Silent as the cicadas in winter, James slowly lowered the X ray vision glass from his eyes. 

A wave of an incredulous feeling crashed over him the instant! 


How could the warehouse be a trick?! 

So it was all a decor, and he had just fallen into the pit of lie! 

James knew he had been too eager and impatient earlier, leading him not verifying if the information was accurate or not...

Staring at the unusual expression of James, Kyle didn't know what to say at first, scared of offending the god of war.

 However, he couldn't act as if he didn't care, so he spoke out after some seconds of deep deliberation, " My Lord ........" 

" It's empty." 

With sheer rage blazing in his heart, James exerted a large force on the x ray vision glass and cracked it into two, uttering just two words. 

Kyle couldn't believe what he just heard, and his facial expression twisted. 

The warehouse was empty?! 

So does this means it was all planned?! 

Who would in the heavens and earth dare to fool the god of war?! 

" The Tarlose brother really have the insolent boldness to frustrate and trick you!" Kyle sneered, anger quickening his blood, and he crackled his knuckles. 

" What is your decision, my Lord?" 

James ignored Kyle's question and took out his phone from his trouser pocket. He dialed Victor's line again, and this time, the call was answered. 

" Hahaha!" 

A ludicrous laughter laced with mockery, echoed from the other end, the moment the call was answered. 

" You discovered it fast. But how stupid? Did you really think I will betray Zhao just because you are the God of war?! Who knows if it's a lie? So foolish of you to believe me. Listen, you are just a god of war in the battlefield , here, Zhao rules!" 

Victor snorted and laughed even more. Obviously, one could detect he was extremely pleased with deceiving the titled ' god of war' . 

James' face failed to changed or react even after been mocked. 

It was like those words meant nothing to him, but Kyle who overheard this, couldn't control gnashing his teeth! 

Damn! He wanted to torture Victor in a hundred ways! 

How dare he?! 

" Where's my daughter?!" James demanded in an icy tone, while secretly calculating in his head. 

" Hehe!" Snickering, Victor hissed and spat! " Go and get a coffin if you want to see your daughter. She needs that cause you won't be able to save her!" 

Just hearing this, a terrifying blood momentum rose in him, pressuring the atmosphere around to drop by five degrees! 

" Touch a strand of her hair, and all your generations will be annihilated!" 

His voice came out low but deep as a roar, immediately electrifying the air! 

Stunned and disoriented by the terrifying force emanating from James, which spread even into the phone, Victor quietened down for some seconds. 

Instantly, Kyle and the rest of the soldiers went down on their knees and inclined their heads downward, displaying respect and fear. 

" Hphm! Brainless god of war, find your daughter if you can!" 

Victor retorted, although his voice wasn't as bold as earlier. 

James hung up the call coldly! 

The coldness in his eyes failed to dissipate. 

It was a shatter and stab to his dignity that he was deceived! Now, he was left to find his daughter's location before the unthinkable could betide. 

He glanced at Kyle and the soldiers kneeling down. 

" Up!" 

After throwing a command, he didn't hesitate to start calling important dignitaries and figures in the city. He even made a call to the country president, using his god of war title to demand an access to the city's whole information on hospitals and patient, in addition to surveillances. 

James knew this was the perfect and necessary time to mobilize all resources and influences need to get where his daughter was and save her before it was too late! 

After about ten minutes, he was finally done with the calls and told Kyle," Let's head to the information center." 

Kyle straightened himself, giving a nod of agreement. 

Just as they were about to walk forward, many tiny red dots suddenly appeared on James' chest, right where his heart was......

The soldiers' eyes contracted, shocked etching on their faces and they quickly lifted their heads. 

At the rooftop of warehouse, stood about twenty men, all aiming their snipers towards James' heart, with clear precision. 

" Those bloody fools! Are they tired of living?!" 

Fury was flooding Kyle's veins as he thought of the audacity of Tarlose brothers and Wei Zhao! 

They must be craving for a terrible and horrifying death!

Seeing this, James' lips curled, clasping his hands behind him. 

" You people are really bent on stopping me." 

Kyle immediately turned to James and offered politely, " My lord, why don't I deal with them?" " No." James refused, almost instantly and shook his head negatively, lowering his eyes to scan the shadows of the snipers. 

" They are mine!" 

He was the God of war, and he would crush them! 

James unleashed a horrifying and suffocating aura, paving way for the air to become tensed! 

The anger of a great warrior had been spiked! 

Kyle and the rest of the soldiers took a step backward, deciding to watch the show, with admiration filling their faces. 

They knew James had encountered more than this in the battlefield, so it was just a piece of thrash! And for the god of war to let loose such a frightening aura, it was over! 

The last time such a force was unleashed, uncountable villains were wiped out incredibly! 


Swiftly, one of the snipers shot directly at James' heart!

With deep and soulless eyes like an intimidating abyss, James' tall figure towered like the tallest mountain, and the tide of killing intent receded like a flood!

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