Zara, not wanting Chase to catch up with her, increased her pace as she climbed down the stairs and at the same time, trying to hold back her stubborn tears which were already rolling down her cheeks.

The feeling of being rejected was the only thing on her mind. She didn't care about Raven's mockery.

Since Chase came into the household, she had been a secret admirer, always fantasizing about getting married to him and all that.

When she learnt of how he was being treated by her mother and Raven, she was bitter but there was nothing she could do about it.

That was why she decided to stand up for him when they plotted to accuse him of cheating.

And now, she got rejected.

“Where are you hurrying to?” Wembley asked when she brushed past him.

“Out.” She yelled, not bothering to look in her direction. This single act made Wembley turn towards the stairs, trying to fathom what was going on.

“She is crying.” Maurice walked up to him, staring at the path she had taken.


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