Chapter Three.... Rebirth

"Have you hear? Madam Qin was in labour room!?".

"Really? Are you saying the truth? Madam Qin is finally given birth after two years!".

"I'm sure prime minister Ye will be very happy".,

"Of course, don't you know how many Physicians he had invited just for this day?"

A great news spread throughout the Great Qin kingdom, the wife of prime Minister Ye Wuhen, Madam Qin is finally giving birth!.


Inside a spacious and luxurious mansion, was a room decorated with great splendor. Outside this room, a large group of people had gathered. A young male paced relentlessly in front of the doors, his face was filled with anxiety and worry. He looked to be thirty years of age, and he gave off a majestic aura. Although he had aged a little, one could still see the handsome youth that he once was. He was wearing a gold lined silver chang pao, which added to his handsome appearance, and he was surrounded by an aura similar to that of a host. His face was resolute, even his eyebrows were knitted together, almost forming a single lump, he is no other than Prime Minister Ye Wuhen.

Three meters outside of the room, a group of 30 people, ranging from young to old, were all lined up nervously. The elders of the group looked to be 60 to 70 years old already, with white hair all over their wrinkled faces but despite their age, the aura radiated around them will make ordinary being kneel.

And within the room in front of them, the sounds of a woman crying in pain could be heard.

“Madam, keep on pushing, the baby is almost out. I repeat, the baby is almost out…” An elderly but impatient voice could be heard through the pain-filled echoes. Those who could hear the voice could tell the owner of the voice was an elderly woman.

Outside the room, Ye Wuhen who was anxiously pacing about, abruptly froze in place and spoke with a sense of urgency, “Ai…this has been going on for an entire day and night already, how has Qin'er not given birth? If this drags on for any longer, I’m afraid even Qin'er will face an unfavorable situation.” Even Ye Wuhen voice was filled with never ending anxiety.

“My lord, please don’t worry too much. Madam Qin will definitely be fine.” A white haired elder spoke with a tone of confidence, but even his face could not hide the look of worry on it.

Everyone knew how dangerous Madam Qin situation was! To be pregnant for a whole two years without conceiving was unheard of among human but Madam Qin was pregnant for two years.

Despite the invitation of many great physicians and alchemist, no problem was detected, which lead to the news of her, pregnant with the demon child.

"The baby is out, Madam Qin has given birth to a boy". The shout of joyes from the elderly woman rang out throughout the building. Ye Wuhen froze and his body trembling in great happiness, the elderly group of thirty also smiled greatly.

And Suddenly, the sky across the world, from the Great Qin in the east to the Endless Void in the west, to the Wilderness in the north to Ruin of the south, all turned red. The stars and the moon all disappeared for an instant, and the black sky was dyed red. This phenomenon lasted only for the briefest of moments, but it was enough for the strongest few in the land to notice it. They all stood stunned and wondered what could have caused the sky to change colour, but no one could sense the source of that aura.

But there was also one other thing that happened along with the appearance of the red sky. No, rather than along with it was better to call it the cause of the red sky. A boundless, endless sword intent covered the lands. The sword intent was so sharp and almighty, that it seemed to cover the very world in which they existed and reduce it to ashes. It seemed to look down upon all existence and was only filled with the boundless desire to extinguish everything in its path.

Ye Wuhen and the elderly group smile stiff and all turned towards the labour room, the sudden change in the sky couldn't escape their sight and they felt great insignificant towards the change.

"My Lord, the Lady and the son is in good condition". The elderly woman said again, it's obvious that she is not obvious of the change. The shout awake Ye Wuhen from his shock,.Ye Wuhen immediately sprang into the room and flashed over to the bedside and sat down beside it. His face was full of concern as he looked at the woman who was reclining on top of it.

“Qin'er, how are you feeling; you have to be all right!” Despite his excitement, his voice was gentle and was brimming with concern.

On top of the bed was a woman who was in the peak of her 20’s. Her appearance was so beautiful, it could cause an entire state to fight and collapse upon itself for her hand. Her exhausted and pale face was drenched in sweat, but still managed to retain a divine look.

The female looked up with a tired expression at the man by her side and smiled, “ Husband, I am fine. Please just allow me to see my baby.”

Her face filled with anticipation.


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