The Birth Of Enjin

Hanzo's eyes widened as he stared at his phone, his face pale. "Guys, we have a problem."

Kenshi and Ryu turned to him, concern etched on their faces. "What is it?" Kenshi asked.

Hanzo's voice trembled. "Reports of a villain attacking the city square. Witnesses describe him as a scientist... with fire abilities."

Ryu's eyes narrowed. "That sounds like—No, it can't be," Ryu said, shaking his head. "Hikari's dead. We were in the explosion together"

Hanzo's expression was grim. "I'm telling you, Ryu, the description matches. And there's something else... the witnesses say he's calling out for you."

Ryu's face set in determination. "I'll go stop him."

Kenshi nodded. "We'll follow close behind. Be careful, Ryu!"

Ryu sprinted out of the headquarters, racing toward the city square on his motorcycle. As he arrived, he saw chaos: people running, buildings damaged, and a figure shrouded in flames.

Ryu leapt off his motorcycle, his eyes scanning the destruction. And then, he saw him. Hikari.

Ryu's jaw dropped, his mind reeling in shock. "Hikari... you're... you're alive!"

Hikari's eyes locked onto Ryu, a twisted grin spreading across his face. "Ryu... my old friend. I've been waiting for you."

Ryu stumbled back, his mind struggling to comprehend. Hikari was dead. He had seen him die. And yet... here he was, alive and wielding fire abilities.

"What... how is this possible?" Ryu stammered.

Hikari chuckled, his flames dancing with malevolent intent. "You'll soon find out, Ryu. But first... let's catch up. I've missed you."

"You're... you're supposed to be dead," Ryu repeated, trying to process.

Hikari shrugged. "Death is just a minor setback, Ryu. I've transcended it." But Ryu's eyes remained fixed on Hikari. "You're not taking anyone else today, Hikari."

Hikari's grin grew wider. "We'll see about that, Ryu. Let's end this."Ryu charged at Hikari, his ninja blade flashing in the light. But Hikari was ready, unleashing a wave of flames that engulfed Ryu.

Ryu stumbled back, his eyes widening in shock. He tried to defend himself, but the flames seemed to sear his skin, weakening him.

Hikari took advantage of Ryu's momentary weakness, striking him with a flurry of punches and kicks. Ryu tried to block, but Hikari's attacks were too fast, too precise.

Ryu crashed to the ground, his body battered and bruised. Hikari stood over him, his eyes blazing with triumph.

Ryu tried to get up, but his body felt heavy, his movements slow. Hikari's flames had drained his strength, leaving him vulnerable.

But Hikari's attack was relentless, his flames scorching Ryu's skin. Ryu's vision began to blur, his consciousness fading.

Ryu's eyes flickered open, his body burning with pain. He saw Hikari standing over him, a triumphant smile on his face.

With a fierce cry, Ryu summoned his last ounce of strength, focusing his energy into a powerful technique - the Shadow End.

A dark, shadowy aura erupted from Ryu's body, hurtling towards Hikari with deadly precision. But Hikari, anticipating this move, sneered and raised his hands.

The shadowy aura was met with a blast of flames, which Hikari expertly mirrored back at Ryu. The flames engulfed Ryu's body, intensifying the burning sensation.

Ryu's eyes widened in shock as he realized Hikari had countered his Shadow End with a Flame Mirror technique.

"No... impossible!" Ryu gasped, his body writhing in agony.

Hikari's smile grew wider. "You should have stayed down, Ryu. Now, you'll burn forever!"

The flames consumed Ryu's body, his screams echoing through the city square while people rushed to safety with no thought to the person granting it to them.

Then yet again Ryu took another attack, he had been warned of the effects of the shadow merge but what if this was the only choice? " The entity ( shadow bond)" he yelled and it that brief moment materialized his shadow and merged with it into the entity.

The shadowy aura enveloped Ryu, The entity unleashed a flurry of shadowy attacks, striking Hikari with swift and deadly precision.

Hikari, however, was not easily defeated. He countered with waves of flames, scorching the entity's shadowy form. The entity stumbled back, its strength wavering.

The entity struggled to get back to its feet, its shadowy form flickering with weakness. Hikari pressed its advantage, striking The entity with a series of powerful flame-infused punches.

Hikari crashed the entity through a building with a précisé fireball, The entity had took the brunt of the attack with his shadow imbued sword which broke from the strain

The entity tried to defend itself, but Hikari's attacks were too strong. The entity stumbled back, its shadowy form beginning to dissipate.

Hikari's voice rose in triumph. "You should have stayed down, Ryu! Now, you'll burn forever!"

With a final, mighty blow, Hikari struck The entity, sending it crashing to the ground. The entity's shadowy form dissipated, leaving Ryu's battered and bruised body behind.

Hikari stood over Ryu, his eyes blazing with victory. "It's over," he whispered, his voice dripping with malice. "I've won."

Ryu's eyes flickered open, his gaze meeting Hikari's. He tried to speak, but his voice was barely a whisper. "Why... Hikari... why?"

Hikari's smile grew wider. "Because, I was helpless while you stopped my plan to generate a superior species of superhumans, but now, Ryu i've transcended death. And now, Reborn as Enjin, I'll make you watch me bend reality to my will... before killing you."

As an afterthought Hikari whispered something in Ryu's ear before his conciousness faded...

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