Shadow Merge I

Kenshi's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing through Ryu's defenses. "What more are you hiding from me?" he repeated, his voice low and menacing.

Ryu hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. But something about Kenshi's expression told him that he had no choice. "I...I don't know what happened," he stammered. "I just woke up, and...and things were different."

Kenshi's eyes flashed with anger. "Different?" he spat. "You're telling me you survived an explosion that should have killed you, and now you're...changed? What did they do to you, Ryu?"

Ryu shook his head, feeling a wave of fear wash over him. "I don't know, Kenshi. I swear, I don't remember anything."

Kenshi's expression twisted in disgust. "You're lying to me, Ryu. I can see it in your eyes. You're hiding something." Ryu had forgotten that there was still one person who could read him like a book.

Suddenly, Hanzo appeared at Kenshi's side, his eyes calm and soothing. "Master, perhaps we should give Ryu some time to recover. He's been through a lot."

Kenshi's gaze lingered on Ryu for a moment before he nodded curtly. "Very well. But this isn't over, Ryu. I'll get to the bottom of this."

As Kenshi stormed out of the room, Hanzo turned to Ryu with a gentle smile. "Don't worry, Ryu. We'll figure this out together."

Ryu nodded, feeling a mix of relief and trepidation. He knew Kenshi's suspicions wouldn't be easily assuaged, and he wondered what would happen.

Hanzo led him to a small, secluded room deep within the compound. The walls were adorned with ancient scrolls and mysterious artifacts, and a faint scent of incense lingered in the air.

"Sit, Ryu," Hanzo said, gesturing to a low, cushioned chair. "We need to talk." Ryu sat, his eyes fixed on Hanzo's calm, serene face " what game are you trying to play?" Ryu started with a raised inquiring eyebrow.

"What do you remember of the explosion?" Hanzo asked, his voice gentle. Ryu hesitated, trying to recall the events leading up to the blast. "I...I remember being in the warehouse, searching for something. And then...and then everything went white."

Hanzo nodded thoughtfully. "And after that?"Ryu shook his head. "Nothing. I don't remember anything until I woke up here."

Hanzo's eyes narrowed slightly. "I see. Well, Ryu, it's clear that something extraordinary happened to you. Something that changed you."

Ryu felt a shiver run down his spine. "What do you mean?" Hanzo leaned forward, his voice taking on a conspiratorial tone. "I think you know, Ryu. I think you're starting to realize it yourself."

Suddenly, the door slid open, and Kasumi entered, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Hanzo, Kenshi wants to see you. Now."Hanzo nodded, standing up. "I'll be right back, Ryu. Try to remember anything else."

As Hanzo left, Ryu felt a sense of unease settle over him. What did Uncle want now? And what did Hanzo mean by his words?

Ryu sat in silence, trying to make sense of Hanzo's words. What did he mean by "something extraordinary"? And what did it have to do with the strange occurrences happening around him?

Kasumi lingered in the doorway, her eyes fixed on Ryu with an unnerving intensity. "You're different now, Ryu," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I can see it. Feel it."

Ryu shifted uncomfortably, unsure how to respond. "What do you mean?" Kasumi took a step closer, her movements fluid and predatory. "You have a...presence. A power. It's palpable."

Ryu's heart raced as Kasumi's eyes seemed to bore into his very soul. He felt like an insect under a microscope, but his expression remained the same. Then she broke into a grin " Just kidding Ryu, you should have seen your eyes" she chuckled.

Ryu very much doubted his eyes revealed anything but refused to be baited into debating that statement. " Hanzo thinks you got that shadow stuff from that explosion, you know amongst all those chemicals"

Why hadn't he thought of that before? "He's wrong" a silent voice resonated in his head, he wasn't sure what it was call it a gut feeling or a sixth sense but he felt it. Suddenly, Hanzo returned, his expression stern. "Kasumi, that's enough. Leave Ryu alone."

Kasumi's gaze lingered on Ryu for a moment before she nodded and departed, leaving Ryu feeling shaken and uneasy.Hanzo turned to him, his expression softening. "Ryu, I know this is a lot to take in. But I need you to trust me. Can you do that?"

Ryu hesitated, unsure if he could trust anyone. But something about Hanzo's gentle demeanor put him at ease. He nodded, feeling a sense of trepidation.

Hanzo smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Good. Because we have a lot of work to do, Ryu. And not much time to waste."

When Ryu entered the Kokuryūkai meeting room Kenshi was calmer and collected " Hanzo has explained to me the case of your... Abilities, what do you plan to do with it"

" I don't know yet but Hanzo has taken my samples to see if it has any negative effects on me" Ryu replied casually and Kenshi frowned " we have been contacted by officer Hazashi and I don't know if..."

" I can go master" Ryu said eagerly and received a skeptical stare from Kenshi " you may go but not without the help of Kasumi and Hayato"

" Yes master" He said and gave a respectable bow and left to the dining room, normally he would have preferred to head on solo but knew his uncle was still wary of him going alone and didn't wish to antagonize him by disrespecting his orders.

At the table he had fully expected his appetite to be nil but quickly downed a bowl of Ramen and then another, he was down to his third bowl when he caught the other three exchanging amused glances.

At dinner Hanzo, Kasumi and Hayato planned ways to surpass security, during times like this Ryu scarcely interfered but merely listened and committed everything to memory. The others were used to this and went on drawing up plans to sure a complete three men raid before breaking off to notice Ryu's ravenously consuming bowls of Ramen.

" Ryu I thought you said you weren't hungry" Hanzo said with a grin and got a raised eyebrow. " You have finished two bowls of Ramen alone" Kasumi laughed.

Even Hayato, a wolf when it comes to eating was impressed at the speed with which Ryu had ate and taunted. " It seems what ever happened to you also made you ravenous"

"It's true, what is happening to me?" He wondered. " Maybe we should return our thoughts back to the mission" He replied, his voice sharper than intended but that was to hide the fact that he was embarrassed.

Kasumi rolled her eyes and Hanzo coughed. " Ryu is right we have to concentrate, this guy uses pistols though I'm sure he's still no match for us"...

Ryu felt for his Sword hilt and ticked off minutes in his head, to his right stood Kasumi dressed in a similar ninja suit with two scabbards at her waist which sheathed two deadly looking daggers, and to his left stood Hayato.

He tapped his earpiece to connect to Hanzo at the Kokuryūkai base. " My scan shows just a handful of guards" Hanzo said over the connection.

" Good enough for me" Hayato quipped. Adrenaline flared through Ryu's blood stream as he gave a signal for go, they split up and scaled the perimeter fence surrounding the warehouse and soon began stealthily bringing down the goons black fox had.

Black fox was a criminal they had caught before but escaped from prison only for the police to request for Kokuryūkai's services again.

Soon Ryu let himself be seen by a group of guards and brought them down within a space of thirty seconds. He ran on low body count as this mission wasn't about killing.

" Ryu, I'm going into the main building" Kasumi's voice chirped over the line. "No!" Ryu said, his voice low and urgent " wait for me to get there"

The Fox was a cunning and deceptive criminal and while they had yet to fall into a trap, Ryu knew catching him can never be this easy. "Ryu I know you are worried but I can handle this" Kasumi said and promptly dropped off the net.

" No you silly pig" he muttered under his breath and tried to get through to Hayato when he heard a horn " That can't be good" one minute he was standing alone, undetected and the next he was surrounded by guards every attempt at stealth forgotten as he battled them head on...

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