
Max’s grip was firm but not too much that Tate easily pushed off as he was too weak from the beating. 

  “Your wife? Your house?” Cynthia asked while the others laughed. “Max, don't you think you’ve become too entitled now? I thought Aria wanted a divorce? Why are you still calling her your wife, and when did MY House suddenly become yours?” She questioned. 

  He ignored Cynthia and faced his wife, pulling her apart from Tate, “Aria, what's gotten into you? You knew I was injured, but you didn't even bother to come and check me. Why the f*ck did you take out all of my savings for Liam's trust fund?” 

  Aria rolled her eyes in disgust, fanning her nose with her hand as if Max stinks. 

  “You're complaining about a measly $5,000? In our three years of marriage, have you ever gifted me anything? I decided to buy myself a parting gift and you're complaining, how shameless!” She insulted and then called out to one of their domestic staff and ordered, “Get me those documents and the traveling bag arranged on the table in my room.” 

  Max's eyes, which were now swollen, reddened even more, a huge lump stuck in his throat, making breathing harder for him.

  “Aria, do you even know I was arrested and tortured? For two whole days? By this asshole of a person?” Max managed to ask, pointing at Tate. 

  Tate smirked, adjusting his suit proudly. 

  “Oh, about that!” Aria gasped, “I was just about to ask how you managed to get out? I know for sure you don't have a dime.” She asked. 

  Max was dumbstruck. He couldn't believe his ear. Even though Aria was not exactly nice to him in the past three years since he became ‘broke’ he didn't expect her to be so cruel and a carbon copy of her mother. 

  “This isn't the Aria I know. This definitely isn't the Aria I dated.” he cried. 

  “Hmph…so delusional.” Anna mumbled. 

  Max turned towards the family while wiping his tears, “I guess you all knew about this. You knew he injured me and sent me to jail on false accusations.” He paused and swallowed hard. 

  “Mother, you knew it too. Yet you complained about my absence from the house. I know you all are money-crazed, but do you have to be so heartless too? Mother, you should be ashamed you raised your children like this!” He challenged. 

  Everyone gasped in shock at his audacity. They all felt offended by Max’s words, but before any of them could take action, Cynthia marched towards Cade and sent a thunderous slap down his cheek. 

  “How dare you? A lowlife! How dare you open that gutter you call mouth and say rubbish to me?” Cynthia bellowed furiously, her eyes literally spitting fire. “Your mother should be the one ashamed of raising such a loser.” She scolded. 

  Max's senses heightened at the mere mention of his mother. No matter who the person is, he'd never tolerate anyone speaking ill of his mother. 

  His body stiffened as he hovered around Cynthia, a gesture that actually made her cower.

  “I can tolerate everything from you, but don't you ever mention my mother again.” He warned, his voice gentle, yet it sent shivers down her spine. 

  The staff Aria had sent finally returned with the document and handed it over to Aria. 

  The door of the house creaked open, momentarily taking all the attention. 

  Walking into the house in a black dress and small backpack was 19 years old Arabella Kingsley, the last born of the house. 

  She looked confused at the unlikely gathering as she scanned the family members one after the other while greeting, “Good evenin…” 

  “Oh my goodness! Max’s what happened to you?” She exclaimed in disbelief as soon as her eyes landed on him. 

  She ran towards him, briefly examining him. “Brother-in-law, where have you been? I’ve been trying to reach you, but it wasn't going through. What happened to you?” She asked, her voice tinged with concern and worry. 

  Max smiled and gently ruffled Arabella’s long brown hair, “I had a bit of an accident, but I'm fine now.” 

  Arabella was the other person aside from their Dad who treated Max's with respect, and their bond was even stronger than the one Arabella had with her siblings. 

  “You're not fine! How can this be fine?” She complained. 

  “Arabella, I promise I’m…

  “If you're done being all lovey dovey why don't you sign this and fuck off!” Aria rudely interrupted, slapping his face with the divorce papers. 

  Max grabbed it and looked over the terms one more time. It stated that the reason for divorce was social differences. 

  He smiled realizing just how different their social lives were. PetroVista was a trillion dollar company compared to the Kingsley Enterprise which was just a few million dollars.

  It also stated that neither of the two parties were going to demand anything from the other on the basis of their divorce which also sat well with Max. 

  “Here, have it.” Tate said, handing over a pen to him. 

  Max ignored him and looked into Aria’s eyes again as he asked, “I know your mind's made up but have you ever thought of Liam? How is he going to feel growing up in a broken home?” 

  Everyone else burst out laughing except for Max and Arabella who looked confused as they found it hard to understand what was so funny about Max’s question. 

  When Aria finally contained herself from the laughter, she said, “He’s here. Why don't we ask him what he thinks about our divorce.”

  “Liam! Liam! Liam!” Aria called, looking around the corner of the room as if he was searching for a pet. 

  “Liam is home? Why didn't you tell me? Where is he?” He asked as he looked around the house in search of him. 

  Everyone watched him make a fool of himself before Aria finally announced, “There you are! Come here baby!’ 

  Max had his back turned against Aria and as soon as she made the announcement, he felt his breath hitch. 

  He scanned himself from head to toe and realized how much of a mess he was. Too bad he was seeing his son for the first time since he was born three years ago looking like trash that fell off a garbage truck. 

  ‘He’s still a kid. He won't remember this.’ He thought to himself as he quickly wiped his face clean and put on a bright smile as he turned around. 

  To his dismay, Aria stood there fondling a cute Pomeranian dog. 

  “Liam! Say hi to Daddy.” She said, giggling devilishly. 

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