Chapter 2

Katerina couldn't believe what she was hearing, blinking rapidly to make sure it wasn't a fluke, even looking around for the camera. Dylan was the first to recover. “I'm sorry, what?”

Katerina's eyes were fixed on the gorgeous stranger with the mysterious tattoos running down his arms and his jet-black hair that appeared blue when it caught the sunlight, to  think that Mark was handsome in the face of this man was laughable.

This stranger had rugged looks that were born out of severe circumstances but his eyes…his eyes were kind. Fixing those gorgeous blue eyes on Dylan, peeling them off Katerina momentarily he finally replied. “I said you don't have to beg this man here. I'll do it, I'll marry her…and I'll do it for free, I don't want any money.”

Hearing those words for the second time still felt quite strange.

“And who are you?” Katerina spoke up, much to everyone's surprise. 

“My name is Tyler.” He stretched out his hand which Dylan shook nervously. “Tyler Redwood.”

Dylan took a step forward. “And am I supposed to let a nobody like you marry my daughter, Mr…?”

“Redwood.” Tyler supplied, not that it did any good.

“I haven't heard of you, Mr Redwood, which suggests that you're not a familiar face in society. Forgive me but you don't deserve to be with my daughter.” Dylan spat out angrily, Tyler didn't say anything, as patient as ever. 

Rose Petrova walked up to her husband, hugging his arm. Even though they were a powerful family, no man wanted to get within inches of Katerina because of how disfigured she looked. “If this strange man is willing to accept her, why should we reject him?” She asked.

Dylan's eyes showed his internal struggle. “But he could be poor for all we know!”

“It doesn't matter. We have the money to ensure that Katerina doesn't suffer.” She reasoned.

Mark's hands fisted, suddenly jealous that Tyler was trying to usurp him. “You shouldn't be here.”

Tyler spared the man a glance. “I'm not here for you. I'm here for the beautiful Katerina Petrova.” The best word to describe Katerina was hideous and even that was sweet at best. Mark scrutinized him closely while they talked.

Dylan finally agreed, feeling helpless. “A-are you sure y-you want to marry Katerina?” Dylan stuttered out, not sure if he should believe this stranger's claims.

“Of course,” Tyler said firmly, pushing his hands deep into his pockets.

Katerina's mouth fell open, her gaze colliding with the handsome stranger.

Aside from the shock, the only thing going through her brain was Why?...

Relief spread through Dylan's chest when he heard Tyler's answer and it was only through sheer willpower that he didn't fall to his knees to thank him, as the years passed by, each of them getting older, Dylan worried that without his help, Katerina would be forced to live a life all by herself when he was gone.

“Are you stupid or you're just that daft?” Mark spoke up, trying to change his mind. “Look at her, she's worthless! If you marry her, you'll be a laughingstock in the entire city!”

Tyler gave Mark a cold look that sent the temperature in the room down a couple of degrees. “Last time I checked, I didn't ask for your opinion.”

Facing Dylan, Mark tried to convince him. “How could you think about marrying your daughter to such a lowly man? It'll bring a stain to your name!”

Before Dylan could respond, someone from the crowd chipped in. “In a way, it'd be fitting. The poor girl is already a stain on the family's name, what does it matter if you add another?”

Katerina heard the insults flying around and she couldn't take it anymore. “You should listen to them and leave.” She implored Tyler. “I'm not a good fit for you and I am certainly not the wife you need.”

Tyler only smiled, walking up to her. “I know what I need and that's you. You may not be perfect to others but you're perfect… for me.”

Mark burst into laughter. “Wow, you really must be that desperate huh?” He snorted,

Ignoring Mark's snide comments, Tyler walked up to Dylan, he stopped a couple of meters away. “Let’s do it. Can we get married now and register for it?”

Too eager to let this opportunity pass by, Dylan reached for his daughter's arm and less than ten minutes later, he had managed to wrangle a priest to conduct the ceremony for them.

Not that Tyler believed in religion, but anything to make Katerina his.

“I pronounce you husband wife!” The man boomed, joining their hands together and tying it with a rope.

Dylan cheered, clapping his hands in excitement while Katerina just stood stiffly.

Everything was happening so fast that she couldn't process it.

Before she knew it, She was saying goodbye to her father and was being catered to by her new husband. Months of mental preparation didn't help her with this.

Tyler showed her to her room and then disappeared after pointing out where the items she needed were.

Sitting on the bed which compressed under her weight, Katerina took her first deep breath, reaching for the mask that covered the lower half of her face.

After the incident which scarred her badly and a couple of surgeries, Katerina had to come to terms with the scars but then the sight of it was a constant reminder of how much she lost, so masking it was the best option.

Just as she was about to pull it off, the door opened and Katerina shot out of the bed in panic. “What do you want?!” Her tone was hostile but her new husband didn't mind.

“I come in peace.” Raising his hands in surrender, he approached her slowly the way you would do a rabid animal while showing her what he had in his hands. “I just want to help.”

“What is that?” Kat eyed the small cup suspiciously.

“It's a face repair paste, one made from special Chinese plants. It'll help with the damage, I promise.”

Not wanting to give herself hope like before, Kat shook her head. “Nothing works so don't bother.” She turned her back on him.

“If it won't work, then there's no harm in trying right?” Tyler cajoled.

After much bantering, Katerina finally caved in and allowed Tyler to rub the mixture on her face every day for the next 30 days.

Before Katerina saw some changes but she didn't hold her breath, not certain if it would last but by the 30th day when Tyler helped remove her mask, all she could do was stare at her reflection in the mirror in awe.

Even her walking posture changed dramatically, now she didn't feel any more pain neither did her joints make that creaky sound they normally did.

Overwhelmed with joy, Katerina threw her body into Tyler's arms who was strong enough to catch her. “Thank you so much!” Her eyes suddenly welled up with tears, awed by her transformation. “I don't know what to say…you changed my life and reshaped it into something better, Tyler! Thank you.”

Tyler felt a sense of satisfaction dwell in his chest. Even though this was just phase one of his plan, it felt good to see Katerina happy and out of her shell. “You're welcome, darling.” He gently steered her towards the closet. “Now get ready, we have your grandmother's 70th birthday party to attend. Don't want to be late!”

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