Chapter 5

See, don't care.” His careless remarks only fanned the flames. “You little…” Mark squeaked out. “Pretending to be tight and flexing your muscles doesn't make you the Big Bad Wolf. When my lawyers slam you with a lawsuit the size of Manhattan then you'd know-”

“Oh, shut your trap!” He snapped. “I'm pretty sure I didn't do any lasting damage- which sucks- but on the bright side, you'll heal faster unless you want another go at…” Tyler caressed his knuckles, egging him on.

Mark shrank back but a glance in Katerina's direction and he took one step forward even though his arm throbbed wildly. Thankfully, Elizabeth Petrova stepped in before things could get any worse, stamping her cane on the floor. “Will you both stop it!” She scolded like they were a pair of kids whose hands had been caught in the candy jar. “This is no way to settle an issue.”

“With all due respect ma'am, I don't see any issues here.” Tyler rumbled. “Katerina is my wife and I won't stand idly by while a man is trying to buy her out from me like she's a piece of property.” he said 

Elizabeth inclined her head in his direction. “Well said, but this isn't the Middle Ages where men fight to the death over a lady. There are more…diplomatic ways to settle this.” she said 

Tyler's eyes narrowed, not certain he liked the sound of this. Old Lady Petrova had something up her sleeve. “And what way is that? If I may ask…” A small smile played on the edge of her lips. “One suited for charming, young men like yourself.”

Her hands started to shake, having exerted too much pressure on her bones by standing upright. 

Katerina darted to the side, dragging a chair for her to sit on before she collapsed.

“Thank you, child,” Elizabeth said, letting out a small sigh when her back touched the chair. Dabbing her face with her napkin, Elizabeth kept everyone waiting to hear what she would say next.

“I would like to issue a proposal for both of you.” She gestured to Mark and Tyler. “It seems both of you want my lovely granddaughter, Katerina, so why don't you prove it?” 

“Excuse me?” Katerina shrieked, stepping forward but Tyler held her back. “Mom, don't let her do this!” Her pleas fell on deaf ears as Esther secretly urged her mother to go on.

“How do we prove it?” Mark wheezed, his voice muffled from the napkins he pressed up to his nose. 

“Quite simple.” Elizabeth folded her hands on her lap. From where she sat, she felt like a queen ordering her subjects around. 

“Our company, Petrova Medicine & Herbs, is falling. The past year alone, we've recorded several great losses which set us back a couple of years. Now some people would say we are doing quite well but according to statistics, if we don't do something drastic, in less than a year, the company will fold since our competitors will have a large share of the market and we'll be left with nothing.”

No one said anything for a minute, taking it all in. Katerina was quite disturbed by the news. “How come we didn't know about this?”

“It wasn't your place to know.” The calm and easy way they dismissed her family grated on her nerves and she couldn't help but fire back. “So, why are you telling us now?”

“Because we need help…and these young men may provide the answers that we seek.” Elizabeth turned an admiring gaze on them. “What's the catch?” Katerina narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

“We need a $100 million contract from Herbal Rise company. It's a large Fortune 500 company and they're one of our rivals. I propose that whoever cinched the deal gets to prove he's the best fit with you and he marries you.” Elizabeth explained.

Katerina's mouth drops. “You're kidding, right? You want to bet my future on a fucking contract?!” She scoffs, throwing her hands up in the air. “I shouldn't have expected anything less. I'm not agreeing to this, come on Tyler, let's go.”

Elizabeth's eyes were locked on to Tyler's, silently challenging him.She came up with the ridiculous plan to bully Tyler out of the competition, giving him a way out. If he chooses to take it.

She wasn't sure what to make of this Tyler man yet, but he didn't seem like a man right back out. “What's it gonna be, Tyler?” She smirked, rolling the cane between her fingers. “Are you in… or out?” It's a very delicate situation from Tyler's standpoint.

Even if he chooses not to participate for whatever reason known to him, they'll never cut Katerina a break which might put a strain on the newfound affection between them. Plus, he wants her to be happy, and being with her family- no matter how horrible they treat her- makes her somewhat happy, so he'll do anything to make that happen.

He nods slowly, forcing the words out.

“I'll do it.” He says, not breaking eye contact even when he feels Katerina squeeze his hand in worry. “But it's not for you or your company…but for Katerina.”

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