Chapter 3

The party was in full swing, guests mingling about as they talked within themselves, groups of interest formed with people of interest gathering their heads about how they discussed their topic of interest.

Katerina's mother, Rose stood by the fireplace around her siblings, listening to them prattle on about their latest accomplishments. “That Corvette is one in a million, I heard not even the Prince managed to get one in his garage…” Her sister, Grace huffed, puffing her shoulders up in pride.

Garret refused to be bested. “I think my uncut diamonds are also a good gift in itself.”

“Not as much as the Corvette, you know how much Mom loves classic cars,” Grace said..The wine glass in Rose’s hand shook slightly as she brought it up to drink but they noticed, latching their beady eyes on her. .“What?” She was forced to ask, growing uncomfortable under their stare.

“Where's your daughter?” Garret asked. “I thought you said she would be here.”

“With her husband.” Grace chipped in. 

It was a struggle..“Yeah, um…they're o-on in-their way.” She stammered. “They're probably running late.” she said

“Or maybe Katerina is too scared to show her face here.” Grace mused. “After all, I'm sure that no one wants to see her ugly face.” Garret snorted. “Not to mention the type of man she ended up marrying… a pauper!”

They burst into laughter at her expense and she looked away, their words stinging.

Her grip on the glass tightened when she heard them mock her family, especially Katerina but there was nothing she could do about it, so she shrank her shoulders before them, trying to seem smaller.

“The least you can do is stare at us in the face instead of cowering like a sniveling fool.” Grace spat, placing a finger under Rose’s chin to tip her head up. “To think that you embarrassed this family countless times and we still kept being nice to you. No more though, since you have refused to grant us the same courtesy.” 

Garret picked up from where Grace stopped. “You don't deserve to sit with us, so we've arranged for you to stay at the servant's quarters.”

Rose’s eyes widened in protest but before she could say anything, Grace raised her hand snapping at a servant.

“You'll show her to the servant's quarters, and guide her guests there too. That's where they'll have their dinner.”

Garret snapped, making her snap her lips closed. Regret settled like an ugly box in her chest and Rose controlled, keeping her lips shut.

A minute passed and her anger rose with each second, mixing with embarrassment until she couldn't take it anymore.“I'm leaving…” she mumbled, tossing her napkin on the chair.

She wasn't sure anyone heard her but as she turned to leave, something happened.

It was so fast that Rose couldn't comprehend how it happened. One moment she was upright and the next, the ground flew out from under her and she stumbled, losing her balance until her body felt the floor with a loud thud.

Giggles and laughter rang out from behind her, driving the shame even further. “Here, take my hand.” A voice said from above, stretching out his hand. Not certain if it was another trick, Rose accepted his help. He pulled her to her feet, a warm smile on his face.

“Thank you…” A beautiful lady stood next to him, her poise and carriage amazing dressed in a simple yet elegant outfit. There was something about the woman that drew her to Rose but she couldn't quite figure out what it was.

“You should stand back.” The strange man cautious, his jaw clenched when he looked at Grace and Garret.Everyone had settled, staring at the newcomers.

“You look beautiful, the dress matches your eyes…just like I said it would.” The lady leaned over to whisper in her ear.

“Who are you?” Rose had to ask.

“It's me, Mom.” She beamed. “It's Katerina.”

Her voice must have been loud enough because gasps rang out from everyone.

Rose was too busy wallowing in shock to pay attention to them. “What? No… that's not possible. My Katerina is… she's not like this. How?”

Katerina reached for Tyler's hand, her eyes shining with adoration. “It's all thanks to him, Mama. Tyler found a way to cure me, it took months but… it's worth it.” Rose gasped in amazement before she folded her daughter in her arms. Pulling back, she touched Katerina's face gingerly as though she was scared it would crack or break. “As sure it's gone? All of it, and it'll never come back again?”

Katerina nodded. “Yes, Mama.”

While everyone was absorbing the news, Mark saw an opportunity to strike.

“Katerina!” He yelled from behind, jogging up to her to take her hand. “I told you not to show.”

Now that she knew the slimy human being Mark wasn't interested in seeing or even speaking to him, so she pulled away from him. “What do you want, Mark?”

“To tell you how beautiful you are.” He smiled, showcasing straight, white dentition. He turned to Rose. “I'm, in fact, so beautiful that I'm only realizing what a mistake I made. In light of that, how about I double my initial offer? Mrs Petrova, I am willing to marry Katerina and pay a $100 million dowry.”

Rose's mouth dropped open. “Really?”

“Why not?” Mark shrugged, raking greedy eyes over Katerina's form. “Your daughter is as lovely as they come.”

Even though Rose loathed going back to her word, her brain was swimming with ideas they could use the money for. Turning to Katerina, she grabbed her free hand.

“What do you say, Katty?” she asked “It's a good offer. You can leave Tyler and pay him what he deserves for treating you for your scars. Mark will treat you right besides, he's got enough money to make you comfortable.” she cajoled.

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