Kyle snapped his brows together inside the car, feeling a crack of irritation by the sudden interruption. 

Just then, the doors to the black cars opened, and several armed men in black suits and shades, alighted steadily. 

They all swiftly turned to Rolls Royce car, cocking the guns in their hands. 

From the T logo on their chest pocket, it was obvious to James and the rest that the men were from the Tarlose family. 

" James Donovan! You have to face your fate for laying a hand on our boss!" 

The leader of the men, who was black skinned and standing at the middle, with a zig zag scar running across from his forehead to his chin, declared openly in a strong voice. 

 He raised his gun and pointed it towards the back seat of the Rolls Royce, snarling, " It is your choice to surrender willingly or with force. Either way, we don't care!" 

Then, he marched forward. 

James' face turned cold as ice, and he lowered his eyes.

Kyle snorted with disdain.

 " They already know your identity. They still dare to go against you and stop you?" 

" There's no time." James shifted his gaze away from the armed men assembling outside the car and glanced at Kyle, saying calmly, " You guys handle them. Saving my daughter is more crucial."'

He knew there was only a little time left, and he couldn't waste it, fighting with the armed men, who were just minions to him! 

Kyle nodded vehemently, his face becoming hard as rock.

 " Yes, my Lord." 

He quickly commanded the rest of the men inside the car , " Let's give them a piece of lesson they will remember in every of their lifetimes!" 

Without wasting time, Kyle and the soldiers proceeded to strode out of the car, with an unparalleled strength and aura! 

The same time, the black skinned man was already close to the door and stretched forward his hand to pull the door open. 

Annoyingly, Kyle shifted and raised his leg, the moment the door was opened, sending a bone cracking kick at the black skinned man!


The black skinned man wasn't anticipating this at all. His face grew purple with a fierce jolt of pain as he was thrown 10 metres away from the car! 


One could even hear sounds of some bones cracking, when the black skinned man landed heavily on the rocky ground with a shrieking thud! 

This time, Kyle and the soldiers got out before the other armed men could attack. 

Knowing the armed men were no issues for Kyle, James moved to the driver's seat. He stepped on the accelerator, bolting past the armed men like a phantom. 

Those who stood in the way, he didn't hesitate to sent them flying using the powerful car! 

For now, he had to get his daughter. 

He would deal with them later! 

Some minutes later, James pulled up at Pier 13 , the shadow of the warehouse looming before him. 

Stepping out of the car, he stretched his legs and adjusted his simple shirt. 

With sharp eyes like eagle, he scanned the dusty roofs and windows of the warehouse, including the perimeter. Then, he started to approach the warehouse cautiously, his senses going on high alert. 

Years of being an impeccable soldier had gave him more than a sixth sense, and he could literally feel danger anytime around him. 

Narrowing his eyes, a suspicious glint roamed across James' cold but calm face.

There was no sign of guards or anyone outside the warehouse, and it appeared too eerily silent, only the sound of wind blowing could be perceived. 

Suddenly, his ears perked up. Before he could further take a step, his left leg halted right on top of a shiny tiny round object. 


Hooking his lips, James stepped back, but his gaze darkened. 

If not for his sixth sense, he would have stepped on the detonator, and it would have been a different narration. 

This was when his sharp gaze flew to the sandy ground, and he could see more of the detonators slightly buried on the ground. 

This means the whole warehouse was surrounded with detonators and just a small motion can trigger one, which would affect the rest. 

James couldn't believe it. Fury seethed in him, clenching his palms till his knuckles turned white! 

" Sarah!" 

He yelled out the name of his daughter, the veins on his neck bulging out with a blend of panic, desperation,  and uncertainty. 

With the detonators all around, he couldn't move close  or take a step further, and the warehouse was quiet, so he had no idea if his daughter was held alone inside or not. 

James' chest tightened, making his heart to trembled. 

If Kyle and the other soldiers were here, they would definitely be stunned to see the look of panic on the God of war. 

Impatiently, James took out his phone and made a call to Victor. 

However, the line wasn't going through even after trying it repeatedly. 

Unexpectedly, a car zoomed with full force and stopped right behind James. 

Kyle and the three other soldiers jumped up, with no dirt or stain on their clothes as if the job earlier was just a mere one. 

They ran towards James and bowed slightly. 

James didn't have time to care and demanded in deep bass voice, " Hand me the X-ray vision glass." 

He had managed to steady himself but his expression was grim. 

One of the soldiers speedily went to fetch the x ray vision glass and gave it to James, while still blowing respectfully. 

Placing the X ray vision glass on his face, James employed it to scan the inside of the warehouse properly. 

Even though, he appeared calm outward to Kyle and others, his insides were twitching. 

Tiny beads of sweats broke out  on the back of the titled God of war, clenching his jaws, and his throat thickened to reduce the scream of anger threatening to escape. 

What if?! 

He just couldn't get rid of the negative thought!

However, what he discovered in the warehouse with the X ray vision glass, made his pupils to dilate fiercely as if he was struck with lightening!

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