Just as the bullet was about to hit his heart, the terrible force he unleashed, slow down the pressure of the bullet. 

Taking this chance, James made use of his trained bullet time perception, which allowed him to slow down time from his side, so he could see the bullet moving in a slow motion. 

Accurately calculating the time of the hit, he shifted from the spot with his super human reflexes! 

He wasn't called the God of war for nothing. Protecting the borders, country and fighting for many years, had equipped him with everything he needs. 

In fact, he had encountered different kinds of guns, and snipers were just peasant to him. 


This stunned the first shooter, eyes widening as he couldn't believe what he just saw! 

How could a mere person dodge a sniper bullet?! 

" He can only dodge one bullet at a time.  Fire at once!" 

One of the men, bellowed with a vicious face and instantly shot at James! 

The rest also fired simultaneously, their bullets flying towards James in a deathly tail. 




James' eyes slant into a deathly look, glancing at the bullets all flying towards him. 

His senses heightened even more, making him to have a clear comprehension of the incoming bullets trajectory. 

Curving his lips into a sneer, he proceeded to roll the sleeves of his shirts! 

With accurate precision and calculation once again, he employed his inhuman agility to bustled swiftly like a phantom, vanishing right from sight! 

The only thing visible from where James stood before, was just a large pack of dust, forming a mushroom kind of shape. 

" What?!" 

" Where the hell is he?!" 

" Did he just vanish?!" 

" Impossible! No man has ever lived to escape from bullets! I guess he is injured and doesn't want us to see his vulnerable state!" 

" Yes,  let's fire even more! Shoot from any angle!" 

The men on the rooftop, exchanged incredulous and anxious glances from one another, not understanding what was going on. 

But they refused to believe James could go unscattered after the whole firing they just did. In fact, they decided to fire even more, turning their snipers to multiple angles. 

As they quickly reloaded their snipers, a heavy crushing force just like the pressure in the deep ocean,  capable of crushing human bones, slammed right unto them! 

" Haaa!!" 

" What's that?! What's going on?!" 

" I can't see!!! My blood, I think it's freezing!!" 

Painful screams and shrieks of misery rang out in chorus like a church choir. And apparently, it was coming right from the men on the rooftop! 

Disoriented from the unexpected horrifying force, their expressions were laced with confusion, not understanding what was going on. 

" I can't see!!! I can't see!" 

" My legs!!" 

"Ahhh!! Something is coming towards me!" 

Suddenly, a straight figure like spear, advanced speedily like flash, only his motion could be seen. Fast as lightening, he swung his fists in powerful arcs at the disoriented and confused gun men! 

This sent the men falling down right from the rooftop to the ground! 

All the braveness from earlier were shattered instantly, and they started tearing up! 

However, they missed where the detonators where by mere inches....

Finally, the god of war emerged, his expression murderous and fierce, exuding an unmatched aura! 

His presence alone was enough to command attention, respect and intense fear, not to talk of his....aura. 

With his presence, the atmosphere seem to be at 0 degree! 

Lifting their eyes at him, the gun men trembled uncontrollably, as a chill ran down their spines! 

Extreme fear overtook their faces, petrifying their bodies! They didn't dare to take a slight move. 

They had no idea who James was, but they knew this moment would mark their end! 

James strode, his steps filled with utmost grace and strength. Then, he spoke up, his voices rumbling their hearts like thunder! 

" You have the audacity to stop me with your mediocre snipers?! Have you not heard of the wrath of the god of war?" 

Snotting coldly, he concluded viciously, " Your souls mean nothing to me!" 

Haunted by his past of how he became the unparalleled and legendary god of war, his wrath became untamed! 


He was so exasperated and ballistic at the situation, that he felt like taking it out on the gun men!

It was at this time, the gun men realized something from James' words. 

' the wrath of the god of war?' 

Does this imply the young thin man in front of them was the rumoured god of war?! 

The one capable of eliminating one thousand enemies?! 

Oh Lord of the souls! 

" We are finished!" 

They all cried out unexpectedly, their faces turing ugly as shit, and they yelped! 

" Please.............we didn't know you are the god of war?..... please....."

Now, they could comprehend how he was able to accurately dodge several bullets and even releasing a terrifying force. 

Kael scoffed and snapped at the men, " Silence!" 

James stopped right in front of the men and raised his legs, proceeding to deliver a devasting combination of bone shattering and bones cracking kick! 

Suddenly, his strong leg paused in mid air, as a thought crossed his mind. 

" Pledge allegiance to me, and I will spear you." 

He demanded in a domineering tone that gave no room for an act of refusal. 

Kyle and the three soldiers weren't anticipating this, same as the gun men. 

What was the god of war thinking? 

The gun men, slacked their mouth open, uttering with a shaky voice. 

" All...egi.....ance??" 



Far from the warehouse, in one of the huge room at the villa like castle, a familiar woman gasped right from her sleep. 

Her eyelids trembled, as her forehead creased, struggling to wake up from the deep sleep she had been put into. 

She groaned helplessly, and without warning, she shot up straight from the bed unexpectedly! 

" My daughter! My precious daughter!" 

She cried out brokenly, shaking with brief. Her eyes wandered around the whole room, turning around on the bed. 

Emily was unaware of how she got into the strange luxurious room with impeccable designs on the walls, but she cared less. 

" Where's my daughter?!" 

A dry, juddering sob escaped from her lips, her eyes becoming misty with a bitter sadness. 

She could only recalled her daughter was missing, and she had to save her at all cost! 

Just then, the door creaked open, and a tall man strode in, clad in a soldier outfit with a stern face. 

" Who are you?! Do you know where my daughter is?! Please, I have to save my daughter?!" 

Emily turned quickly to the man and jumped down from the bed, rushing bare footed towards the man. 

Even her stunning face couldn't hide the troubled look that fitted across her face. 

The unknown man glanced at her and said indifferently, " I know where your daughter is. Captain Kael kept you here to keep you safe from the enemies. Now, your daughter has been found. I was told to bring you over. Your husband is also waiting." 

Emily's face lit up at the man's words instantly, clapping her hands together. 

She didn't even bother to think twice and nodded, excitement mounting over her dull voice earlier. 

" Yes, please take me there now! I can't wait to see my daughter! Is she alright?" 

The man threw a forced smile at Emily , responding calmly,  " Of course." 

Then he led Emily out of the room. 

However, Emily being in the front, failed to notice the sinister look that had replaced the man's calm facade.........

" Fool!" 


      Few minutes later. 

James and Kael had just gotten to the information center, after the former had told his three soldiers to take the gun away. 

As they approached the information center,  Kael's phone rang, which he immediately answered. 

" Captain Kael! Miss Emily is missing!"

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