The Battle Of Powers

At the KoKuryūkai base, Ryu was sedated in intensive care at their medical department oblivious to the conversation going on about him.

" Apparently one of his list of unknown loop holes in his powers is Fire" Hayato started, shaking his head in pity and rage.

" Fire?" Kenshi frowned. " Light based attacks" Hanzo elaborated with a terse shrug. " He is susceptible to mental fatigue and light based attacks to which fire belongs... Hikari exploited both well"

Kenshi glanced over to Ryu's unconscious form." How long will it take for him to wake?". " According to our medic, it will take a couple days in a normal person, but for him... It's hard to say -he could wake up anytime now" Kasumi replied shaking her head in anger.

" If I get ahold of Hikari, he'll regret he ever got Reborn!" Hayato fumed, his anger was shared by all of them but Kenshi knew it would be unwise to seek him out in his current form. " Hayato, place a lid on that anger" he commanded and walked stiffly out of the room.

Hayato's face twisted in frustration, but he nodded curtly, knowing Kenshi was right. "Fine, but this isn't over."

Kasumi placed a hand on his shoulder, her eyes blazing with determination. "We'll get Hikari, Hayato. But first, we need to focus on Ryu's recovery."

Hanzo nodded in agreement. "Kenshi's right. We can't take on Hikari in our current state. We need a plan, and we need Ryu's strength."

The group fell silent, their eyes fixed on Ryu's unconscious form. They knew the road to recovery wouldn't be easy, but they were determined to stand by their friend and ally.

Meanwhile, Kenshi walked out of the medical department, his mind racing with strategies and countermeasures. He knew Hikari would be working on growing stronger by the day, and they needed to act fast.

As he entered the base's strategy room, he found Kasumi already there, pouring over maps and data. " Master I've been analyzing Hikari's movements," Kasumi said, looking up. "I think I've found a pattern."

Kenshi's eyes narrowed. "Tell me."

And with that, the planning began. The KoKuryūkai members knew they had a long and difficult road ahead, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay in store.

Kasumi pointed to a series of markings on the map, indicating Hikari's recent attacks. "He's targeting specific locations, all of which have a connection to his past research."

Kenshi's eyes widened as he grasped the implications. "He's searching for something. Something he needs to complete his plan."

Kasumi nodded. "I think you're right. And I think I know what it might be."

Kenshi leaned in, his voice low and urgent. "Tell me."

Kasumi hesitated, glancing around the room before responding. "I think Hikari's either searching for a way to stabilize his powers or continue in his plan to merge humans with animals. "

Kenshi's face set in determination. "Then we need to find it first. Assemble a team, Kasumi. We'll track down Hikari's next target, we need to gather Intel on him"

As Kasumi nodded and began making calls, Kenshi's mind turned to Ryu, still recovering in the medical department. He knew his nephew would want to be part of this mission, but Kenshi also knew he couldn't risk Ryu's safety. Not yet.

With a heavy heart, Kenshi made a decision. "Kasumi, keep Ryu's status quiet for now. I don't want him knowing about the mission until he's ready."

Kasumi's eyes flickered with understanding before he nodded. "Got it, Kenshi. We'll keep it under wraps."

And with that, the plan was set in motion. The KoKuryūkai members would face Hikari once again, determined to stop him and save Ryu from his clutches. But little did they know, Hikari had a surprise waiting for them...

Meanwhile, in a hidden underground lab, Hikari stood before a large, cylindrical device, its surface etched with intricate circuits and symbols. He gazed at it with an unnerving intensity, his eyes burning with an inner fire.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows - a woman with long, flowing hair and piercing green eyes.

"Hikari, the KoKuryūkai is closing in," she warned, her voice husky and confident. " Who are you and how did you find this place?" Hikari asked. " I'm just a guide " she dismissed

Hikari's smile grew wider. "Let them come. I'll crush them all, just like I crushed Ryu."

The woman's eyes narrowed. "You're not invincible, Hikari. You have weaknesses."

Hikari's gaze snapped to hers, his eyes flashing with anger. "I have no weaknesses. I am En no Kiba, the master of flames!"

The woman's smile was enigmatic. "We'll see about that."

And with that, she vanished into the shadows, leaving Hikari to his plans. But what did she mean? Was she friend or foe? Only time would tell.


Kenshi sat at a swivel chair before a bank of monitors displaying the team he had deployed while Hanzo took coverage with the aerial drone, Kenshi was provided with various images at different angles at a time to properly view the scene playing out.

" Remember, the mission is to gather Intel and get back here, on no occasion -unless in the case of defense, should you attempt to take on Hikari as he is powerful and highly dangerous" Kenshi said through the mouthpiece


Hayato led the five men team into a closed science facility and scaled the walls, they got into the facility and soon spotted Hikari whose back was to them and the anger rushed back into him.

He attempted to throw a shuriken at him but was stopped by Kasumi. " We have to follow master's orders" she reminded him, and relayed the latest inform through their radio connection.

" Target spotted, it seems he's found what he's looking for, it's a tube of some kind" Kasumi relayed and waited for some response before looking up at the others.

" This facility is working on a project including the generation of massive amount of electricity through a powercell, in other words it means Hikari is still at it" Kasumi announced.

Meanwhile Hikari studying the cell, became aware that he was being watched, " welcome KoKuryūkai, I've been expecting you guys" he said loud enough for them to hear and some of them shivered in shock.

He turned at faced them now. " Actually you came at a time, I would have rather preferred to work but anyhow, we could catch up on" he said, his tone dripping with malice.

Hayato growled in anger while Kasumi tried to talk him out of going up against him, it was a losing battle and she shrugged " fine but we came as a team and we shall leave as one"

The stage was set for a showdown between Hikari and the KoKuryūkai. Who would emerge victorious?

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