Chapter 8

Adams's office was nothing less than he expected, state of the art technology and decor..“Apologies for the delay. I had no idea you were waiting out there.” Davis apologized once again, clearing the clutter on his desk to make space.

Tyler easily waved off the statement, having forgotten about it. “It's fine. I'm here for something important.”

“Please…get on with it.” Davis urged, steepling his fingers in front of him while he trained his gaze on Tyler. “Something tells me you didn't come for a social call.”

Tyler's lips spread in a brief smile before he launched into the order of the day. “I have a proposal for you. One that I think would benefit both you and me.”

Davis's eyes sparked with interest. “I’m all ears, please.” he said

“I've gone through your portfolio and the drugs you make, I have to commend your efforts but I'm thinking of something bigger. Have you ever thought about casting your net wider?”

Davis shook his head. “Not really. I don't see why, considering that we're the biggest fish on the planet.”

“You might be.” Tyler agreed. “But I'm not talking in terms of finance, it's obvious that you are doing very well for yourself. I'm thinking of the masses, now most of your drugs are quite expensive-

“But effective.” Davis chimed in. “I agree, however, it's not for everyone and we can change that narrative. Why don't you do something like what you do now but on a lower scale? Poor people need to afford healthcare and this is a way to do that.”

“Hmmm…” Davis rested on his seat, rubbing his chin. “But how do we make money off that? If we're to give them practically the same quality at a cheaper scale, won't that put us at a loss?”he asked.

“That's if you're not thinking big enough.” Tyler leaned forward, invested in his vision. “A new herbal product hits the market, catering majorly to the public…imagine the numbers. Even if a fraction of the public buys what you sell, you'll be able to make more than enough but that's why it has to be effective, to make sure they keep returning.”

Tyler kept quiet, watching as Davis processed what he just said. He could talk for hours but ultimately, the decision rests with Davis. The seed has been planted, all that remains is to watch it germinate…

“Your idea has some merit..” Davis spoke after a couple of minutes, ruminating the idea in his mind. “I'm sensing a but?” Tyler arched a brow.

“You're the god of war and a very powerful man, which makes it hard to say no to you but the issue is, I'm not sure we're the right company for this.”

“Why not? It's your company I want.” Tyler queried. “Besides, you have the resources and reputation, it'd be an easy sale.”

“I understand that perfectly but you see, even though I am the COO of the company… It's run by four families whose consent I'll need to kickstart the idea, not mine.”

Tyler narrowed his eyes. “So that's it? You're just going to shut down the idea even though the capacity to make millions or not billions of dollars is conceivable?”

The moment money was mentioned, Davis's eyes sparkled and Tyler knew he had him.

After some obvious internal struggle, Davis nods slowly. “Fine. I'll have to work on it but my wife will help me get the contract.”

Exactly what Tyler wanted to hear.Now he was able to breathe easier, his lungs working overtime.

“I'm happy to hear that.” He stretched his hand over the table, shaking Davis's hand. “You won't regret it” he said.

“I know. I wouldn't entertain the idea if I wasn't sure of you.” Davis smiled wide.

Tyler got up, and his business concluded. “Thank you for having me, I don't want to take too much of your time.” As he straightened his shirt, a thought occurred to him and he stopped. “May I ask you a favor?”

“Sure, anything.”

“Until the papers have been signed on the dotted line, is it possible that we keep this between us? Including who I am?”

“That won't be a problem,” Davis said. “Let me see you out.”

As Tyler walked to the door, he remembered the receptionist and casually chipped it in. “Oh, and you might want to change your receptionist and cancel your deals with the Mark company.” 

“But why?” Davis’s asked “Your receptionist is quite rude and might be demeaning to your staff without your knowledge, and two, Mark's company has been involved in several fraudulent claims. Best to pull out now before it's your turn.”

Davis's eyes widened. “Of course!” He pulled out his phone, frantically tapping on the screen. Tyler hid a smile. Nothing like the promise of bankruptcy to put a person on his toes.

They entered the lobby and Mark smirked, looking smug as he watched them, thinking that Tyler had failed but he simply chuckled. The man had no idea what was coming to him.

Davis stopped at the front desk while Tyler continued walking but he still heard the ruckus and he got a sick sense of satisfaction when he heard David bark.

“Guards!! Security!!” Davis bellowed and the men at the entrance ran inside, awaiting orders. “Take these men out of this building instantly!” He ordered.

The men comply, picking Mark and his uncle like they weighed nothing, pushing them towards the exit despite their protests.

Becky was flustered, wondering what was going on. When she saw Mark being taken away, she cried out, “But sir, those men are innocent. I don't know what that man in rag clothes told you but if anything, he's the one you should throw out.”

Davis's gaze sharpened. “No, he isn't…you are. Guards!!! Take this woman out, she's fired effective immediately.”

Becky shrieked when they touched her, yelling at the top of her voice. It was so comical that Tyler burst out in laughter…

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