man barely had time to react before James delivered a powerful kick to his side, sending him crashing into the wall.

The man groaned in pain, but James wasn’t done. He grabbed him by the collar, hauling him up and slamming him against the wall again.

"You think you can touch my wife and get away with it?!" James’s voice was filled with fury as he drew back his fist, ready to deliver another blow.

But before he could strike, Emily’s voice cut through the haze of anger. "James, stop!" she screamed, her voice desperate as she reached out and grabbed his arm. "Please, don’t do this!"

James froze, the shock of her words hitting him like a bucket of cold water. He turned to look at her, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Emily… what are you doing? He was about to…"

"I know!" she cried, tears streaming down her face. "But I can’t let you hurt him. Please, James, don’t do this."

The man, still dazed from the impact, managed to push himself up, a twisted smile curling on his lips as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

"See, James," he sneered, his voice taunting. "She doesn’t want you to hurt me. Maybe she’s not so loyal after all."

James’s heart pounded in his chest, confusion and anger warring within him. "Emily… did you…? Did you cheat on me?" The words felt foreign in his mouth, as if he couldn’t believe he was asking them.

Emily’s silence was deafening. She looked away, unable to meet his gaze, and in that moment, James felt as though the ground had been ripped out from under him.

The woman he had loved, the woman he had planned to spend the rest of his life with, had betrayed him.

"Why, Emily?" James asked, his voice hollow, the fury that had driven him here beginning to fade, replaced by a deep, aching pain. "Why would you do this?"

Tears filled Emily’s eyes as she finally looked at him, her expression filled with regret and shame. "James… I didn’t mean for it to happen. It just…"

"It just what?" James interrupted, his voice rising with anger again. "You let him touch you? You let him take what was supposed to be ours alone?"

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