Chapter 6

Tyler pulls the intercom closer to him, running his tongue over his teeth. “Shelby, I'm so sorry for the disturbance but I need some information. Any chance you can help me out with that?” he asked 

Holding his breath for a positive response, Tyler looks out the window as he hears a rustle over the phone line…Shelby was his secretary turned friend who had been working for him for over five years. She's one of the best people he knew in tech and if there's anyone who could dig up information about anybody, it'd be her.

“Sure, of course, I can. Just tell me who it is.” She responds after a minute.Tyler carried out some research and he found out that Herbal Rise Company was owned by the McLarens.

But that was the official record. The unofficial record went back years and it required a lot of investigation to uncover. Four families came together to create Herbal Rise but only one family serves as a representative.

“Herbert McLaren,” Tyler told her. “He's the CEO of Herbal Rise and I want you to dig up everything you can on the families connected to the company.” he said 

“That is going to be a lot of work.” She blew a raspberry, settling into her chair. “I hope you have enough time.” Thankfully, he did because it took over two hours for Shelby to even find anything worth knowing. It made Tyler wonder what they were hiding that they had to bury it so deep.

“Oh, my gosh!” Shelby started.

“What is it?” Tyler perked up, throwing his legs off the desk to grab the laptop. “Remember that case you had me on when you first hired me?” Shelby bit her lip.

 “The one about who killed your parents?” His heart stuttered for a second. “Yeah?”

“It turns out that they're involved.” She said  “All four of them.”

“Give me everything you can find on my parent's death and the files you have on the four families too. If I can get them within two days or less it is fine by me.” He demanded, not ready to focus on that. “Oh, and Shelby”

“Yes, sir”

“Can you arrange a meeting with the COO of Herbal Rise? I have something important to discuss with him.”

“That can be arranged.” Shelby agrees, her hands flying all over the keyboard. “After all, the COO is small fry compared to you, I'm sure he'd be thrilled to meet with you.”

After hanging up the phone, Tyler spared a couple of minutes to think about the fact that he was getting closer to his parents' killer. After a quick shower and change of clothes, Tyler drove down to Herbal Rise’s headquarters and walked in.

Unfortunately, Mark was already there in the lobby…Mark was almost at the reception, and Tyler knew if he got there first, it was over so he power walked, eating up the distance with his legs. 

“Hello…” Tyler's eyes trailed to the name tag stapled on the receptionist’s shirt. “Becky. I'm here to see Davis Adams, the COO.” he said 

“So am I, Becky.” Mark purred, leaning his elbows on the counter.

Flustered by the male attention, Becky ducked her head blushing furiously as she tapped on the monitor.

“How did you get an appointment so fast?” Tyler asked through clenched teeth.

Mark shrugged, the disgusting smug smile that Tyler itches to slap off his face reappearing. “My uncle.” He replies as if that should answer everything…In a way, it did.

Mark's uncle was an influential man whose name wields more power. Reaching out to his uncle was the best thing to do. It turns out that his uncle and Davis Adams had met before this time and it was easy to arrange a meeting between Mark and him.

“Okay, so there must be a mixup because you both have been slated to see him but only one person is allowed.” She sounded apologetic.

“So let me in.” Mark pressed, subtly flexing his muscles. Tyler knew what was happening. “I made the appointment first, you can check it and you'll see I'm right.”

Unfortunately, Becky only had eyes for Mark, digging into his handsome looks, and ignored everything Tyler said. Besides she had already scanned his outfit and she knew Mark was rich…compared to Tyler.

She reached under her desk and handed Mark a pass card that allows him access to the top floors.

Tyler's nostrils flared when he saw that. “Listen, lady, I don't know what you're trying to do but I'm the one you should be giving that to not him.” Becky's eyes cut to him with a sneer. “You listen, Mister. I don't know who you are, neither do I care but you should leave…preferably before I call security.”

Tyler couldn't hardly believe... “You want to throw me out?”

“If you don't step away from my desk, I might.” She reached for her phone. “People like you shouldn't even be in here, asking to meet our COOs. I bet I make way more money than you do in a year!”

He could only smile at her ignorance and how it would get her into trouble. 

Tyler moved away from her desk but not without a warning. “You need to watch your mouth and what you say to people. You shouldn't go around insulting anyone you see.”

She didn't even listen, staring at her computer, slipping his phone out of his pocket, Tyler searched for Davis Adam's number and dialed, it  took five rings before the call connects.

“Hello, Davis.” He boomed. “This is Tyler… Tyler Redwood and I'm in your lobby.” A pause as he listened to Davis feedback. “On the contrary, I have been here for quite a while… a couple of hours, I believe.”

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