Chapter 7

“Mr Redwood?” Davis's voice came through the speaker, loud and clear. “Tyler Redwood?” A pause before he answered. “Yes, that's me.”

“Oh, wow.” It dawned on the COO who he was talking to. “I'm so sorry for the delay. I'll be down in a minute.”

“Thank you.” Tyler spun to face Mark and Becky who had identical answers on their faces. “He'll be here soon.” He told them.

“That is such a big lie.” Becky snorted, covering her mouth with her hand. “Mr. Adams is one of the top men in this company, rest assured he won't leave his fancy office for someone like you. No offense or anything, but you look more of a beggar than a businessman and I believe the former.” she said

The front door opened as she was talking and a short man dressed finely in a suit strolled in like he owned the building, from his posture and demeanor, it was clear that the man had money.

It all clicked when Mark wrapped his arms around the man. ”Uncle, I thought you'd never show.” Mark beamed.

Tyler rolled his eyes at the fake form of affection to make him jealous. Tapping his feet, Tyler kept his focus elsewhere…like where the COO walks out of.

“Of course I would, son. You need it and I'll always show up for you.” His uncle replied, turning to make Becky who melted under the man's gaze. “What's going on here, young lady?”

She fluttered her lashes. “Nothing much, sir. Just your son requesting to see my boss.”

“And?” The man barked “He'll be right down,” Tyler answered on her behalf.

“Who are you?” Mark's uncle latched those beady eyes on him.

“Nobody sir!” Becky rushed to answer, glaring daggers at him. “Only a poor man that's desperately trying to fit in.” Taking Becky's words to be law, the man instantly dismissed Tyler. “If he's not supposed to be there, then he should leave immediately!”

Becky, having the backing of someone she believed to be powerful, puffed her chest. “You should leave, Mr…?”

Tyler made no move to give her his full name, watching her get upset, before she could say anything, Mark chimed in. “Yeah, I'd listen to the lady if I were you. Look around, do you see anyone like you mingling about? People of your… stature don't belong in a place like this.” He spat out.

Mark's uncle chuckled arrogantly, cheering his nephew on, Tyler just stood there, with his hands in his pockets waiting as calmly as ever, letting their insults roll off his back. Growing up without his family, he had heard much worse…so this was nothing.

Becky took Tyler's silence personally, anger bubbling in her chest when she didn't even see him flinch or be affected by the insults hurled at him. Rising off her seat, she takes her eyes through his outfit. 

 “Are you deaf or what? Or do you only listen to people of authority?” Becky laid her palms flat on her desk. “Why don't you run along before I have security throw you out? This is a place for important people with actual money!” she said angrily.

Tyler's response this time was to look over to her left, where Mr Adams was hurrying toward him, ignoring Mark and his uncle.

“My apologies, Mr Tyler! I'm  sorry to have kept you waiting!” He ushered Tyler towards his office. “Why don't we move this to my office?”

“Of course.” Tyler extended a gracious smile to Davis, turning in the direction shown to him. However, he could not help but look over his shoulder at the receptionist and Mark.

Becky's mouth dropped open like a pendulum and her eyes nearly bulged out like sockets as they trailed her boss and Tyler, she was swimming with loads of questions, at the forefront…

Tyler said nothing, of course, allowing her to stew in her misery. When their eyes connected for a moment, Becky immediately dropped her head down in embarrassment.

Mark and his uncle were a little hilarious, even though they hid their surprise better than Becky. Mark and his uncle exchanged a glance, wondering who Tyler was and why they hadn't heard about him.

It was now obvious that Tyler must be someone more important than Mark because the COO didn't acknowledge their existence, not to talk of sparing them a glance. Mark had to ask his uncle, certain that the man must have an idea… after all, his uncle knew almost everyone.

Except for this man it seems. “Do you know who he is?” Mark nudged his uncle who looked like he'd come out of a trance.

He shook his head, no. “Not at all. I haven't seen nor heard of him.”

“But he might be richer than us,” Mark whispered, a bit ashamed of himself and he didn't want Becky to overhear. “If not, why would the COO treat him like that? Like he was the fucking president?!” 

“I don't know, Mark.” He sighed, watching them go. Tyler caught bits and pieces of their conversation and smiled. 

Before they exited the lobby, He could not help but throw in one last dig at Becky who kept staring at him with wide eyes, as though he killed her puppy.

“If I were you, I'd consider looking for another job.” One glance at Mark to address him, he said. “Oh, and you Mark, I'd be sure to leave a resume with the mail room guys. They might have an open position that you can fill in.”

Mark gasped in affront, acting as though he wanted to come beat Tyler up but his uncle held him back while Tyler just chuckled. Leaving them to stew on that, Tyler went up the stairs to cinch the business deal of a lifetime. It turns out that silence is golden. Never underestimate that.

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