Unexpected Driver Fate

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Unexpected Driver Fate

By: Jay Favian Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 23 views: 157

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Aiden was fired for making a small mistake, and his relationship with Eri had to end. Aiden was determined that he would not give up so easily, he would avenge Duke and his family. He suddenly gets a message from an app, he can get revenge by completing some tasks. Aiden gets involved with a system where he has to do dangerous work and he can't stop.

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23 chapters
Chapter 1
Aiden had just parked the car, he was about to join some drivers at a cafe, enjoying a cup of coffee. But Duke called him before he could sit down."Okay." He hurried back to the office, up to the fifth floor.Aiden knocked on the door before entering. Duke was busy with his computer."Get me some coffee."Why did Aiden have to go up to the fifth floor when Duke could just tell him over the phone."Americano?""Yeah," Duke replied lazily.Sometimes, Aiden was confused why little things like this had to be done by him. When there were secretaries or interns. He returned to Duke's office, placing the coffee on the guest table. Duke's office was quite large, and besides his desk, there was another table to welcome investors and priority clients."Bring it here, why put it there." Duke signed some files.The problem was that there were a lot of documents on Duke's desk, and he was afraid the coffee would spill and wet important files. Last time Aiden put coffee on the man's desk, he got
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Chapter 2
Aiden woke up, his cell phone ringing. Eri called, but he didn't answer the call. His head hurt and his body felt crushed. "Why am I here?""You fainted," said the nurse."I have to go." Aiden got out of bed.He rushed out of the hospital, he'd been fired, which meant the company didn't cover his health insurance anymore. And he didn't have the money to linger there.He arrived at the apartment with a hungry stomach and a disheveled appearance. "Why are you here?" Aiden found Eri sitting in front of her apartment door."Ai, you're back. Let's open the door quickly."It was a cheap apartment without a password, he had to use a key. That was why Eri couldn't get in and Aiden had never given Eri a spare key.Eri lay on the bed, but her eyes scanned every part of the apartment. If Aiden got the money, where would he put it?"You should have called me." Aiden undressed to get ready for his shower."I called you, but you didn't pick up your phone."Eri only called once, after which her ph
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Chapter 3
Eri heard someone knocking on the door. Duke must come to pick her up, let her in and see how Aiden was living.But when Eri opened the door, it wasn't Duke standing in front of her, but Fred, Duke's new driver."I'm here to take you home.""I'm not going home, you better go." The man put his foot between the frame and the door before Eri could close it. Eri's eyes widened as the man pushed the door with considerable force."Go away.""You should go home, before I force you," Fred said, acting like he was the ruler of the streets."You've crossed the line, I'm your boss's daughter." Eri tried to hold the door. Pushing it was useless, she wasn't strong enough."Maybe you forgot, Duke ordered me to take you home." Fred pushed harder and Eri fell. She sighed, the corner of her lips twitching in annoyance."I'm not being disrespectful, but you're slowing down my work." Fred squatted down, his face lowered. "Remember, I'm not your stupid boyfriend.""You know Aiden."Fred laughed. "Of cou
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Chapter 4
"This order will turn to you."Aiden typed. "What do you mean?"Aiden sat on the park bench waiting for a reply. He looked around, hoping no one would catch him."You will be the target of this order."Damn, that site set him up. Like it or not, he had to comply with their request, but what if he reported this site to the police as a cyber crime? But no way, he didn't have enough evidence. If he refused, he would die.It was raining quite heavily, he stole a homeless man's jacket in a small alley. He covered his head, walking with his arms folded.The rain was quite heavy, some people were walking slowly, it was getting dark. Aiden waited behind a wall, occasionally turning his head to the end of the sidewalk. He was hungry and cold.Aiden looked at the phone. "That must be her."He took a deep breath. As soon as the girl passed by, he pulled her away onto the sidewalk.The young woman screamed. "What are you doing?"Aiden removed the hood, then put his forefinger to the woman's lips,
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Chapter 5
Kill Note is an app to fulfill the desire for revenge. There are several tasks to do and costs too. Kill Note's IT team works well so that transactions and data cannot be tracked by the government. They also hacked almost all CCTVs in America to eliminate evidence.This was also the case with the woman Aiden had stabbed. The CCTV was off at several points near the scene. The location feature couldn't be turned off, so they easily tracked Aiden's whereabouts.That's why Aiden received 500 dollars twice. The Kill Note team needed to confirm the data at the hospital that the woman had been stabbed twice in the stomach.Aiden sat on a bed in his new apartment, looking straight at the glass window facing the street. The phone buzzed, a notification appeared in the shape of a pen and then disappeared. It was a command to open an app.At first glance Knote was just a normal note app, but as soon as Aiden placed his fingerprint on the phone screen, the app's appearance changed."Who do you w
