Chapter 21

Aiden thought the man was Duke. But the truth was Mr. K. He was convinced, his memories suddenly surfacing. After a car hit him, Mr. K was there and talked to him.

Aiden didn't know what to do. He had to keep quiet, pretend he didn't remember what had happened. Aiden went into the room, checked his cell phone, the status of the second task was still the same.

Aiden went to the backyard. In front of him was a swimming pool. He looked straight ahead. He remembered that the man had said, "It's time to stop holding on to anger."

Did Mr. K know him? He didn't have many friends, so of course it was impossible.

Then he turned his head to the side, Aiden looked around and then walked over to the place. However, he suddenly stopped walking when he saw a pop-up message. After opening it, she was silent for quite a while.

He opened the door. Micky was asleep on the couch, looking exhausted. As Aiden approached, he saw some red marks. Aiden felt sorry that Micky had to experience this. Was Mr. K
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