The Return of Tyler Redwood
The Return of Tyler Redwood
Author: Fave writes
Chapter 1

“You've got one last chance,” Tyler growled, fisting his hand in the man's face. “Who are you working for?”

The man whose name was Edgar just smiled, showcasing blood-painted teeth. “I'll never tell you!”

Incensed, Tyler reared his fist back and slammed it into Edgar's face. His head snapped backward and a fresh spray of blood spurted from his nostrils.

Edgar was the man who set fire to his house 8 years ago and the elusive son of a bitch he had been chasing for the past few years. When he finally found out where Edgar was, Tyler didn't waste time rooting him out.

Tyler drew out a knife from his boot, stalking toward the man. “You're testing my already thin patience, Edgar. Answer me correctly or I'm going to make your life a living hell. Who did it?”

Edgar threw his head back and laughed like Tyler just told the funniest joke. “You can't do shit! You're just a fucking orphan.”

8 years ago, he was…but not anymore.

Tyler drove his boot into Edgar's groin, watching him writhe like a bug. “You’re wrong! That's the god of war to you, fucker!”

Edgar curled into a ball, cupping his junk while he rolled around groaning in pain.

Flipping his knife with a bored look on his face, Tyler stepped on Edgar's feet. “You have the power to stop this, you know? Just tell me who the men are.”

“Even if I do, you'd be wise to let it be.” Edgar gasped out. “They won't let you leave, especially if they find out that you survived.”

Tyler sighed, realizing that he could beat this man to a bloody pulp yet he wouldn't milk out much information from him.

Snapping his fingers, he called out to one of his men, giving him strict instructions. 

“Beat him until he gives up something valuable, and then you can do whatever you want with him.”

Tyler turned his back on them, walking over to the sink to wash his hands. Then he heard a pattern of feet and he looked up. Sal, his secretary, dashed into the building, his eyes searching for Tyler. 

“S-Sir! I've found her!” He raised his tablet, catching Tyler's attention. “I've found the girl you're looking for!”

Tyler snatched the tablet out of Sal's hands, scanning the contents on the screen. “Good job. “Now let's go!” He barked, moving towards the entrance to where the cars were idling on the sidewalk. “Who is she?” He asked as he strapped the car seat over his torso.

Sal showed him the tablet. “Katerina Petrova, Dylan's Petrova’s daughter.”

“Petrova…” Tyler rolled the name around in his mouth. “The name sounds familiar, who are they?”

“Dylan Petrova is an oil baron and son of Massimo Petrova. Not only is he the second richest person in this city with a net worth of over a billion dollars but he's very powerful.” Sal recited, reading from his tablet. “People believe that Dylan is in charge of many illegal operations but that hasn't been proven yet.”

“Hmmm….” Tyler hummed thoughtfully.

It makes sense now. The Petrovas are a powerful family and not one to be dealt with. “Where are we heading to?”

“Their family estate. I got information from a trusted source saying Dylan's throwing a party in his daughter's honor… although, word has it that the party is just a ruse for him to find a husband for Katerina.”

Tyler nods, taking in the information while the car takes him to the destination.


One thing that ate at him while he was working for the Sovereign was the incident that happened 8 years ago. That incident catapulted his life, changing his future drastically.

His family was murdered. It might have happened 8 years ago but to date, Tyler had nightmares about it.

Fire… there was fire everywhere, licking at his skin, hungry for a taste of more, Tyler was woozy and slightly disoriented, trying to get his bearings but everything seemed so blurry.

The fire flamed even hotter, almost scorching his clothes to ashes but luckily he pulled his feet back in time. Curled up in a ball, Tyler covered his nose, deep heavy coughs racking his body. Having no idea what happened, Tyler resigned himself to dying here, his voice too feeble to call out for help.

Just when he thought all hope was lost, he saw a small figure braving the flames to come to him. In his state of delirium, he thought she was an angel, his eyes seizing on her face.

When Tyler came several feet away from his home which was burnt to a crisp, cops told him the bad news. His family was dead, only he survived, they found him outside, on the porch with no idea how he got there…but Tyler did. 

Someone saved him, a girl to be precise.

Tyler pushed on, in the hopes of finding that girl once more to repay her for her selfless act. Oh, and he would find out who killed his family and wiped them off the face of the earth.

First things first, Tyler thought as he came down from the car, staring at the house his comrade told him he would find the girl.

House was too small a term though…it was more like a mansion.

Imagine Tyler's surprise when he found out that the girl who saved him was from the Petrova Family, this must be good….


Dylan, the second generation family of the city, stared at the man in front of him while Katerina stood off to the side, biting her lower lip, she wished the earth would open up to swallow her.

“I haven't heard a single word from you.” Mark barked at Dylan, and Katerina’s father barked at him in front of him. Mark started, squaring his shoulders. “I have a proposal for you…” he trailed off, having forgotten the words he memorized.

Proposal huh? “What a nice way of saying, I'm begging you to marry my daughter,” Dylan said.

Katerina only rolled her eyes, shaking her head at him, her father wanting to marry her off to Mark Kincaid. He was young and handsome, two things which made Kat wonder why he would willingly choose to marry a deformed bunny like herself.

Then again, he didn't look to be all that smart, Or he wanted the same thing everyone wants…money.

Her movement caught Mark's attention. His head swiveled on his neck, those dark eyes of his piercing.

Kat flinched, trying to shrink into her skin.

Whenever people looked at her like that, only three things were evident in their gaze.

Curiosity, wonder, or disgust, the latter  flashed through Mark's eyes for a second before he turned to Dylan, forcing a smile on his stiff face. 

“My apologies sir. I have this for you.” The words rolled like silk off Dylan's tongue as he reached into his breast pocket to bring out a thin piece of paper.

It turned out to be a cheque. It was a blatant slap on Kat’s face but it wasn't like she had men lining up for her…the gold glimmer of the spoon before sparkled, catching the ray of the sun and Kat made a mistake to look.

Her skin which was rumpled up and folded like gravy stared back at her.

Slamming the spoon the other way, Kat tried to kick out what she'd just seen and focus on the scene before her.

“$50 million?” Mark screeched, staring at the piece of paper Dylan handed to him in shock. “This is a joke, right? Because I can't believe you brought me all this way for $50 million!”

Dylan was dumbfounded, thinking that amount was more than enough for Mark to agree. “What do you mean? This is a lot of money in the West.”

Tearing the cheque into bits, Mark watched them float down with a snarl on his face. 

“Keep your stupid fucking money. Do you know what everyone calls your daughter out there?” He jabbed a finger in her direction. “A monster, that's what they call her!! $50 million is nothing to me, and if you want me to shackle myself to her, you'll have to do better than that!”

Heartbroken, Dylan stared at Katerina in despair,they were running out of time and options. 

Just before he gave in, a tall muscular man walked in. “I'll do it.” He says his eyes were fixed on Katerina. “I'll marry her.”

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