Chapter four

Max Xanderson walked closer and jacked Martins by his shirt and dashed him to the wall.

Max Xanderson stared intently and lecherously into the eyes of Martin Lucas as the latter's body fluid continued dripping down his Oxford luxury shoes.

"Why don't you people just like peace?"

Max Xanderson asked as he heaved Martins over and he crashed into Arnold Lucas who was lying on the floor helplessly.

Walking over the bodies on the floor, Max Xanderson walked over to Melissa and tried waking her up but all to no avail.

Martins Lucas immediately stood and dusted his brown suit.

"Max, you really have got some guts and nice fighting skills."

His voice was laced with a mixture of trepidation and anxiety as he stared at Hank, the best of their family henchman as he lay crippled on the floor.

Max Xanderson immediately stared at him wondering what he was driving at.

"You know what…I really don't want to hurt you."

"On behalf of the Lucas family…since I'm the first heir, I will make you a deal."

"I really love your fighting skills, they are beyond impressive."

"So I will give you two choices."

"You know the Lucas family is not a family to be messed with."

"I will pretend that all this shenanigan never happened if you will let me and my brother go safely…plus you have to come work for my father."

Martin Lucas' voice was surprisingly laced with authority.

Max Xanderson immediately stood up and walked closer to him.

"And if I don't accept to let you and your a**hole of a brother leave?"

Max Xanderson asked as he stared lecherously into Martins Lucas's eyes.

Martins Lucas shuddered backwards in trepidation and fell backwards into the wall.

"Then you leave me no choice."

Immediately he pulled up his phone and called his dad, Lord George of the Lucas family.

Max Xanderson only stared at him as he made the call and ended it.

"You should have taken my offer…but it's too late now."

Martin Lucas continued as he pulled out an Arturo Fuente Don Carlos cigar, lit it and poofed a smoke in the air.

"I have just called in the big guns."

"You may have survived 35 men but how about 200 coming all at you…once."

Martin Lucas' voice was barely above whispers as he stared at Max Xanderson who stared back at him and shook his head.

A few minutes later, the whole room was filled with over 200 plus men as they parted to reveal Lord George Lucas.

"What happened to my son?!"

"Someone answer me now!!!"

Lord George Lucas yelled as he saw the mess his son, Arnold, had been beaten into.

Before Lord George Lucas and his first son Martins could realize what was happening, Max Xanderson had stepped up and stepped on the testicles of Arnold Lucas.


Arnold Lucas yelled.

"Dad! me…he is crushing my…"

Before he could complete his statement, Max Xanderson crushed his testicles with his heavy boots.

Arnold Lucas immediately blacked out as he couldn't contain the pain.

"This will teach your son not to mess with any lady he sees!"

Max Xanderson said as he stared into the shocked eyes of Lord George Lucas and Martins Lucas.

Their eyebrows were still furrowed in shock and bewilderment at what they had just witnessed.

Lord George was furious, his eyes burnt red in anger.

"Do you know what you have just done?!"

"You will pay for this with your blood!"

"Kill him!"

Lord George Lucas yelled as his whole men launched at Max Xanderson.

Some had Jack knives and some axes and within minutes, Max Xanderson was heaping their dead bodies upon the bodies of the previous group that had attacked him.

"What the hell…"

Max Xanderson immediately kicked Lord George in the stomach, interrupting him.

The kick sent Lord George Lucas to his knees before Max.

Gazing behind him, Max Xanderson spotted Martin Lucas shaking his brother who was now weeping profusely from the damage to his testicles.

"I don't know what or who you are…but I promise you…you will pay for this insolence."

Lord George Lucas threatened,glaring at Max Xanderson.

"Your son brought this upon you all."

Max Xanderson's voice was barely above whispers as he gazed upon Melissa who was still showing no signs of recovery.

"I really don't care who started it."

"I will personally have your balls for this."

"The Lucas's are friends with the famous Captain Barnes of the Black Force army and I've contacted him when I came here and you will pay dearly for what you have done to my son."

"Might I remind you that Captain Barnes isn't any ordinary man, he is a serving captain to the grand general, anyone who dares mess with him is as good as obliterated already."

"Not just you…but your wife and anyone related to you will pay dearly for your actions as well!"

Lord George's voice was laced with authority.

Max Xanderson furrowed as he heard the familiar name. 

"Did you just say, Barnes?"

It was so disappointing. He didn't expect his subordinate to be friend of such scumbags.

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