The Crimson Raider

" No! Ryu Don't kill him" Kasumi pleaded and the entity paused long enough to give a glance in her direction before slamming a surprisingly solid fist to the side of Black Fox neck and watched him collapse like a felled tree.

" Ryu! Are you still there?" Hayato said holding up his sword in a defensive stance. The entity took a few shaky steps towards them and soon collapsed, the darkness receded and left behind it's unconscious vessel.

Ryu's eyes slowly opened, his vision blurry. He was met with the sight of Hanzo's concerned face, his eyes scanning Ryu's body.

"Ryu, can you hear me?" Hanzo asked, his voice firm but laced with worry. Ryu tried to speak, but his voice was hoarse. He nodded instead.

Hanzo nodded back. "Good. We need to assess your condition. You've undergone a significant transformation."

Ryu's gaze drifted down to his hands, He flexed his fingers, and they seemed to shift like smoke.

Hanzo began to list off Ryu's new abilities to the others in the room. "Enhanced strength, agility, and reflexes. Shadow manipulation, allowing you to create shadowy illusions, teleport short distances, and create shadowy constructs. Your senses are also heightened, granting you enhanced perception and awareness."

Ryu listened intently, trying to process the extent of his new powers.

Hanzo continued, "Your body is now capable of regenerating from injuries at an accelerated rate. However, this power comes at a cost. Your connection to the shadow realm makes you vulnerable to its influence."

" Cool" Hayato grinned to stares from the others.Ryu's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with the implications.

Hanzo's expression turned grave. "We need to be cautious. The shadow realm's power can consume you if you're not careful."

Ryu nodded, determination etched on his face. He would master these new abilities, no matter the cost.

Hanzo nodded. " I'm still trying to put together how sciencr could have done this to you. You're now a vessel for the shadow realm's power. But remember, Ryu, you're still in control. Don't let the shadows consume you."

Ryu's gaze lingered on his reflection, a mix of emotions swirling within him. He felt a sense of loss, yet also a thrill of excitement. He was no longer human, but something more.

" This is not science, Hanzo, but something else I refuse to believe was given to you to keep you alive" Kenshi said. " Hanzo find out if there are other... People like him"

With a deep breath, Ryu faced Kenshi. "Teach me to control this power, Kenshi. I won't let it control me."

Kenshi nodded, a hint of a smile on his face. "Then let us begin, Ryu. The journey ahead will be difficult, I believe you were given this power for a purpose, what do you want to do with it"

" Spend my life preparing for that purpose" Ryu answered " Good meet me at the training hall" Kenshi smiled and walked away.

Twenty five minutes later,Ryu faced his uncle Kenshi in the training hall, the air thick with tension. Kenshi, was a master of the ancient arts.

" Once upon a time our ancestors once had control over the shadows until the power got cut off, for it to be back after all these years then you must have a purpose and we shall find that purpose. Let's begin," Kenshi said, his eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity.

Ryu nodded, his heart racing and took a deep breath. The duel commenced, with Kenshi unleashing a flurry of swift strikes. Ryu countered with his shadow-enhanced speed, their movements a blur as they clashed.

But as the fight approched a climax, Ryu's shadow powers began to surge out of control. His vision blurred, and his movements became wild and unpredictable. Kenshi sensed the shift and increased his pressure.

Ryu stumbled back, his breathing ragged. Kenshi seized the opening, landing a solid kick that sent Ryu crashing to the ground. Ryu sprang up, his eyes flashing with anger, and his body began to twist and contort.

His limbs elongated, his skin turning a dark, shadowy hue. Kenshi's eyes narrowed, recognizing the signs of Ryu's impending transformation.

"Ryu, control yourself!" Kenshi shouted, but Ryu was beyond reason.

With a feral cry, Ryu launched himself at Kenshi, his shadowy form blurring as he moved. Kenshi dodged and weaved, avoiding Ryu's wild strikes by mere inches.

Just as Ryu seemed about to overwhelm Kenshi, the older ninja unleashed a swift combination of freeze strikes, targeting the precise points to halt Ryu's momentum.

Ryu's body locked up, his shadowy form frozen in place. Kenshi approached him, his eyes burning with intensity."Remember yourself, Ryu," Kenshi said, his voice low and urgent. "You are not a monster. You are a warrior."

Ryu's vision cleared, his body returning to its human form. He stood panting, his eyes locked on Kenshi's who promptly unlocked his muscles."Thank you, Master" Ryu said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kenshi nodded, his expression grim. "You still have much to learn, Ryu. But I will be here to guide you."

Hanzo entered the room, his expression grave. Ryu, still recovering from his intense training session with Kenshi, looked up with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"Master remember what you said about people like him? I've received intel on a new threat," Hanzo said, his voice low and serious. "A villain has emerged, one who wields the power to manipulate blood."

Kenshi's eyes narrowed. "What's his name?"

"Ketsueki no Kaito," Hanzo replied, his eyes locked on Ryu's. "His name means 'Flesh and Blood'. He's rumored to be able to control the very life force of his victims, bending it to his will."

Ryu's grip on his armrest tightened. "What kind of powers are we talking about?"

"Kaito can create blood illusions, manipulate blood flow, and even solidify blood into deadly weapons," Hanzo explained. "His abilities make him a formidable foe, one who could potentially bring chaos to our world."

" Check if he has any link to that day of Ryu's explosion" Kenshi demanded. " Master I already checked, he died that day during an experiment but seemed to come back, just like..."

" Me" Ryu finished for him. His determination ignited. "I'll stop him, Hanzo. I won't let him harm innocent lives."

Hanzo nodded, a hint of a smile on his face. "I knew I could count on you, Ryu. But be warned: Kaito is cunning and ruthless. You'll need all your skills and cunning to defeat him and you can't even control your going rogue"

Ryu steeled himself, his mind already racing with strategies and tactics. He would not underestimate Ketsueki no Kaito. The battle ahead would be fierce, but Ryu was ready...

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