The Return of General Cobra claw
The Return of General Cobra claw
Author: Max Luthor
Chapter one

Max Xanderson gazed through the glass barrier as his team loaded their new military shipments.

He hasn't seen his wife in 5 years.

Now he was finally able to go back to meet her. And he was going to hold a grand wedding for her.

Just need to wait for 3 more days...

His thoughts went on a rampage as he donned his camouflage military shoes.

Plopping into his leather chair behind him, his door immediately was yanked open.


"What brings you to my office?"

His voice was laced with authority.

"I'm so sorry, general…but you have a call."

"And it's not on the secure line."

Jack Oniels voice was laced with a mixture of trepidation and anxiety.

Max Xanderson gazed at him in surprise, his eyebrows furrowed in curiosity.

Moments later, the heavy thumps of their military-grade boots are heard as they walk into the communication centre.

Picking up the receiver, Max Xanderson immediately answered the video call.

As soon as the video call logged on, Max Xanderson heard a familiar voice weeping.

"What the…"

Before he could complete his statement, the cold and detached voice of a lewd and shirtless man broke through.

"So you are the husband of this beautiful damsel."

He said as he caressed a young lady's cheeks with a golden handle dagger.

Melissa Stevens was tied up to a chair, her blue blouse was ripped almost in half.

Max Xanderson stared at him with anger burning in his eyes.

"I wanted to, you know…have my way with her."

"Then I thought it would be better to have you watch us."

Arnold Lucas said manically, as he moved his dagger towards Melissa's blonde hair.

Max stood there staring at him, wishing only that there was a way he would teleport back to Westerville this minute and behead this scumbag.

"Aren't you gonna say something…lover boy?"

Arnold Lucas said as he walked closer to the receiver.

His voice was laced with disdain and anger.

"You know what, I really don't understand why this beautiful damsel would even agree to marry you."

"What do you want, Arnold Lucas?"

"Why are you bringing my wife into this?"

Max Xanderson asked, his voice was laced with fury as he managed to hold himself together.

Memories of his mom's death at the Blueberg River and how Melissa Stevens had risked her life to save him flashed through his mind like a well-edited video.

If Melissa Stevens hadn't risked her life to save him, her life would have been in perfect condition.

At least her grandfather, Lord Dylan Stevens wouldn't have thrown her and her family out of the Stevens villa.

"Well…for starters you shouldn't have such a beautiful damsel all to yourself."

"And the last time I checked you hadn't been around for quite some time now."

"So I decided to do your work."

Arnold Lucas said he caressed Melissa Stevens once more, smiling foolishly.

Melissa Stevens was already bleeding on her left ear and her hair was all dishevelled.

Immediately Arnold Lucas loosened the rope that he had used to tie Melissa Stevens dragged her by the hair and heaved her to the ground.

Climbing on top of the weeping lady, he choked her as Melissa cried and struggled to breathe.

"Stop it!"

"What is it you want?"

Max Xanderson asked, staring intently into the eyes of Arnold Lucas.

"Well…I want you to kneel before me…and I may consider not having my way with her."

Arnold Lucas said as he stood up from on top of Melissa Stevens who was still trying hard to breathe on the concrete floor.

Max Xanderson clenched his fists.

"Are you sure you wouldn't…"

"Just kneel before me if you want to save her!"

Arnold Lucas yelled as he kicked Melissa Stevens in her stomach making her wince in pain.

Max Xanderson stared back at his team members and shook his head twice before kneeling slowly.

"Now please will you leave my wife out of this?"

Max Xanderson asked as his military secretary, James nodded to him signalling that he had triangulated the location of the scumbag.

"And what makes you think I will leave this beautiful damsel all to you."

"You are such a coward Max."

"That is definitely why you left Melissa Stevens in the first place."

Arnold Lucas said tauntingly as he gazed upon the beauty on the fall and back at Max Xanderson who was staring angrily at the whole scenario.

Arnold Lucas might be right about him leaving Melissa but it was for a reason no one would understand except himself.

No one knew what happened to him some 5 years ago.

"Don't do this Arnold Lucas…I will hunt you throughout eternity if you do."

Max Xanderson said as he started to stand up slowly.

"You know what, I will send a video of me and your wife having the fun of our life."

Arnold Lucas said as he pranced around the tiny room that seemed like a student closet.

"Don't you dare…"

Before Max Xanderson could complete his sentence, Arnold Lucas immediately hung up.


"Fire up the War Copter, we have a man to hunt down."

Max Xanderson said as he got the location of the call from his military secretary.

"I hope I get there before any harm comes to you, Melissa."

His voice was barely above whispers as he signals the pilot to take off immediately.

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