Chapter 19

"Aiden." Eri looked around, there were a lot of people at the airport, and she seemed to hear that guy's voice.

"Eri, come on." Duke forced Eri to step, even though Eri was still looking for that voice. "Our flight is coming up, and we need to hurry."

Eri and her family were going on vacation to the Netherlands. She had an aunt there. Eri would also continue her master's degree while trying to forget Aiden. All this was Duke's plan, he had made an agreement with Eri beforehand.

Eri had asked for an explanation of the news about the police finding Aiden's car, when Duke told her about this vacation plan.

"We only found out about it a few days ago," Duke tried to explain.

"No way, you've been going to the police station a lot."

Alice just stood there looking at the two.

"I was working on Fred's case, I didn't have time to find out Aiden's whereabouts."

"You promised we'll go tomorrow morning. Come on, Eri, you'll be able to visit some European countries, and you'll be happy to see how b
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