Chapter 20

Aiden walked into the hotel room with a sense of relief. He didn't expect that it would come this far. Everything he did didn't feel right. He wanted to lie down, but Bob seemed to be in a hurry.

"What's wrong?"

"We have to get out. Change your clothes right now."

Aiden directly opened his suit, shirt, and pants. He panicked, he didn't know what made them have to leave the hotel.

They drove away from the hotel and the scene. Bob was still focused on driving, they couldn't even leave a single item in the hotel.

"Explain to me," said Aiden.

Bob suddenly pulled over, got off, and opened the trunk. He picked up the plastic containing their clothes and threw it in the garbage can. Aiden looked surprised because the price of the clothes was quite expensive.

"What are you doing?" Aiden yelled slightly when Bob walked in.

Bob went back to running the car. He waited for a while and then spoke. "They will suspect everyone in the restaurant at the time. So, we can't keep the suit."

"Why do the
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