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Chapter 6
Fred was in a coma, he was in a large room where there were several devices around. As a result of the impact, his ribs were broken. And the hospital had to operate on him.The picture moved to the side, now Fred's face was clearly visible, there were several bandages on the face, the right hand was bandaged quite thickly. Aiden began to feel sorry for him, but he also didn't understand what he had done to make Fred hate him so much.Aiden pressed finish on the app, then went back to cleaning the cookware. After his shift ended, Aiden went to the hospital to see Fred one last time. He knew Fred would never regain consciousness. The hospital was quiet at night. Aiden didn't bring anything with him because he couldn't leave any evidence. As he turned the corner, Aiden backed away quickly. He leaned against the wall and peered down the hallway. "We've arrested the perpetrator, and he's currently being questioned," a tall black police officer said.Duke nodded in understanding. "What ab
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Chapter 7
Jake was a technician who worked for a rich man. He modified cars to make them faster and better. He, like Aiden, was using the Knote app for the first time.That night, he was assigned to install a GPS onto Fred's car. Knote sent him info about Fred. He installed the GPS onto a square piece of metal. Jake unscrewed the bolts and attached an additional small piece of metal under the car. Jake deliberately put the GPS on the side because when the truck hit Fred's car, the GPS was immediately destroyed.Jake was also there when the incident took place. He had to make sure no evidence was left on the road.He walked out of the hospital, passing Aiden and Eri in the lobby and walking in."Hopefully, after meeting you, Fred will wake up," Eri said, as they reached the elevator. Aiden looked over, unsure of how to respond. He didn't want to say that he hated Fred for taking his job or feign sympathy."You know, people who have an inner bond may find it easier to communicate."They reached
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Chapter 8
"I want to marry Aiden."Duke and Alice were confused. Eri walked into their room and said it right away."Eri, what's wrong?" Alice asked. They were lying on the bed.Duke shouldn't have given the task to Eri. His daughter was very weak when it came to Aiden. He had to think of a way to prevent Eri from getting back with Aiden."We'll talk about it tomorrow, your mom has a headache." Duke tried to make excuses, even though Alice was fine."I won't change my mind." Eri went out of her parents' room."Duke," Alice called, as Duke was lying down massaging his head. The two pillows on his head did not make him comfortable.Morning. Eri was already dressed, she picked up her bag and went downstairs without looking back into the dining room. Alice called out to her. Duke didn't even bother to stop Eri."It's useless," Duke said as Alice continued to stare at him."You should have immediately looked for another man when Eri broke up with Aiden. You know your daughter well, she's very impres
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Chapter 9
Aiden had just finished putting on his tie and he was startled by the sound of someone knocking on the door. He texted Eri that he would be leaving soon.As he approached the door, he stopped and peered through the glass. There was a rather huge man, wearing a leather jacket and looking left and right.Aiden didn't recognize the man, so he walked backwards. Trying not to make a sound, he waited until they left, but someone broke down the door. Aiden panicked. They had bad intentions. The only way out was through the window. Aiden took a breath and jumped. His new apartment was on the second floor. So, he knew that he would be alright.Someone managed to get into his room and saw Aiden running away.Aiden drove down the road quite fast. There was no way he could get to Eli's house now.His cell phone rang, Eri was calling him at a crucial moment. As soon as Aiden answered the call, a police car was beside him."Stop!"Aiden ended the call and focused on the road. He passed the car smoo
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Chapter 10
Eri got out of the taxi in a hurry, not even caring if her dress was torn or dirty. She went up to the second floor and opened the apartment door. No one was there."Aiden, Aiden, where are you?" Eri opened the toilet but he wasn't there. She walked towards the window, her breathing became heavy. There was no way Aiden had left her.Eri went to Aiden's workplace. She asked an employee and the man didn't know Aiden."Can I come into the kitchen?" Eri asked.The man was a bit hesitant, especially when he saw Eri's messy appearance. Eri couldn't wait, so she let herself in through a door reserved only for staff. The man turned away from the counter and tried to restrain Eri, who was walking to and fro."Aiden, Aiden, I know you're here." Eri made a scene.Some of the staff managed to grasp her hand. One woman blocked her way. Eri was still looking around, she was sure Aiden must be hiding in this place."You need to leave, or we'll call the police," the female employee said firmly."Aide
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